

Winning a million dollar lottery or being part of a successful business might seem like a dream come true to some. It could be the key to financial freedom. For others, however, making it rich could actually be their worst nightmare.



1、 安全问题


There’s an old saying that with more money comes more problems. One of these problems has to do with security and theft. The more people know about the wealth you have accumulated, the better chances you have of being picked out for a potential robbery or mugging. On the other hand you can also be subject to scams, or other people that may want to steal your money.


Mugging ['mʌɡɪŋ] n. v. 行凶抢劫、哑剧、自背后袭击并抢劫、扮鬼脸。


2、 更高的税收


Taxes are confusing even for those who don’t have a huge income. While you can just hire someone to do your taxes for you, and being wealthy, you probably will, there’s still a chance that something might be overlooked or missed or written down incorrectly, and as such, you’re usually left the worse off from it. The wealthier you are, the more taxes you typically pay, and this may seem overwhelming to some.


3、 朋友与家人的问题


Perhaps one of the strongest reasons why a person might want to avoid becoming wealthy is simply because of the inevitable line-up of distant relatives who suddenly want to be your friend. Or your actual friends may turn greedier, or you meet new people who are primarily interested in your money and not yourself as a person. Inauthenticity is a real problem where greed meets ambition.


Inauthenticity [,ɪnɔ'θɛn'tɪsɪti] n. 不真实、伪造。


4、 保持富裕的生活方式很烧钱


Once you have a certain lifestyle, it’s important to keep up with it. Being rich, you’re likely going to be comparing yourself to other wealthy families and people. There’s pressure to look the same as they do and have the same things that they do. Keeping up with the Joneses is an expensive venture and a pitfall few can avoid. You need to work just as hard on maintaining wealth as you would on attaining it.


5、 工作压力更大


In order to keep this money coming in, you have to keep working hard, too. In fact, you may end up working harder than you originally wanted to or intended to continue to be rich. Working harder is not for everyone. Many people are content with the level of work they give to a 9 to 5 job, but a career or a lifestyle of the rich requires a lot more work.


6、 财富难管理


To manage your money you may have to hire a money manager. Hiring a good financial advisor is not easy and many of them may cost you more than you think! With larger sums, accidentally mismanaging your wealth could prove to be disastrous for you. It’s one thing to never have money, it’s much harder to have had money and lose it.


Disastrous [dɪ'zɑːstrəs] adj. 灾难性的、损失惨重的、悲伤的。







