
Unit 10 If you go to the party,you will have a great time


stay at home待在家裡 take the bus乘公共汽車 tomorrow night明天晚上

have a class party進行班級聚會 half the class一半的同學 make some food做些食物

order food訂購食物 have a class meeting開班會 at the party在聚會上

potato chips炸土豆片,炸薯條 in the end最後 make mistakes犯錯誤

have a great/good 玩得開心 give sb. some advice給某人提一些建議

go to college上大學 make(a lot of)money賺(許多)錢 work hard努力工作

keep…to oneself保守秘密 travel around the world環遊世界 talk to/with sb.與某人交談

in life 在生活中 in the future在將來 run away逃避;逃跑 the first step第一步

in half分成兩半 solve a problem解決問題 school clean-up學校大掃除


be angry at/about sth.因某事生氣 be angry with sb.生某人的氣

ask sb. to do sth.要求某人做某事 give sb. sth.給某人某物

tell sb. to do sth.告訴某人做某事 too…to do sth.太……而不能做某事

be afraid to do sth.害怕做某事 advise sb. to do sth.勸告某人做某事

It’s best (not) to do sth.最好(不)做某事 need to do sth.需要做某事



1. 由 if 引導的條件狀語從句 (主將從現)

if 用做連詞時,可以表示“如果;假如”,用來引導一個條件狀語從句。如:

I will go if he asks me.

If you eat bad food, you may be ill.

注意:在主句和條件狀語從句中的動詞都表示將來的動作時,主句中常用一般將來時,或含有情態動詞的句子或祈使句,也可以是謂語含有want, hope, wish等動詞的句子,但從句中常用一般現在時代替將來時。具體如下表:


2.I think I’ll go to the party with Karen and Ann,

be going to do sth. 將要、打算做某事。如: I am going to do some shopping with my mother.

辨析:be going to and will. be going to and will 兩者都可以表示將來,其區別如下:

Be going to 常用於事先經過的打算、計劃或意圖,也可用於根據某種跡象將要發生的動作。如:

Why are you taking down all the pictures? I am going to repaint the wall.

L ook at the dark clouds in the sky. I t’s going to rain.

will 常用於不受人的主觀意願影響的單純將來,也可用於條件狀語從句中,還可以表趨向或習慣的動作。如: Tomorrow will be Teacher’s Day.

I f it doesn’t rain tomorrow, we will go to the zoo. W e will die without air or water.

3.Half of class won’t come. half 常用於名詞或修飾名詞的冠詞前面,即;

① half, adj. and n. 一半(的)②half a/an/the/one ’ s +n. 還可以用於a half +n. 這中結構。如: Please cut the cake into halves. The little boy drank half a bottle of water. = the little boy drank a half bottle of water. Half of the children are from Chinese.

注意:half 短語作主語時,謂語動詞與half後的名詞保持一致.

4. advise v. “勸告;建議 .名:advice, 是不可數名詞. Give me some advice!

advise doing sth. 建議做某事。

advise sb. (not)to do sth.建議某人(不)做某事

advise sb. about sth. 就…給某人提出建議.

如: I advise waiting till the right time. 我建議等到適當的時候。

I advise him not to sleep late every day. 我建議他不要每天睡懶覺。

Hunt advised students about common problems.

5. be afraid to do sth. 害怕幹某事 I’m afraid to speak in front of other people.

be afraid of sth. 害怕某事 He told me not to be afraid of difficulties.

be afraid +that從句 I’m afraid that I can’t finish on time

6. be angry with sb. We were angry with him for keeping us waiting.

be angry at/about sth.惱怒、生氣,

He is angry at/about your answer.

I was very angry at what he said.


7. It’s best (not)to do sth. 最好(不)做某事 It’s best to speak English every day.

8. run away from “ 從…逃離”“逃避”it’s best not to run away from our problems.

9. should 情態動詞”應該,應當,可以”用以表示職責和義務,提出勸告 如:

I think you should lie down and rest.

You should call him so that you can say you’re sorry.


Should we ask people to bring food?


You shouldn’t take such risks.你不該冒這麼大的風險.

10.keep sth, to oneself.把(煩惱/問題)埋在心底.

keep表示”保留,保存”如,you can keep it if you like it.

表示”(使…)保持某種狀態或關係, 一直…”+v.ing.即:keep doing sth.

It kept raining for a week.

11. In English,we say that sharing a peoblem is like cutting in half.在英語中我們說與人分擔一個煩惱就像把麻煩分成兩半.

Share: vt.分享,分擔,共同負擔,share a book 合看一本書,share a taxi同坐一輛車

Share a room with someone與某人同住一個房間.

Cut…in/into half把…切成兩半/一分為二.如:please cut the orange in half.

He cut the bread into four pieces.他把麵包切成4塊.

12. So you’re halfway to solving a problem just by talking to someone about it!因此,你只有跟人聊聊這個問題,就已經解決了問題的一半.

Be halfway to…表示”完成了或做了事情的一部分”,介詞應用to.再如:

We’re still halfway to finishing the job.

13. Get into a fight with my parents.和父母吵了一架.

Get into sth.參與,開始(某事) get into a fight/an argument參與鬥毆(吵架)/爭論

養成某種習慣,習慣於 get into bad habits,養成不良習慣

到達, what time do you get into Heathrow?你幾點到達希思羅機場?

被錄取 he is got into Peking University to study English.他被錄取到北大學習英語.

拓展:get up起床 get away(from)脫身,逃離 get back返回 恢復 get down to sth.開始做某事

Get in 收穫,收割(莊稼) get off離開,出發 get on /along with sb.與某人和睦相處,關係良好.

Get out(of)離開,外出; 放棄/戒除 get together聚會,收集,彙集

