


According to Erikson, the child focuses on gaining some basic control over self and the environment and independence between ages 1 and 3 years. Gaining independence often means that the child has to rebel against the parents’ wishes. Saying things like “no” or “mine” and having temper tantrums are common during this period of development. Being consistent and setting limits on the child’s behavior are necessary elements. Providing a simple explanation of why certain behaviors are unacceptable is an appropriate action.

A parent of a 3-year-old tells a clinic nurse that the child is rebelling constantly and having temper tantrums. Using Erikson's psychosocial development theory, which instructions should the nurse provide to the parent? Select all that apply.

1. Set limits on the child's behavior.

2. Ignore the child when this behavior occurs.

3. Allow the behavior, because this is normal at this age period.

4. Provide a simple explanation of why the behavior is unacceptable.

5. Punish the child every time the child says "no" to change the behavior.

