
Sean Connolly是一間集餐廳、酒吧及庭院休閒為一體的餐飲空間,可容納350人同時享用美食。它坐落於繁忙的迪拜市中心,擁有遙望哈法利塔的絕佳視野,是迪拜大劇院中唯一的餐飲場所。該餐飲空間包括室內外酒吧,供應啤酒與美食,提供私人用餐、公共用餐、吧檯和主廚餐吧等多種用餐環境。

Sean Connolly at Dubai Opera is a 350 person restaurant, bar and courtyard in the heart of bustling Dubai, with direct views of the Burj Khalifa and is the only restaurant in the newly opened Dubai Opera space. The venue includes Raw bar, Fire bar, brasserie, main bar, dining areas, private dining, chefs table, external bar and courtyard and dining areas.

▼餐廳內景,interior view


餐廳以劇院建築的不規則形態和尺度為設計靈感,將源自澳洲的Sean Connolly美食風味融入Alexander &CO設計師最鍾情的20世紀設計風格之中。從如牡蠣般內在光滑外布紋路的形象,到如珊瑚般的色調和珍珠般的光澤,空間的設計元素無不展現出與海的密切關聯。平鋪於拱形天花板上的瓷磚,既象徵著牡蠣的殼壁紋理,又呼應了悉尼歌劇院的經典形象。

The restaurant was inspired by the highly irregular shape and scale of the building and tenancy and drew upon Alexander &CO’s personal interest in 20th-century classic design and architecture combined with the oceanic Australian/New Zealand influences of Sean Connolly’s cooking. Each design element within the venue explores ideas of the sea, from the oyster with its combination of smooth sensual surfaces and textured outer surfaces, to the oceanic tones and colours of corals and pearlescent hues. Vaulted ceiling tiles which reference both the inside of an oyster and the iconic geometries of the Sydney Opera House are jewel like and reflective.

▼平鋪於拱形天花板上的瓷磚既象徵著牡蠣的殼壁紋理,vaulted ceiling tiles which reference both the inside of an oyster



為了營造20世紀空間氛圍,設計師特別用白色搪瓷鋼板和黃銅定製出經典的Serge Mouille燈飾。與之相似,設計師將綠色、灰色、藍色和白色與天然胡桃木相結合,打造出經典的20世紀風格傢俱。它們精緻又柔美,迎合了空間的海洋性氣氛。

In keeping with the 20th-century design inspirations, the classic Serge Mouille lighting has been custom-made in curving white enamel steel and brass finishes. Similarly, cult 20th-century furniture originals are combined in greens, greys, blues and whites with natural walnut timbers. They are sculptural and feminine and add significant value to the interest of the overall aesthetic.

▼將綠色、灰色、藍色和白色與天然胡桃木相結合打造出經典的20世紀風格傢俱,cult 20th-century furniture originals are combined in greens, greys, blues and whites with natural walnut timbers



The main spaces are focused upon the central cocktail Pearl Bar, constructed from grey leather, walnut timber and yellow marble. The grey marble banquettes with their pink leather are reminders of the delicate contrasts of the ocean corals and sea creatures while the raw and fire bars remind us of the outer edges of blackened seashells.

▼由灰色皮革、胡桃木和黃色大理石打造的雞尾酒吧,the central cocktail Pearl Bar is constructed from grey leather, walnut timber and yellow marble


▼灰色大理石卡槽搭配粉色皮革座椅呼應了海中的珊瑚與暗礁,the grey marble banquettes with their pink leather are reminders of the delicate contrasts of the ocean corals and sea creatures


為了迎合澳新主題,設計師特別邀請藝術家Jacqui Fink為空間創造精美的美利奴羊毛編織掛畫,這件高達六米的藝術作品(是她迄今為止最大的藝術作品)帶給來訪者最接近神秘海洋世界的觸覺感受。與此同時,來自悉尼的藝術家Tracey Deep,用運送而來的和源自當地的植物打造出三個懸掛藝術品,為這一空間的海洋氛圍增色不少。Alexander &CO特別為此次設計手工定製了羊毛地毯,柔和的藍白色調讓人彷彿置身與海洋之中。

In keeping with the Antipodean theme, Jacqui Fink, an international pioneer of “extreme knitting” created a custom 6m high Merino Wool hanging artwork (one of her largest commissions to date) as a nod to the tentacles of sea creatures, delicate and mystical. Similarly, local Sydney artist Tracey Deep, known for her floral installations using found and native flora created three hanging sculptures curated to the oceanic vision. The custom hand made woollen carpet with its blue dappled tones is a depiction of the ocean waters and was custom designed by Alexander &CO for this venue.

▼高六米的掛飾給人豐富的觸覺感受,the 6m high Merino Wool hanging artwork act as a nod to the tentacles of sea creatures


▼餐廳可以觀望哈法利塔,with the great view to the Burj Khalifa



▼戶外用餐空間,the exterior dinging space


▼戶外傢俱細節,detail of the furniture





Client name: Sean Connolly at Dubai Opera

Location: Dubai, UAE

Principal Architect: Alexander &CO. The team included Jeremy Bull, Sam Birtles, Scott Williams and Anna Trefely.

Interior Design Team: Alexander &CO. The team included Jay Sethasastrakorn, Rouda Taouk and Sophie Harris.

Design Partner: Tribe Studio. The team included Hannah Tribe, Jeff Grant, Javier Saiz and Miriam Green

Project End Date— August 2017

Photographer — Brooke Holm

Chinese text: gooood

