
在Holmøy Maritime的委託下,Snøhetta在挪威北部的Vesterålen群島東側打造了面積為6000平方米的Holmen工業區。這座高度精緻且色彩繽紛的工業區同時也是一個漁場,它集合了當地最優秀的員工和設備,並將進一步鞏固該地區漁業的壯大和發展。作為挪威的第二大產業,漁業每年創造的價值超過10億美元。

On behalf of shipowner Holmøy Maritime, Snøhetta has designed Holmen Industrial Area, a highly sophisticated and colorful 6,000 square meter fishing facility situated on the eastern side of Sortlandssundet in the archipelago of Vesterålen in Northern Norway. By assembling all employees and top-notch facilities on the same site, this bold new facility ensures the regions continued international success within Norway’s second largest industry – an industry worth over one billion dollars annually.

▼工業區概覽,overview ©S_CITRONE


新的工業區巧妙地將Holmøy Maritime的拖網捕魚場、魚類養殖場、魚類加工場以及公司的總部安排在4個獨特的建築當中,將原始捕魚場的粗獷與現代辦公場所的優美結合起來。項目中還包含一間賓館,能夠為在漁場輪班作業的員工們提供休息的場所。工業區的建築均朝向一條126米寬的、與挪威海相連的深水港。建築的佈局和比例旨在促進海上與陸地作業的順利進行,同時對挪威北部的原始景觀起到保護和改善的作用。

The new facility intelligently blurs the distinction between the rawness of the fishing industry with a more polished corporate allure by subtly merging Holmøy Maritime’s trawling, fish farming and fish processing business and the company’s headquarters into four, distinctive buildings. The buildings also include a guest house that functions as a home away from home for employees that need to rest their eyes between shifts at sea or on land. Oriented toward a first-class 126-meter-wide deep-water harbor plunging into the Norwegian Sea, the buildings are all organized and dimensioned to facilitate for activities at sea and on the mainland while also safeguarding and respecting the surrounding pristine North Norwegian landscape.

▼工業區將原始捕魚場的粗獷與現代辦公場所的優美結合起來,the new facility intelligently blurs the distinction between the rawness of the fishing industry with a more polished corporate allure ©S_CITRONE



▼建築群朝向一條126米寬的、與挪威海相連的深水港, the buildings are oriented towards a first-class 126-meter-wide deep-water harbor plunging into the Norwegian Sea ©S_CITRONE



環境考量 | Considering Context


With its typical coastal climate, mild winters and cool summers, the islands of Vesterålen is home to a little over 32 000 inhabitants. The area has been a beacon of the Norwegian fishing industry for almost 1,000 years, and the region is famous for its highly nutritious ocean currents and its booming fauna and flora boosted by the Gulfstream which runs closer to the coastline here than anywhere else in the world. Nature in the area is characterized by the rough ocean, sheer mountains and rainy skies that tend to hide the endless midnight sun in summertime. From December to the beginning of January, Vesterålen is plunged in a distinctive blue darkness, only to be lit by occasional northern lights.

▼在近一千年來,Vesterålen島一直是挪威漁業的標誌性的存在,the area has been a beacon of the Norwegian fishing industry for almost 1,000 years ©S_CITRONE



The Holmen Industrial Area carefully considers its context by creating a simple, yet logistically complex industrial typology that treads lightly in the landscape. The colorful facility is inspired by the changing light conditions and spectacular landscape of Vesterålen and is organized in a simple rectangular shape that carefully camouflages in- and outgoing traffic from boats and trucks that shuttle between the facility, the sea and the mainland. By creating an open space with large windows, the facility allows for a maximum of daylight to penetrate the building while also providing beautiful views overlooking the sea. The design also reduces the need for artificial lighting and heating, contributing to a better indoor climate and a more sustainable building.

▼繽紛的色彩來源於島上不斷變化的光線和自然風貌,the colorful facility is inspired by the changing light conditions and spectacular landscape of Vesterålen ©Ketil Jacobsen



▼簡單的矩形體量巧妙地迎合了船隻與車輛在場地中的動線,the project is organized in a simple rectangular shape that carefully camouflages in- and outgoing traffic from boats and trucks that shuttle between the facility, the sea and the mainland ©S_CITRONE


©Ketil Jacobsen


▼建築細部,detailed view ©S_CITRONE



▼夜景,night view ©Ketil Jacobsen




Surplus excavations from the building site are transferred back to the surrounding nature through the creation of a gently undulating landscape. Following a green alley that runs along the guest house and headquarters, the landscape ends up as a small park area dubbed “Lunden”, a recreational free-zone for employees and visitors. Grass, local vegetation and birch trees safeguard and emphasize the aesthetic of the surrounding landscape.

▼休閒公園,a small park for recreation ©S_CITRONE




功能性、複雜性與娛樂性的融合 | Merging Functionality, Complexity and Playfulness


Snøhetta has conducted an extensive mapping of the complex logistics required to ensure that the quality of the fish meets the highest standards before being exported to the millions of people around the globe that consume Norwegian fish every day. The fish trawlers trajectory to and from the facility, equipment storage and employee needs, and the meticulously process of handling fish from the time it leaves the net pens until it is frozen and shipped, have all been considered carefully throughout the design phase to achieve the best environment possible for employees and for production. The freezing terminal functions as the very heart of the facility and there are plans for extended freezing and storage facilities as well as a 112-meter extension of the deep-water harbor.

▼抬升的體量提高了交通的效率,同時帶來眺望海景的視野,the elevated volume ensures the complex logistics of the facilities and also provides beautiful views overlooking the sea ©S_CITRONE


©Ketil Jacobsen


▼細部,detailed view ©S_CITRONE





Functional materials such as an aluminum façade cladding and concrete floors have been chosen for their aesthetic and durability, and create a contrast to the colorful details of the facility. Warm colors ranging from red, subdued orange, yellow and green create a playful contrast to the sky, ocean and mountains of Vesterålen and distinguish themselves to the otherwise subdued metallic grey color and materiality of the facility and subtle wayfinding elements both on the inside and outside of the facility.

▼建築的外立面包覆以鋁合金材料, aluminum façade cladding has been chosen for aesthetic and durability ©Ketil Jacobsen




室內空間同樣延續了這種明快的配色:溫暖的色調營造出溫馨的氛圍,與樺木材質的天花板、牆面、地板以及各類傢俱形成和諧搭配,同時也為戶外多變的自然景觀增添了一絲活潑的感覺。豐富多彩的標識設計以魚鱗為靈感,融合了獨特的海洋元素。這些標識不僅裝飾了冷凍區的窗戶和牆面,還被採用到Holmen工業區的新logo以及公司的名片和文具設計當中,從而將建築、景觀、室內和平面設計串聯起來,共同為我們講述這個關於Holmøy Maritime的完整而美麗故事。

The bright color palette is also translated into the interior design – from the construction itself to interior elements. The colors create a warm atmosphere contrasting with the light ash and birch woodwork of the ceiling battens, wall panels, flooring and fixed and loose furnishings, adding a touch of playfulness to the breathtaking views of the shifting and dramatic scenery outside. A rich, colorful graphic profile with a characteristic marine pattern inspired by fish scales adorn the windows and sides of the freezing terminal and the Holmen Industrial Area’s new logo. The graphic profile is also translated into the silver pattern of business cards and stationery, creating a beautiful aesthetic addition to the overall storytelling of Holmøy Maritime – a story told through architecture, landscape architecture, interior architecture and graphic design.

▼室內空間延續明快的配色,the bright color palette is also translated into the interior design ©Ketil Jacobsen


▼休閒空間,seating area ©Ketil Jacobsen


▼賓館房間內部,guest house interior view ©Ketil Jacobsen


▼傢俱細部,furniture detailed view ©S_CITRONE


▼樓梯間,stair well ©Ketil Jacobsen


▼標識設計以魚鱗為靈感,the graphic design was inspired by fish scales ©Ketil Jacobsen



▼立面細部,facade detail ©Ketil Jacobsen



▼溫暖的紅色、橙色、黃色與綠色與Vesterålen的天空、海洋與山巒形成鮮明的碰撞,warm colors ranging from red, subdued orange, yellow and green create a playful contrast to the sky, ocean and mountains of Vesterålen ©Ketil Jacobsen


Timeline: 2014 – 2017

Status: Completed

Location: Sortlandssundet, Norway

Size: 6,000 m2

Client: Holmøy Maritime

