
最近,“美版知乎”quora网站贴出一个问题:为何中国和日本不原谅而是仍记着二战发生的事情?(Why don’t China and Japan forgive but keep on remembering the things that happened during WWII? Why speak of their people like how they treated us in the past?),引起了外国网友的热议,让我们看看他们是怎么说的。


Feifei Wang, I spend about the same amount of my life in China and in the US.

Updated Oct 27

China certainly wasn’t hero in WWII, but we’re most definitely the victim.

And I’ve never heard anyone in their right mind said “I wish all Japanese would die or disappear”. So let’s not set up your own straw man and start beating it. Sure some people might say “I hate Japan” in the heat of the moment, when talking about many war crimes the Imperial Japan had committed during WWII. But I do believe most Chinese people are more than happy to leave the past, if Japanese government could stop glorifying their war criminals every single fucking year.



It’s not the Chinese or Koreans or other Southeast Asian countries who wouldn’t forgive and forget. NO. It’s not us. And as a Chinese, you should know this better than anyone. It is the prominent members of Japanese government who choose to pay tribute to Yasukuni Shrine every year, and it is the Yasukuni Shrine who refuse to remove the war criminals name from their shrine hiding behind religious believes despite heavy backlashes from countries all over East and Southeast Asia.


The Korean Comfort women had commented on Japanese government attitude on their war crime is that “It is as if the Japanese government is waiting for us to stop speaking out and die.” Instead of apologizing and own up to their war crimes, the Japanese government is basically waiting for all the people who are still bothered by their war crime to die out and they can continue to honor their war criminals and their militarism past without protest.


I like Japanese people, they’re peace loving people just like Chinese. I like Japanese Manga, J-pop, TV shows, and I love their culture. But that doesn’t mean I can’t criticize Japanese government’s deliberate ignorance of their war crimes, and infuriating lack of sincerity when they do remember to make a half ass “apology”.

So no. I’m not going to forgive and forget. Even if I didn’t personally suffer in the war. Japanese government needs to face their war crimes like Germans did half century ago. They don’t get to kill millions of Chinese people and worship the mass murderer in their Shrine.

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Rinat Abdekadir, I’m a Kazakh-Chinese who was born in Xinjiang.

Updated Oct 10

Because Japanese ministers visit the Yakusuni shrine every single year.

Just to give you an idea of how offensive this is, imagine if Germany made a shrine dedicated to class A war criminals.

And Angela Merkel visits it every single year.

And also add “did the holocaust really happen?”.

Now, imagine you are Jewish.

Tell me how you feel.




Now, take that feeling and project that onto Chinese people (and Korean + some SEA)

I’m not even directly affected, my family was on the other side of Asia at the time.

The fact that I’m pissed off at these idiotic racist Japanese and Western assholes who go on Quora, Reddit or YouTube and pretend that it’s not OK for Chinese people to be mad because “Mao, Mao, Mao”.

As if it’s ok to murder 15 million innocent people because hey someone else did it too!

That’s the reason why Chinese people can’t forgive.

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Amanda Liu, knows Japanese

Answered Oct 21

There are quite great answers already.

I will purely speak about my own experience. My mother’s side of family are from northern China. My Grandmother’s mother died during a Japanese air bombing. My Grandmother, was at the age of 8. She dropped school, which was in Japanese, since she lived in Manchukuo which was under control of Japanese government and army. She went to a Japanese candy factory and started her job, wrapping candies, at 8 years-old, to take care of her younger siblings. At that time, every bomb or fight, amongst Chinese, Japanese and Russian, she and other kids had to hide in their self-dug underground shelters. Girls had to shave their heads to avoid being dragged somewhere and raped. Lucky enough she survived till PRC was constituted in 1949. She got a job, married and had her kids. Life was never easy, and all her life, she remained poor.


She learnt that that I was going to study Japanese in university. She told me: Time has changed, we also need to progress, in many different ways. To know them and communicate is better than disconnect and remain misunderstood. Certainly she did not express herself in a very profound language, but she did not have hatred.

We can forgive but not when the criminals refuse to admit the crimes that have done, even worse, they try to erase and twist this part of the history. It is history but it is not that long that we all forgot what happened. My Grandmother died couple years ago, aged 81. In memory of my Grandmother and her mother, all the miseries they have lived, I will never forget.



We cannot forgive and move on because this has not been solved yet, namely, we are still waiting for an official apology, for the tens of millions innocent lives, who had died, injured, suffered and traumatized.

2.6k Views · 128 Upvotes



Tim Bambauer, Global research and direct investment since 2010

Answered 2h ago

I was in China near Wuhan when news broke of the Fukushima earthquake and tsunami that killed thousands in Japan. When the tv announcer gave an estimated death toll, the large, local crowd stood and cheered.

My colleagues and I were a mix of European and American business executives and were stunned at the scene.



I asked a good friend who is an American of Taiwanese birth why this was so. He shared that his mother happened to be from Wuhan, and that she was a little girl when WWII broke out. As one of 13 children she was separated from many of her siblings when she and others fled to the Phillipines (not far enough.) He suggested that when I returned to my hotel that I research what happened in Wuhan during WWII under the Japanese and talk the next day.

What I found was a volume of horrific retelling of a months long conflict which pitted a ruthless invading Japanese war machine against a beleagured defense force and hundreds of thousands of civilian refugees who had retreated to Wuhan as a last stand.



Yoshiaki Yoshimi Is a Japanese historian who provided proof that Emperor Showa (Hirohito)…personally…signed orders to use chemical weapons against Chinese civilians and defenders in order to take Wuhan. His orders were relayed to field commanders by Imperial family members who were also senior officers in the conflict. It was one among a list of total warfare battles pitched between Imperial soldiers and defending, often unarmed, civilian defenders.

My experience the following morning included a sobering conversation where my friend retold the losses to family…some children, others adults. The atrocities included chemical attacks, as well as the more widely known rapes, murders and collateral damage of being in a war zone, now historically confirmed as executed to the extreme by the Japanese invaders.



The truth sank in that these were not just Chinese celebrating the misery to a rival culture. These are people, many of whom have parents and family who lived through the atrocities of the most barbaric war practices in the 20th century. It’s one thing to resent stories of long past offense by cultural adversaries, but quite another when 400,000 people were gassed, raped and murdered within the generational lifetime and immediate families of the audience.

It was not just Wuhan either. It was everywhere the Japanese went.

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