
斯蒂芬·威廉·霍金(Stephen William Hawking),1942年1月8日出生於英國牛津,英國劍橋大學著名物理學家,現代最偉大的物理學家之一。


Stephen William Hawking, CH, CBE, FRS, FRSA (born 8 January 1942[1]) is a British theoretical physicist, whose world-renowned scientific career spans over 40 years. His books and public appearances have made him an academic celebrity and he is an Honorary Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts,[2] a lifetime member of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences,[3] and in 2009 was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian award in the United States.[4]

Hawking was the Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at the University of Cambridge for thirty years, taking up the post in 1979 and retiring on 1 October 2009.[5][6] He is also a Fellow of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge and a Distinguished Research Chair at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in Waterloo, Ontario.[7] He is known for his contributions to the fields of cosmology and quantum gravity, especially in the context of black holes. He has also achieved success with works of popular science in which he discusses his own theories and cosmology in general; these include the runaway best seller A Brief History of Time, which stayed on the British Sunday Times bestsellers list for a record-breaking 237 weeks.[8][9]

Hawking's key scientific works to date have included providing, with Roger Penrose, theorems regarding singularities in the framework of general relativity, and the theoretical prediction that black holes should emit radiation, which is today known as Hawking radiation (or sometimes as Bekenstein-Hawking radiation).[10]

Hawking has a neuro-muscular dystrophy that is related to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), a condition that has progressed over the years and has left him almost completely paralysed.

史蒂芬·威廉·霍金,CH,CBE,FRS,FRSA(Stephen William Hawking,1942年1月8日-),英國著名物理學家,在公眾評價中,被譽為是繼愛因斯坦之後最傑出的理論物理學家之一。他提出宇宙大爆炸自奇點開始,時間由此刻開始,黑洞最終會蒸發,在統一20世紀物理學的兩大基礎理論——愛因斯坦的相對論和普朗克的量子論方面走出了重要一步。

患有肌肉萎縮性側索硬化症的他,近乎全身癱瘓,不能發音,但1988年仍出版《時間簡史》,至今已出售逾1000萬冊,成為全球最暢銷的科普著作之一。 英國劍橋大學於2009年4月20日透露,著名物理學家霍金病得很重。67歲的霍金呼吸系統感染已有數週,並被送往當地一家醫院。


God created both a genius, but also to create a fool, which does not depend on natural, individual effort is completely different results.


When you are faced with the possibility of mortality, you realize that life is precious, you have a lot of things to do.


"Is the first, the chicken or the egg?


You have the beginning of the universe?


If so, before that, what happened?


Where the universe, You Wang where to go?


