Have two left feet不要翻译成“两只左脚”,老外会笑死!

英英最近报名了一个舞蹈班,刚学没几天,就在朋友面前炫耀。看过之后,朋友却笑着说:You have two left feet. 英英就纳闷了,这是数学还给老师了,谁会有两只左脚啊?

Have two left feet=拥有两只左脚的人?

Have two left feet不要翻译成“两只左脚”,老外会笑死!

想象一下,如果一个人用两只左脚跳舞,是不是显得很笨拙?所以,Have two left feet 就用来形容人“舞姿生硬/笨拙的模样”。这样的说法比Not good at dancing (不会跳舞)好,因为后者带有评论语气,会容易伤人。

I never learned to dance because I've got two left feet.我从来就没学会跳舞,因为我的动作极其笨拙。


  • Shot oneself in the foot:直译是“开枪打中了自己的脚”。这成语源自美国,是说人笨手笨脚,想开枪打人家,却失手打伤了自己的脚,意思跟“搬起石头砸自己的脚”差不多。
The senator shot himself in the foot when he called his opponent names, which reflected badly on his political maturity.那个参议员辱骂对手,显得政治上还不成熟。他是搬起石头砸自己的脚了。
  • Get cold feet:临阵脱逃
I get cold feet whenever I have to speak in front of a crowd.每当我必须在一群人面前说话时,我都会临阵退缩。
  • Foot the bill:买单的意思,并不是把账单踩到脚底下哦!
This time, let me foot the bill.这次让我来买单吧!
  • Foot in the door:成功的开始,得到 ... 的第一步。
A good resume gets your foot in the door and will determine if you actually get to the next step——a job interview!好的简历是你成功求职的敲门砖,直接决定了是否能够进行到下一步——一个面试机会!

