

Task 1









The line chart illustrates how the average heights of people had varied in four developed countries over two centuries from 1775 to 1975. Generally, the heights underwent an overall upward trend across all the countries.

Initially, Americans ranked the top, with an average height of approximately 168 cm which was immediately followed by British (166cm) while people from Denmark and France were slightly higher than 160 cm.

Over the following seven and a half decades, in spite of some minor ups and downs, the average heights had almost remained unchanged

in all the countries except France where people’s height kept rising in the latter half of the period. This exceeded that of the Danish in around 1850.

After that, the trend in the USA and the UK showed great similarity though at a slightly different rate. They saw an ongoing rise until 1975, when the height equaled to approximately 180 cm. The Danish grew considerably and became the tallest at almost 190 cm, standing in remarkable contrast with French who were merely 173 cm.

In short, while Americans and the British were equally high in the end, the gap between Danes and Frenchmen had widened.(197 words)





Traffic and housing problems in major cities can be solved by moving large companies, factories and their employees to the countryside. To what extent do you agree or



The busy rush hour traffic and the skyrocketing price of houses in most major cities lead to the question of how to tackle these two problems. Some people suggest that large companies, industrial plants as well as their staff should be moved to countryside, and I completely agree with this point of view.

Traffic congestion in metropolis can be significantly reduced by relocating large firms and plants to regional zones. It is believed that the responsibility for metropolis’s traffic problems in city center mainly falls upon office workers rushing to workplace in the urban area at peak hour. Moving the major companies, which are currently located in city center, to countryside means that workers have more routes to choose from when they go to work, instead of all driving on the main roads at the same time. It is, therefore, less likely to cause traffic jam.

Similar effects can be seen in the housing problem if such action is taken into effect. If large corporations with thousands of staff are moved to less populated area with lower renting fees, some young white- and blue- collar employees who currently rent houses in the urban area in major cities are more likely to move to a new location near their workplace in order to save time on commuting and to save money on the rent. With less population and less demand on the city center apartments, the price, hopefully, would decrease and more people will be able to afford the houses.

In conclusion, companies and factories with a large number of employees being moved to less populated areas could greatly mitigate the pressure on traffic and housing in metropolitan areas.

(Word count: 280)

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