
高考总复习 名词「高考英语」英语语法——名词全归纳


1.专有名词:表示某人,地方,机构,组织等所专有的名称。如John, Mr Green, Beijing, the United States等。  


1)个体名词(表示某类人或东西中的个体)如:man, pen

2)集体名词(表示若干个体组成的集合体)如:family, class

3)物质名词(表示无法分为个体的物质或材料)如:iron, steel

4)抽象名词(表示动作,状态,品质,感情等抽象概念)如: life, love



2)修饰可数名词的有:few, a few, many, a great /good many, a large number of---修饰不可数名词的有:little, a little, much, a great deal of, a large amount of---两者都可修饰的有:a lot of, lots of , plenty of---  

3)不可数名词如果要表示“量”,需要加适当的量词或词组。如:a piece of news a sheet of papera kind of milk a bottle of beer  

4)有些抽象名词在具体化时,可以用复数表示。如:They had some difficulties in explaining this to the students.His partner overcame the difficulties.  

5)有些抽象名词表示“某种”或“一次”的意思时,可以和不定冠词连用,如:He has received a good education.Your advice is a great help.We're going to build up a new socialist culture.


1.规则变化:一般名词(含以e结尾的) +s boy-boysbook-bookshouse-houses以s, x, sh, ch, 结尾的名词 +es bus-busesbox-boxesbrush-brusheswatch-watches以y结尾的变y为i+es(辅音)

2. +s (元音) 1. story-storiescity-citiesparty-parties2. toy-toys day-days以f, fe结尾的 1. 多变f, fe为v+es2. +s 1. life-lives leaf-leavesknife-kniveswife-wives2. roof-roofs gulf-gulfs handkerchief-handkerchiefsproof-proofsbelief-beliefs以o结尾的 1. +es(辅音)2. +s (元音) 1. hero-heroestomato-tomatoes Negro-Negroespotato-potatoes2. radio-radiosstudio-studioszoo-zoosbamboo-bamboosphoto-photospiano-pianos  


1) 改变元音 foot-feet tooth-teeth    man-men   woman-women   mouse-mice

2) 词尾变化 child-children   ox-oxen

3)单复数同形 sheep means deer works(工厂) fish fruit Chinese Japanese jin li yuan (由汉语拼音表示的度量衡)

4)只有复数形式 trousers clothes socks shorts compasses scissorsthanks congratulations goods (货物) belongings surroundings (环境)等要想表示数量,加pair, suit等。如:a pair of trousers two pairs of compasses.

5) 形复意单(学科名称形式为复数,但一般做单数看待) plastics (整形外科 ) politics physics mathematics news

6)形单意复A. people cattle police但a people (民族) peoples (各民族)B. family class team group crew audience club看作整体时用单数,看作是组成该集体的成员时用复数如 My family is a big family.My family are watching TV.

7) 名词的单复数意义不同ash (灰烬)-ashes (骨灰)  content (内容)-contents (目录)paper (纸张)- papers (报纸、论文、试卷)water (水) -waters (水域)    tin(锡)-tins(罐头) glass (玻璃)-glasses (眼镜) sand (沙子)-sands(沙滩)   custom(习俗)-customs(海关) look(表情、脸色)-looks(容貌) work(工作)-works(工厂)等

8) 可数名词与不可数名词视意思而定experience经历(可数);经验(不可数)room房间(可数);空间(不可数)exercise练习,习题(可数);锻炼,运动(不可数)

9)不可数名词没有复数 progress advice information furniture baggage\luggage jewelry fun weather equipment knowledge

3. 复合名词的复数形式

1) 变主体名词为复数  girl friends armchairs    bookcaseslookers-on runners-up   sisters-in-law passers-by

2) 两个部分都要变(man, woman). men servants men cooks    women doctors women waiters

3) 不含名词的在末尾加复数s. forget-me-nots go-betweens good-for-nothings grown-ups  


表示份数:two teas two coffees, two butters and six sugars



1. 单数+'sthe tiger's tail the king's new wife an actress's job

2. 以s结尾的复数名词加(')the students' books the heroes' medals

3. 不以s结尾的复数名词+'smen's watches     the Children's Palace

4. 并列的名词各自属所有格时,逐个加's,如果两个共有,只在后面的一个名词上词尾加'sJohn's and Mary's ringsJohn and Mary's baby

5. 在以s结尾的姓氏后加's或'.Mr John's house Mr. Jones' house

6. 复合名词的所有格加在最后的一个词后面sister-in-law's father

B. 表示无生命的东西的名词的所有格用of+名词 表示所有关系the gate of the building the windows of the room

C. 表示时间,距离,国家,城市,团体,机构等无生命的东西的名词,+'s构成所有格。China's industry   Beijing hospitals  today's TV program  ten minutes' walkthree yards' distance* 不能被's所替换的所有格形式:A.名词化的形容词 the experience of the old the struggle of the poorB. of表示同位关系 the city of Beijing at the age of 20



 1) of+名词所有格(通常是人,且是特指)a friend of the doctor's a friend of Mrs. Green's 

 2) of + 名词性物主代词a dictionary of mine可以与不定冠词及以下的词来修饰,不与定冠词连用。any books of Einstein's some plays of Shakespeare'sthe novels of Lu Xun's (错)


可以表时间,地点,身份,材料内容或所属关系morning exercises evening papers Beijing streets shop managervillage life girl friend mother monkey tea pot weather stationbook shelf bus stop paint job名词作定语表示材料和内容,形容词作定语表示特征和性质a gold ring a golden ring a snow mountain a snow table-clotha history teacher a historical play

