


The American economy might be humming along right now, but you should be prepared in case that changes. Job seekers hoping to insulate their careers from even the most devastating downturn should opt for expanding industries and specialized tasks that can’t be done by a robot or are less likely to be outsourced to another country.

No job is 100 percent recession-proof, but keep reading to see 10 industries where you can have better job security in a recession.


devastating】adj. v. 毁灭性的、全然的、摧毁。

outsourced】adj. v. 外包的、转包、外购原料。



首先第一个上榜的是职业是信息安全。在这个科技化的时代,信息技术的领域果然是非常吃香的!美国对信息安全分析人员的需求也是最大的,在美国的大公司里都不能缺少这个“金饭碗”工作。根据美国劳工统计局的数据分析预测,2014年到2024年期间,美国信息安全的新增职位将增加18%。而鉴于这个数据,美国的大学也正在实施专门的信息安全教学计划,准备培养出更多厉害的信息分析师毕业生。根据BLS数据(Burean Of labor statistics)显示,2016年信息安全的职业年薪就接近六位数了,平均值为92600美金。(也是相当的厉害了!)

Within the information technology sector, information security analysts are among the most in demand as the number of cyberattacks on computer networks and systems increases. Data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicted an increase by 18 percent, or 14,800 jobs, between 2014 and 2024, making for many new job listings.

Until employers are able to fulfill the ever-growing need for information security analysts, such workers will likely find themselves logging overtime and on-call hours to protect their organizations' computer networks and systems. In exchange, many take home a nearly six-figure salary of $92,600, the median annual average in May 2016, according to the BLS.


analysts】n. 分析师、分析家、分析员。



A growing number of healthcare providers and their clients might be trying out telemedicine or conducting robotic surgery, but some procedures and calls can’t be handled solely through technological tools.

"Even with the automation of some functions in the medical field, nothing can replace a real person taking care of you," said Cheryl Palmer, founder and president of the career coaching firm Call to Career. There will always be a demand for doctors, who need an extensive education that typically includes an undergraduate degree, a medical degree, and often three to seven years spent in internships and residencies, depending on the practitioner's specialty.


internships】n. 实习、见习。

telemedicine】n. 远距离医学。


Medically minded people who don’t want to spend as much time in school could opt to become occupational therapy assistants, one of more than a half-dozen healthcare industry jobs on the BLS list of fastest growing careers. The median annual wage for OT assistants was $59,010 in May 2016, according to BLS figures. This pay can help compensate for the physical demands that can come with a career helping clients complete challenging tasks to cultivate and improve skills needed for daily living.


occupational】adj. 职业的、占领的。




An economic downturn could actually boost job security for mechanics and other auto repair specialists as drivers look to keep cars running longer. Most technicians need to complete post-secondary education programs and earn certifications in their field to land entry-level jobs. They must also be more computer-savvy than mechanics of a generation ago.




For some people, crunching numbers isn’t the most fun or attractive way to earn a salary. That’s why certain types of financial services professionals are always in demand, according to human resource experts. After all, keeping close tabs on company cash flow can be even more crucial during an economic downturn, which means tax accountants, forensic accountants, auditors and those with similar titles are fairly insulated during recessions.


crucial】adj. 重要的、决定性的、定局的、决断的。




If you’re more of a people person, it’s worth noting the BLS shows the role of personal financial advisor will continue to be one of the fastest growing jobs in the country, increasing by 30 percent, or 73,900 jobs, between 2014 and 2024. A bachelor’s degree in business, accounting or finance could also prepare money-minded people for this profession. The median salary for a personal financial advisor in 2016 was $90,530.


【advisor】n. 顾问、知道教师、劝告者。




Police officers and detectives can also earn substantial salaries — see here what they make in each state — with the highest paid 10 percent taking home more than $102,750 annually, compared with the median of $61,600 in May 2016. But, considering police and sheriff’s patrol officers have one of the highest rates of injuries and illnesses and often work overtime or late-night shifts, donning a uniform isn’t for everyone.


sheriff】n. 州长、郡治安官、执行吏。




For instance, the BLS expects elementary school enrollment to rise in the coming years based on population trends. At the same time, class sizes are also expected to increase, which could make many teachers’ jobs more challenging. Education has also become popular for people wondering how to make money online. Thanks to the rise of online education, online instructors for distance learning are in demand more than ever.



Heating and cooling system technicians are part of a long list of installation, repair and maintenance workers whose ranks are expected to grow over the next decade, with heating, air-conditioning and refrigeration mechanics and installers expected to boost their numbers by 14 percent, or 39,600 jobs, between 2014 and 2024.


maintenance】n. 维护、维修、保持、生活费用。




The number of insurance sales jobs will increase by 43,500 between 2014 and 2024, or a faster-than-average 9 percent, according to the BLS. It's also one of the best jobs to have in a recession. The study time could lead to solid salaries for sales-oriented individuals who understand the ins and outs of insurance. The median annual wage for insurance sales agents was $49,990 in May 2016, according to the BLS.


recession】n. 衰退、不景气、后退。






