

Does any other country in the world have a bigger chabuduo culture than China?


mrfrosty2016Great Britain 於 3 天前 發表

You can add all the shittiest countries you can think of. For example is India lamer when it comes to DGAF attitude low standards and complancency?

Even wumao can play the game name a country with lower standards than China. Talk shit about them show how great Chinar is!


(译注:DGAF=Don't Give A Fuck)


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–]oneLpUnited States 87 指標 3 天前*

Russia by far was a much worse experience for me. Particularly in regards to safety standards (I work in construction) but also in service. After that China seems almost efficient and friendly to me.


Also in regard to corruption scams and theft the Russians make the Chinese look like a bunch of amateurs.


[–]TheRarebitFiend 38 指標 3 天前

The Russians I’m in school with feel the same. They talk about china the way immigrants in movies set in the 1920’s talk about America.



[–]FatDragoninthePRC 6 指標 3 天前

Well to be fair there's more money to be made in China than anywhere else in the world right now. That was a big part of the draw to emigrate to America in the roaring twenties.


[–]TheRarebitFiend 5 指標 3 天前

Oh I definitely understand it. It’s just hard for me to imagine after being here a year that Russia is that much worse but I’ve admittedly lived a relatively sheltered life.


[–]mrfrosty2016Great Britain[S] 0 指標 2 天前

That says a lot. If Russians aspire to come to this lame chabuduo country Russia must be a total shit can.


It's got to the point where seeing YouTube vids of Russian drivers pointing guns at others has become tedious.


[–]oneLpUnited States 8 指標 2 天前

A really interesting comparison in the overall approach to the two countries. China's growth is fueled by capital investment. The big players like SCG and China State are incentivised to use as much concrete steel and rebar as possible to keep those industries going (and overproducing).


Meanwhile in Russia they relied so long on oil money that nobody gave a shit about those industries or where the money went. And the corruption is so bad you end up with the road to Krasnaya Polyana which had it been paved in caviar would have been cheaper to construct.



[–]Janbiya -2 指標 2 天前

Part of that's got to be climate. Most major cities in China don't get snow or ice in the winter and as a result don't have to deal with the related wear and tear on pavement.


Compare that with the difference of road conditions between Northeast/Midwest and Southern/Western states in the US


[–]happyguy604 14 指標 2 天前

Shenyang Hohhot Urumqi Harbin. Cold as fuck in the winter. Got snow and ice and pollution. Roads are paved and maintained well


[–]Janbiya -1 指標 2 天前

Those are all provincial capitals though big focuses of transportation investment.


[–]BudgetaryEnchilada 4 指標 2 天前

And Moscow is the national capital and the largest or 2nd largest city in Europe (depending on who you ask). The roads immediately outside the city become laughably bad.


[–]specofdust 11 指標 2 天前

Part of it is culture and politics too. PRC knows that Chinese will be okay with no democracy as long as things are getting better. Russia knows that people will be okay with no democracy so long as Russians feel Stronk. Russians don't actually believe anything can get better so don't seriously desire it.


[–]Reza_JafariRussia 1 指標 1 天前

Russia knows that people will be okay with no democracy so long as Russians feel Stronk.

Russians will be okay with no democracy as long as things are not getting significantly worse. Remember the comment that generated the thread – Russia is Europe's centre of chabuduo. The reason why Russia has such a low quality of life is the indifference of everyone towards everything. Russians will only stop tolerating Putin if there will be shortages and Putin will be unable to convincingly blame it on someone else




[–]S1rkka 31 指標 3 天前

This is a massive generalisation/simplification but:

In China it's they only care about themselves and fuck everyone and everything else.

In Russia they are more organised and actively go after people or companies.

A company I used to work got got major offers for both Russia and China. They declined all Russian business because they would not risk dealing with the organised corruption and possible extortion. Dealing with the Chinese was easier. Some drinking probably some money here and there. Much more "friendly".





[–]mrfrosty2016Great Britain[S] 8 指標 3 天前

That's interesting. Russia is basically gangster land hyper institutionalised because of the government with rampant organised crime. Would make sense that it filters down to the general populace.

你说的有点意思! 正是由于政府部门猖獗的组织化犯罪,才导致了这些暴徒把俄罗斯带进了无视制度存在的状态,让俄罗斯基本上是个流氓国家。那么平民大众(也敲诈勒索)就讲得通的了。

On a sidenote why are there seemingly so many Russians in China?

Why is it so much easier or popular for Russians to come to China?


[–]ecb29Finland 51 指標 3 天前

They're next to each other


[–]oneLpUnited States 26 指標 3 天前

In China chabuduo seems motivated by "what can I get away with to save myself some time/money/effort."

In Russia the I-really-don't-give-a-fuck attitude comes more from despair and hopelessness. I found it much more difficult to deal with.

在中国“差不多”更像是说“为了节省我的时间/金钱/精力,我能做些什么呢? ”在俄罗斯,我才不屌你的态度更多是因为绝望和没有希望。我发现俄罗斯人更难对付。

[–]AllisonHP 43 指標 2 天前

As an Indian living in China most people here haven't seen chabuduo like we do it back home. In India we call it 'Chalta Hai' which roughly means 'It's all fine let's carry on with our lives'. Large potholes on the street? 'Chalta hai'. Cop or government official asking openly for bribes? 'Chalta hai'. Someone got murdered and body decomposing on the streets? 'Chalta hai'.

作为一个住在中国的印度人,这里的人都不知道我们印度在国内做的所谓的“差不多”的事情。在印度,我们叫“随遇而安(Chalta hai)”,大概意思就是“无所谓啦,生活会继续啦”。道路上都是大坑?“别担心啦”。警察或者政府人员公开索贿?“无所谓啦”。有人被谋杀了并且尸体在大街上惨遭肢解?“没差啦”。

In the middle east they 'Inshallah' to everything. But I've lived only in one of the most prosperous places there so wasn't exposed to much of "Inshallah" except from the lazy locals who like to avoid doing anything at all.



[–]kulio_forever 3 指標 2 天前

My one experience at the Indian Embassy in Shanghai was very chabuduo


[–]nincludEuropean unx 2 指標 2 天前

The worst of Chinese construction and Indian design combined.


[–]Mickeyyyyy 17 指標 2 天前

Not a dirty country but in Australia our 差不多 equivalent is "she'll be right mate". Need to go out but running low on fuel? She'll be right mate. Worried about halfassing a job?she'll be right mate

澳大利亚不是一个肮脏的国家但我们的“差不多”等同于“哥们,她马上就到了”。需要出门但油量不足?哥们,她马上就到了(补充的汽油马上就到了)。担心只做了一半的工作,没事,很快就会把工作做完的(she'll be right mate)。

[–]HautamakiCanada 37 指標 3 天前

Virtually all third world countries are as bad or worse than China in this respect. That's why they are third world; that's one of the main ground-level differences between the first and third world. In a first world country people give a shit about minimum standards and as a result everything works and runs very well. That doesn't happen by accident; it happens because millions of people are well trained and care about doing what they do correctly.


[–]socialdesire 12 指標 2 天前

I know you’re referring to the developed vs. developing/undeveloped countries and I’m being pedantic but China’s technically second world.


[–]metalgearexMacau 10 指標 2 天前

difference with China is that the despite these third world traits it pretends it's in the same league as Europe or NA.


[–]JustInChina88 7 指標 2 天前

Comparing China to Iran is equally as stupid since most of the tier 1 and tier 2 cities have a way higher quality of life than Iran.



[–]lacraquotteFrance 11 指標 2 天前

I came to live in China after first living in India and then in Nepal. I always laugh when people complain about quality/standards in China: you've seen nothing things are actually pretty damn good here. Heck they're even good compared to some places in Europe: go live in Albania or Bosnia for a few months and I guarantee you'll be missing the quality of life in China in no time!


[–]mrfrosty2016Great Britain[S] 5 指標 2 天前

India is a good example of a place shittier than China.


[–]BillyBattsShinebox 41 指標 3 天前

I've wondered about this too but in terms of a wealth:chabuduo ratio China must hold the championship title.


[–]irate_wizard 10 指標 2 天前

Brazil has "jeitinho". The rest of South America has "viveza criolla". Similar concepts about not giving a shit about the rules and how if you can get away with something it means it's alright.

巴西有“jeitinho”。南美洲的其他地方有“viveza criolla(与生俱来的狡猾)”。概念类似,说的是不要在意规则,如果你能侥幸逃脱,那就意味着那是没问题的。


[–]CaseNightmareTeal 5 指標 2 天前

In the US it's "good enough for government work" even if it isn't government work.


[–]Mickeyyyyy 15 指標 2 天前

After reading these comments I'm getting the impression that chabuduo is a universal concept pervading all societies in some form. Humans are just lazy myself included.


[–]PolypinoonEuropean unx 32 指標 3 天前

Africa is different. In Africa I would say it is general laziness narrow mindedness (i.e. thinking on a very local scale) and general lack of education that is holding back many of the countries.


In China people have a more can do attitude but they just half ass everything as good enough.

To put it simple if you ask a repairman to fix the door handle in China it will get done but may look like shit. If you ask in Africa it will probably just never get done.


