「学英语」See look watch hear listen

The use of the verbs See, Look, Watch, Hear and Listen

is very specific in most cases and are not normally interchangeable as is the case in other languages. It is therefore important to understand the basis of the use of each of these verbs.

动词See, Look, Watch, HearListen的使用在大多数情况下是固定的,也不像其它语言中可替代性那么强。所以理解 这些词的基础使用就非常重要了。

See vs. Look vs. Watch

See is a verb of perception, it is a sense. It is automatic and doesn't require a decision to use this sense. It is associated with things that we can't avoid.


Look and Watch are action verbs that require a decision for you to use them. They never happen automatically.


Look is used to suggest a direction for your eyes. Usually we use this verb when the things we look at doesn't move.


Look - camera, prices, mirror, sky. Look后接相机,价格,镜子,天空。

  • Look at this picture.
  • I like to look at the stars at night.

Watch is when we talk about concentrating on something, like a movie or sports. Using watch suggests there is a movement involved, so you can use that for TV or movies.


Watch - a movie, a TV program, a football match. Watch后接一场电影,一个电视节目,一场足球赛事。

  • I like to sit on the verandah and watch people walk by.
  • I watch Friends everyday on TV.

Hear vs. Listen

Hear is another of our senses and so accordingly it is automatic. It does not require a conscious decision.



- a noise, a voice, an explosion. Hear后接噪声,声音,爆炸。

  • You could hear the explosion from the next suburb.
  • Do you hear voices in the night?

Listen is an action verb and you need to make a decision to do it. You can choose if you listen to something or not. For example you can hear somebody talking but you need to listen to them to understand what they are saying.


Listen - music, a speech. Listen后接音乐,演讲。

  • I can't listen to anything else you want to say. I'm so tired.
  • I didn't want to listen to the President's speech but I didn't have a choice.

编者按:当然你也可以说listen to the voice, 但几乎没人去说listen to the noise, 因为去听噪音几乎是没什么意义的,所以不会有人用心去听。而hear the noise则不一样,这里的hear是被动的接收,没有选择的。

「学英语」See look watch hear listen

