Mighty Dads:各種工程車的英文繪本,朗朗上口,男寶寶一定喜歡

Mighty Dads的封面。這本書我家兩寶都非常喜歡,尤其是弟弟,1歲2個月就開始看這本書,點讀率非常高。家裡有男孩的可以試試看,一本書裡講了各種工程車,又押韻又有樂趣,還充滿了父子溫情。是很好的一本親子英文繪本哦!

Mighty Dads, strong and tall, help their children, young and small.

They keep them safe and bolted tight, and show them how to build things right.

Excavator Big helps little Vator dig, they go scoop, scoop, scoop.

Bulldozer Strong shows Dozy right from wrong. They go roar, roar, roar!

Crane Long Arm helps junior crane from harm. They go reach, reach, reach.

Boom Truck Tall helps Boomer crash a wall. They go crash, bang, boom!

Cement Mixer Busy gives a hug if Mixie's dizzy. They go spin, spin, pour.

Dump Truck Sturdy teaches Dumpy to get dirty. They go fill, drive, dump.

Backhoe Steady waits for Hoe-Hoe to get ready. They go trench, trench, trench.

Grader True-Blue makes room for Grady, too. They go smooth, smooth, smooth.

Steamroller Brave shows Roller how to pave. They go roll, roll, roll.

Froklift Wise cheers whenever Forky tires. They go lift, lift, lift.

Now the young ones join the crew. And when their rumble day is throgh-

Mighty Dads say, "I am proud of you! Tomorrow let's build something new!" 怎麼樣,這本繪本是不是構思精妙,文字朗朗上口呢?超級吸引孩子,尤其是男寶寶們,親子英語的家長趕快試試吧~

