

《井底之蛙》是小學的時候學過的一則寓言故事,告訴我們要多學習,多實踐,不要像井底之蛙一樣目光短淺,沒什麼見識;這裡提供一則中英文雙語版,幫助學習英語的用戶提高語言翻譯能力。There was once a frog who made his home in a shallowwell. One day he met a turtle from the East Sea.從前有隻青蛙,在淺井裡居住。一天,它遇見一隻從東海來的大鱉。"I'm extremely happy!" the frog told theturtle. "When on the ground, I would leap up and down the railing of thewell. When I'm tired, I would rest on the broken bricks."井蛙對大鱉說:「我真是樂透了!高興時,便在井欄上跳躍。疲倦時,就躺在破磚上休息。"Back in the water, I would swim with only myhead above the surface. When I walk in the mud, I would bury my feet. I lookback at the worms, crabs, and tadpoles who share my well. They can't be ashappy as I am."回到水裡,我只是露出我的頭游泳。跳到泥裡,我則埋沒我的雙腿。我回頭看看井裡的赤蟲、蟹和蝌蚪。它們可不及我快樂呢!"The pool of water belongs to me because thewell is mine. This is the greatest pleasure!" the frog said proudly."You should come visit me some time!"井水是我,因為這口井屬於我,這就是最大的喜樂啊!你有空不妨來探望我。」The turtle went with the frog to the shallow well.Lifting his right foot, he tried to enter the well. But it got stuck evenbefore he could extend his left one, so he leisurely retreated.大鱉聽了,就跟著井蛙入井裡,怎知左腳還未伸進去,右腳已經絆住了,於是便從容地退了出來。Rather amused, the turtle said, "I can't tellyou how vast the East Sea is, for it is beyond measure. However, flood doesn'tincrease its depth the least bit, and drought can't make it lose an inch . Itsdepth does not change with time, nor does it change with the amount ofrainfall. This is its greatest pleasure!"大鱉給逗樂了,便對青蛙說:「東海的大,我無法給你描,因為那是無法測量的。水災既不能增加它的深度,旱災也不能減少它一吋。它的深度,是不會因時間的長短,或兩量的多少而有所改變。這就是東海最大的喜樂啊!」On hearing the turtle, the frog was dumbfounded.井蛙聽了,驚訝得呆一邊。看完了井底之蛙的中英文版互譯,各位小朋友有沒有對翻譯的技巧和語序有一定的瞭解呢?


