A pain in the neck 真的不是 “脖子疼”,理解错就尴尬了!

部门新来的同事,工作起来就十分忘我,人送外号“拼命三郎”。问他为什么能对工作保持如此高的热情?他却对英英说:I break my neck trying to have a bright future......英英就不理解了,好端端的,为什么要“折断脖子”呢?

Break my neck ≠折断自己脖子

A pain in the neck 真的不是 “脖子疼”,理解错就尴尬了!

如果成年累月地埋头苦干,那几乎能累断脖子,所以 Break one's neck 就表示拼命做某事。

I have to break my neck to get to my sister's engagement party at 7 o'clock.我必须拼了命在七点的时候赶到我妹妹的婚礼。

另外,Break one's neck 也可以翻译为“痛扁某人一顿”,比如:

I will break your neck if you do this again!如果你下次再这样做我就会痛扁你一顿!

Pain in the neck ≠ 脖子疼

pain 表示"疼痛", 而 neck 是"脖子"的意思。那么a pain in the neck 是否可以翻译为"脖子疼"呢?其实,这在美国是一个常用的俚语。A pain in the neck 的实际意思是someone or something that is very annoying. 就是“令人讨厌的人或事”。

Don't tell me Dan is coming, wherever he goes, he's a pain in the neck.不要告诉我丹要来,不管他到哪里,他总是个令人讨厌的家伙。

Stick my neck out ≠ 把自己脖子伸出去

中国有句古话叫“枪打出头鸟”,所以把脖子伸长都是十分危险又冒险的事情,Stick one's neck out 引申为“冒险”。

Tom was a nice doctor, but a weak man who wasn't going to stick his neck out .汤姆是位为人和蔼的医生,但胆小怕事,不敢冒什么风险。

最后,真要表达“折断脖子”这样夸张的表达的话,可以使用 wring one's neck

If I find the person who did this, I'll wring his neck!要是我查出是谁干的,非拧断他脖子不可!

