



[Souza]: Kyrie Irving indicated appreciation to C's for "getting me out of Cleveland." Said was told after trade C's wanted to show him how special it was to play in Boston, and they did just that.


This is the source tweet:



Kyrie also confirmed today that he has every intention to sign with the Celtics on July 1 (https://twitter.com/GwashburnGlobe/status/1048230261404708864). But I do find it interesting (and honestly a little immature) that he's still dissing Cleveland and talking a little bit of shit about them. What do you guys think about his "getting me out of Cleveland" comment?


Edit: here’s the full quote:

Celtics Kyrie Irving: For me, it was like: ‘I’m happy here.' Every single day is like an all-time competitive high. What more can you ask for as an organization taking a chance (on me) as well as getting me out of Cleveland?



[–]RaptorsClashQuester 229 指標 11小時前

That's pretty savage


[–]CelticsLuckysBestMan 82 指標 11小時前

Jokim Noah nods his approval



[–]CavaliersShamWowGod 49 指標 11小時前

That's a dick thing to say. We loved Kyrie when he was here and a lot of us still are fans. Most days I would say he is one of my favorite players. He won here and was a part of something special, but for some reason he has to shit on us too.


[–][CLE] LeBron JamesSomali_Kamikaze 128 指標 11小時前

He makes it sound like he was in a concentration camp.


[–][CLE] Zydrunas IlgauskasAPF429 258 指標 10小時前*

Every since we won all Kyrie has done is try to distance himself from the Cavs.

I wonder what happened

edit: I still have love for Kyrie, I'm just not sure why he needs to say all this stuff instead of simply "grateful for my time there and our championship we won." It feels like he intentionally tries to diminish what we did as a team.




[–]RaptorsThaNorth 95 指標 8小時前

I think it's playing along side LeBron. IF everything is good and the team is winning it's because of LeBron, and if the team is losing it's because LeBron doesn't have enough help.


He also probably didn't like shit like reporters asking him, "how has LeBron being a father figure helped you?" It's like they sometimes treated Kyrie as a child who didn't understand anything(insert flat earth joke here) and needed LeBron for guidance.


[–]Pistonsthrowaway_5256 58 指標 6小時前

I feel like Kyrie was really bothered by the father thing. It kinda became a joke and then everyone moved on. But Kyrie apparently has a close relationship with his dad. I could see him being offended by the implication that his father figure wasnt adequate and he needed Lebron to make up for it.


[–][NJN] Vince CarterGetBuckets13182 106 指標 9小時前

This is pure speculation on my part but i think he felt under appreciated and not given enough credit for that championship run. All everyone talks about is how lebron did it(and rightfully so, he was incredible).


What’s the iconic play of Game 7? Lebrons block. Not kyries game winner. It’s gets notoriety but people always go back to the block.


[–]CavaliersThe_Milk_man 59 指標 7小時前

I mean you had the block, the shot, and KLove's fantastic defense all within a 2 min gametime stretch, when I think of game 7 I think of all 3, because all 3 of them showed up big and I know many Cavs fans think the same.


[–]LakersDarkSoulsDarius 57 指標 8小時前

"rightfully so" not rightfully so. Kyrie was amazing that series and playoffs in general, his grip is legitimate as a result.


[–]CavaliersU2_is_gay 77 指標 8小時前

Barely legitimate. Cleveland loved Kyrie Irving. He was put in a tough place, having to "compete" for adoration against Lebron James in Cleveland. Nobody is gonna win that battle. Across all sports. Hell even outside of sports. Much less a teammate.

If all you're saying is that Kyrie wanted to be number 1, that's fair. And it wasn't gonna happen in Cleveland. But don't think he was underappreciated.



Funny part is that if Tatum continues his upward trajectory then Ky might run into that problem again. Not saying Tatum is the better talent or will be any time soon. But he's the homegrown talent.


[–]Cavaliersddottay 199 指標 11小時前

I blame Gilbert for fucking up the unfuckupable. If he keeps Griffin I truly think he could have convinced Kyrie to at least play through his contract in Cleveland.


[–]76ersSlappyBagg 159 指標 10小時前

Kyrie is obviously to blame as well. That whole thing about him going weeks without talking to teammates didn't come off well at all.


[–]CavaliersKayFeldersAlt 93 指標 9小時前

We also built a team to beat the Warriors and spent a ton of money on it, then the Warriors added one of the GOAT scorers in his prime to an almost perfect team and we had nothing we could do. It was honestly just the perfect storm. Cleveland flew too close to the Sun, so we were punished with the World Series and losing our historical team in a matter of one calendar year.


[–]Cavaliersrichp1180 247 指標 11小時前

Oh man...that just hurts as a Cavs fan. We ADORED Kyrie. He was our dude. We defended him when people knocked him and fact we didn't win pre LeBron with him.


Then we trade him and he just wants to shit on us? Bro, you won a title here, the fans loved you, that alone should leave you to say nothing but positive stuff so the fans who supported you don't feel like you're telling them he hated them and the team and the city


[–]Cavalierscryolems 110 指標 11小時前*

Sucks hard core. Kyrie was most clevelanders favorite player even over LeBron 2015-2017. It’s honestly the worst feeling to see that he could give a shit less.



[–]CelticsMJRocky 98 指標 10小時前*

I honestly believe he means it as in "the situation I was in" rather than the city/fanbase itself. I'm sure he's grateful to the fans and the time he spent there



[–]Cavaliershungry-jewish-man 46 指標 10小時前

this is what i'm hoping, kyrie is not the most clear when he says things. really sucks if he means it that way tho :/


[–]KnicksE-Miles 112 指標 11小時前

You're giving them credit for doing their job and giving Kyrie what any sensible team would have, because he earned it.


[–]Statshelp_TA 197 指標 11小時前

so then why is Kyrie still taking shots at them? That's what is annoying about this. The FO did all those sensible things and yet Kyrie is still acting like he was wronged by them.


[–]LakersSomeGuyInSanJoseCa 77 指標 11小時前

Well, yeah. They did their job and were sensible, and Kyrie is still badmouthing them.


[–]KnicksE-Miles 67 指標 11小時前

You're looking at it from a fan perspective. The locker room environment was clearly toxic. He clearly disliked how he was being treated by staff. Those are things that you're not privy to.

尼克斯球迷 :你们都是在以球迷的角度来看这件事。当时的更衣室环境很明显是不健康的。欧文肯定不喜欢自己被球队工作人员对待的方式。这些都是你们了解不到的事情。

[–]Chris_Stormz 48 指標 11小時前

Sure, they only helped put you in a situation to win your first ring and legitimize your name. What have they done for you?

Kyrie is really shutting the door he might need open some day. You never know.



[–]WarriorsJamJ33 1 指標 52 分鐘前

You are giving the Cavs too much credit. They did nothing to help him win a ring, they are just lucky LeBron was born nearby. The Cavs were awful before LeBron returned. Like "first pick in the draft multiple years in a row" level of bad.


[–]Celticsward0630 56 指標 11小時前

I think Kyrie, like a lot of people on the outside, realized that there was a significant (maybe even greater than 50%) chance that LeBron would leave Cleveland. What would happen to Kyrie then? Either he'd be traded anyway (and options like San Antonio and Boston might disappear) or he'd be stuck on this mediocre Cavs team for a full year of his prime and if he left in FA he could only get a 4 year contract instead of the 5 year max he'll now be able to get from the Celtics.


Kyrie made the right decision. He got lucky that he got traded to Boston rather than Phoenix or Sacramento, but he made the right call for his career.


[–]Cavaliersrichp1180 47 指標 11小時前

I agree with you. That was prob his thoughts. But does he have to slight Cleveland to express how happy he is in Boston? That's my only beef. We got our chip, and wish we kept him but it does kinda suck he's making it sound like he hated his time here


