













Hello, I'm Jerry Smit with the BBC news.

Minority rights groups in Italy have fiercely criticized the decision by the country's new far-right Interior Minister to count a potentially deport members of the Roma community. Matteo Salvini made the comments on Monday.

James Reynolds reports from Rome.

Matteo Salvini has never made any secret of his distaste for the Roma community. Now that he is in government, he wants to find out how many Roma are living in the country and where they come from. Mr. Salvini told a TV channel that Roma with Italian citizenship would unfortunately be allowed to stay in the country.

Others would be deported and children who are not in school will be taken into care. One minority rights organization says that a census based on ethnic origin would be illegal.

China's Foreign Ministry has urged the United States to end what it described as its damaging words and deeds, after Mr. Trump complained that Beijing appear to have no intention of changing what it called its unfair practices in response to previously announced US tariffs.

John Sudworth is in Beijing.

The first Trump issued tariffs on 50 billion dollars worth of Chinese goods announced on Friday. China was responding very quickly and now the retaliation again as Donald Trump threatens to escalate things.

Beyond the level, I think that anybody had imagined 200 billion dollars’ worth of Chinese goods is what he's threatening to add to that list.

China is still refusing to blink all of the statement, not just out of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs today but also out of China's Commerce Ministry, making it very clear that China doesn't want this but if the trade war is what is coming its way, it won't back down.

Princess Takamado of Japan is in Russia to watch her country's opening World Cup football match. The visit marks its slight warming of ties between the two regional rivals.

More from our Asia Pacific editor Celia Hatton.

It's the first visit to Russia by a Japanese royal in over a century. The Japanese media says Princess Takamado will be in the country for eight days. She is watching Japan take on Colombia in the World Cup. She will stay on for their match against Senegal.

Though low-key, her visiting confirms that ties between Tokyo and Moscow have improved slightly. Earlier this year the Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said his country's relations with Moscow had the most potential of any bilateral relationship. That's in spite of continuing dispute of islands claimed by both countries.

World news from the BBC.





n. 报复;反击;回敬


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