OMG! I'll tell you something 竟不是我将告诉你某事!

OMG! I'll tell you something 竟不是我将告诉你某事!

up to doing something: doing something secret or something that you should not be doing 正在做〔秘密或不该做的事〕

The children are very quiet. I wonder what they're up to. 孩子们很安静,我不知道他们在搞什么鬼。----朗文字典

I know what you're up to 我知道你打什么算盘

OMG! I'll tell you something 竟不是我将告诉你某事!

I'll tell you something 字面意思是我将告诉你某事,引申为我告诉你吧,我跟你说吧。

OMG! I'll tell you something 竟不是我将告诉你某事!

get away with: If you get away with doing something wrong or risky, you do not suffer any punishment or other bad consequences because of it. 逃脱惩罚

The criminals know how to play the system and get away with it. 那些罪犯知道怎样钻制度的空子并逃脱惩罚。----柯林斯字典

"To help your son get away with murder?" (想趁机帮你儿子洗脱嫌疑?)----美剧《殊途同归》

"You're gonna let him get away with that?" (你打算就这么放走他?)----《家园防线》

That's all for today

September 18, 2018. XOXO

