拿下性感男神 George Clooney|Amal Ramzi 的輕熟女穿搭術

Amal Clooney這個名字真的令全世界的女人又愛又恨,怎麼說呢?因為她不僅讓萬人迷

George Clooney動了閃婚的念頭,學歷及美貌更是集於一身,更是第一位來自學術界、法律界的時尚標誌!

拿下性感男神 George Clooney|Amal Ramzi 的輕熟女穿搭術

雖然是法律出身,但Amal Ramzi 的穿搭隨著她與George Clooney結婚、知名度大開後而相當受到注目,順勢成為時尚界中經常被提起的穿著範本。Amal相當忠於自己的知性穿搭,在眾多時尚名媛中走出了一條屬於自己的路,不會都以名牌來顯現自己的身價,且不管是搭機、正式辦公或者休閒的穿著都十分出彩,也讓不少輕熟女上班族奉為教主。

今天我們一起聊聊Amal Ramzi 的輕熟女穿搭術:

拿下性感男神 George Clooney|Amal Ramzi 的輕熟女穿搭術

There are hundreds of reasons to admire Amal Clooney. She is a barrister specialising in international law and human rights She is married to the American actor George Clooney.

仰慕Amal Clooney可以有幾百種理由。顏值逆天,拿下性感男神George Clooney,被歐洲律師網站和網民評選為“倫敦最性感執業律師”,而且智商感人,是全球數一數二的人權律師,不僅擔任過聯合國秘書長的法律顧問,而且還是當年Wikipedia創始人的辯護律師。

Amal’s academic fashion aesthetic is bold, unstuffy, elegant,--- but still means business. Here we decode three ingredients of the Amal Clooney spring workwear --- it’s easy as P,P,P..



Amal’s Columbia look could best be described as:” 70s American gloss. Think generously lapelled coats and A-line skirts. Detail is key: discreet jewellery, Jackie O-style shades and a very bouncy, very New York blow -dry top off the look---- no chipped nails here.

Amal在哥倫比亞法學院授課的穿著很有美國70年代穿衣的範兒。以套裝 A字裙為主,配以大膽的珠寶配飾,一絲不苟的細節,是以美國前總統夫人Jackie Kennedy為代表的“Jackie Look”

拿下性感男神 George Clooney|Amal Ramzi 的輕熟女穿搭術

拿下性感男神 George Clooney|Amal Ramzi 的輕熟女穿搭術

Practicality 實用

Wide-leg trousers are easy to move in, knee-length dresses are demure and flattering, plain black knits and tees are a go-to building block. But if you invest in one thing? Make it a proper, grown-up handbag.Amal favours Bar bag——big enough to tote her files around in.


拿下性感男神 George Clooney|Amal Ramzi 的輕熟女穿搭術

拿下性感男神 George Clooney|Amal Ramzi 的輕熟女穿搭術

拿下性感男神 George Clooney|Amal Ramzi 的輕熟女穿搭術

拿下性感男神 George Clooney|Amal Ramzi 的輕熟女穿搭術

拿下性感男神 George Clooney|Amal Ramzi 的輕熟女穿搭術

Personality 個性

Colourful coats, ladylike leopard print and directional heels all headline her workwear wardrobe。She is proof that to indulge in fashion does nothing to diminish one’s credentials as a serious person with a Very important Job. There is nothing apologetic about how Amal dresses, no hiding her femininity or flamboyance under a corporate mask, and for that we love her even more.


拿下性感男神 George Clooney|Amal Ramzi 的輕熟女穿搭術

拿下性感男神 George Clooney|Amal Ramzi 的輕熟女穿搭術

拿下性感男神 George Clooney|Amal Ramzi 的輕熟女穿搭術


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