

2018年3月8日 第四十一期



奥斯卡 多位 WME 客户及其参与作品在2018年奥斯卡金像奖中斩获大奖:由 WME 导演吉尔莫·德尔·托罗执导的《水形物语》成为大赢家拿下「最佳影片奖」,同时导演托罗更是斩获「最佳导演奖」;年度最具人气的动画电影《寻梦环游记》获「最佳动画长片奖」及「原创音乐奖」;Mark Bridges 凭借《魅影缝匠》获得「最佳服装设计奖」;WME 巨星科比·布莱恩特参与编剧、制作及出演的《亲爱的篮球》斩获「最佳动画短片奖」;由 Benjamin Echazarreta 担当摄影的电影《普通女人》获「最佳外语片奖」;Jason Sterman 制作的《伊卡洛斯》夺得「最佳纪录片奖」。

Oscar Wins Several WME clients won Academy Awards 2018 or were affiliated with winning projects. “The Shape of Water,” directed by Guillermo Del Toro, costume designed by Luis Sequeira and starring Octavia Spencer, won Best Picture, while Guillermo Del Toro won Best Directing. “Coco,” with music and lyrics by Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez and end title song and performance by Miguel,and starring Gael Garcia Bernal, Benjamin Bratt, Jamie Camil, Anthony Gonzalez,Alanna Ubach and Renee Victor, won Best Animated Feature Film. Mark Bridges won Best Costume Design. “Dear Basketball,” written, produced by and starring Kobe Bryant, won Best Animated Short Film. “A Fantastic Woman, with cinematography by Benjamin Echazarreta, won Best Foreign Language Film. “Icarus,” produced byJason Sterman, won Best Documentary. And “Remember Me,” by Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez, won Best Original Song.



“情定高尔夫” 近日,正在 中国女子职业巡回赛征战的19岁“氧气美少女”、IMG 球员隋响与 IMG 球员李旻智在内的几位球员与韩国知名高尔夫服饰品牌 Benjefe 签约,共同成为该品牌今年赞助的球员。品牌创始人郑俊浩先生早年出演《情定大饭店》等多部韩剧。

Golf clients IMG golf clients 19-year-old Chinese player Xiang Sui and Minjee Lee became the brand ambassadors of South Korean golf brand Benjefe. Jeong Jun ho, the founder of Benjefe was a famous actor.



IMG Media IMG 已与体奥动力正式签订未来三年合作,IMG 将继续负责中国平安中国足球协会超级联赛(简称“中超”)的海外版权分销。IMG 与体奥动力(CSM)的最新合作包括机内媒体权益,同时还将继续为中超的电视制作提供建议。

IMG MediaIMG has signed a new three-year deal to sell and distribute global media rights for the Ping An Chinese Football Association Super League. The new agreement, reached with China Sports Media (CSM), includes inflight rights as well as continuing to advise the CSL on TV production for the league.



Julian MackayIMG 签约艺术家 Julian Mackay 为《大都市 Numero》杂志二月刊拍摄的照片及专访于近日发布。他在 IMG 客户罗素·詹姆斯的“维密秀后台的秘密”上海影展期间接受了杂志专访,他在其中谈论了近期的生活、面临的挑战以及未来的发展计划。WME | IMG 巍美支持其在中国的发展。

Julian MackayIMG client Julian Mackay’s shoot forhis feature article in Numero China Magazine just came out. He took the interview during the Backstage Secrets Shanghai Exhibition of IMG client Russell James, talking about his life, current challenges and future plans. WME | IMG 巍美 supports the development of Julian’s career in China.



高尔夫 IMG 球员包揽上周日落幕的汇丰女子世界锦标赛前四名。IMG 球员、“小魔女”魏圣美以低于标准杆17杆的成绩夺得冠军,布鲁克·亨德森、丹尼尔·姜、内莉·科达分别位列第二名至第四名。同时,IMG 球员、“世界第一”冯珊珊已连续第十七周位列女子高尔夫世界第一。

Golf WinIMG clients swept the top four positions in the HSBC Women’s World Championship last Sunday. Client Michelle Wie walked away with the HSBC Women’s World Championship 2018 title after sinking an incredible 45-foot birdie putt on the 18th hole, for a total tournament score of 17-under-271. IMG clients Brooke M. Henderson, Danielle Kang and Nelly Korda took second to fourth place, respectively. Meanwhile, Shanshan Feng retained her world No.1 ranking for the seventeenth week.



体育科技大奖IMG 与 MST 和 Euroleague 在今年的体育科技大奖中入选最佳广播及现场体育体验类别,颁奖活动将于5月3日在伦敦 Roundhouse 举行。今年是体育科技大奖举办的第五年,吸引了来自五大洲30多个国家的参赛作品。同时,IMG Productions 在温布尔登电台频道的广播节目中获得了体育记者协会的高度评价。这是 IMG 制作团队连续第三次提名体育科技大奖。

Sports Technology Awards

IMG, along with graphics company, MST and Euroleague, are shortlisted in the Best Broadcaster or Live Sports Experience category at this year's Sports Technology Awards. The event, which will be hosted at the Roundhouse in London on May 3, is in its fifth year and has attracted entries from more than 30 countries across five continents. Meanwhile, IMG Productions was Highly Commended at the Sports Journalists' Association awards for its broadcast of The Wimbledon Radio Channel. This was the third successive nomination for the team.



PBR 隶属于 Endeavor 集团(原 WME | IMG)的职业骑牛大赛(PRB)于上周日创下了25年以来的现场观众人数记录,当天超过4万6千名粉丝前往阿林顿观看比赛。

PBRPBR, part of the Endeavor (formerly WME | IMG) network, drew the largest single-day event crowd in the organization’s 25-year history last Saturday, with more than 46,000 fans attending its Arlington Major.



Showtime at the Apollo 由 WME 客户史蒂夫·哈维主持,IMG 原创内容团队制作的周播系列节目"Showtime at the Apollo"于上周在福克斯频道首播。这档全新的节目将通过顶尖业余表演者与当下最大牌的喜剧和音乐明星的共同演绎,重塑经典的才艺表演秀。已确定参加节目的嘉宾包括 WME 旗下著名歌手 Pitbull、Macklemore、Snoop Dogg 等。

Showtime at the Apollo "Showtime at the Apollo," a one-hour weekly series hosted by WME client Steve Harvey and produced by IMG Original Content, premiered last week on FOX. The new series is a reimaged version of the classic talent showcase featuring top amateur acts along with some of today's biggest stars in comedy and music. Guests slated to perform include WME clients Pitbull, Macklemore, Snoop Dogg and more.



关于 Endeavor

Endeavor 集团(原 WME | IMG)在全球30多个国家和地区经营娱乐、体育及时尚业务,为全球业界领导者,是《财富》杂志世界最重要25家私人企业之一。Endeavor 旗下拥有众多在各自领域领先的子公司,包括 WME、IMG 和 UFC 等。Endeavor 的专长包括运动员代理和管理;品牌营销、赞助招商和品牌授权;版权销售;赛事运营和管理,以及体育培训和体育联盟开发。

关于 WME | IMG 巍美

WME | IMG 巍美是 Endeavor 集团(原 WME | IMG)的子公司,Endeavor 在全球30余个国家经营娱乐、体育及时尚业务,为全球业界领导者。WME | IMG 巍美得到了红杉资本、腾讯、分众传媒以及方源资本的共同投资,以公司在中国过去数十年的耕耘为基础,致力于扩大 Endeavor 在中国的影响力及业务合作,推动公司在娱乐及体育领域的全方位发展。


