



1 General Artificial Intelligence

1.1 IJCAI(International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence)

C/J: Conference

Desc: IJCAI is a non-profit corporation founded in California, in 1969 for scientific and educational purposes, including dissemination of information on Artificial Intelligence at conferences in which cutting-edge scientific results are presented and through dissemination of materials presented at these meetings in form of Proceedings, books, video recordings, and other educational materials.

URL: http://www.ijcai.org

1.2 AAAI(American Association for Artificial Intelligence)

C/J: Conference

Desc: Founded in 1979, the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) (formerly the American Association for Artificial Intelligence) is a nonprofit scientific society devoted to advancing the scientific understanding of the mechanisms underlying thought and intelligent behavior and their embodiment in machines.

URL: http://www.aaai.org

1.3 Artificial Intelligence

C/J: Journal

Desc: The journal welcomes foundational and applied papers describing mature work involving computational accounts of aspects of intelligence.

URL: https://www.journals.elsevier.com/artificial-intelligence/

2. Machine Learning

2.1 NIPS(Conference and Workshop on Neural Information Processing Systems)

C/J: Conference

Desc: A multi-track machine learning and computational neuroscience conference.

URL: http://www.nips.cc

2.2 ICML(International Conference on Machine Learning)

C/J: Conference

Desc: ICML is the leading international machine learning conference and is supported by the International Machine Learning Society (IMLS).

URL: https://icml.cc/

2.3 UAI(The Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence)

C/J: Conference

Desc: UAI is a non-profit organization focused on organizing the annual Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI) and, more generally, on promoting research in pursuit of advances in knowledge representation, learning and reasoning under uncertainty.

URL: http://auai.org/

2.4 AISTATS(International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics)

C/J: Conference

Desc: Since its inception in 1985, AISTATS has been an interdisciplinary gathering of researchers at the intersection of artificial intelligence, machine learning, statistics, and related areas.

URL: http://www.aistats.org/

2.5 COLT(Annual Conference on Computational Learning Theory)

C/J: Conference

Desc: Addressing theoretical aspects of machine learning and related topics.

URL: http://learningtheory.org/colt2019/

2.6 JMLR(Journal of Machine Learning Research)

C/J: Journal

Desc: The Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR) provides an international forum for the electronic and paper publication of high-quality scholarly articles in all areas of machine learning.

URL: http://www.jmlr.org/

2.7 Machine Learning

C/J: Journal

Desc: The journal features papers that describe research on problems and methods, applications research, and issues of research methodology.

URL: https://link.springer.com/journal/10994

2.8 Neural Computation

C/J: Journal

Desc: Neural Computation disseminates important, multidisciplinary research in theory, modeling, computation, and statistics in neuroscience and in the design and construction of neurally inspired information processing systems.

URL: https://www.mitpressjournals.org/loi/neco

3 Computer Vision & Pattern Recognition

3.1 CVPR(IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition)

C/J: Conference

Desc: CVPR is the premier annual computer vision event comprising the main conference and several co-located workshops and short courses. With its high quality and low cost, it provides an exceptional value for students, academics and industry researchers.

URL: http://cvpr2018.thecvf.com/

3.2 ICCV(IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision)

C/J: Conference

Desc: ICCV is the premier international computer vision event comprising the main conference and several co-located workshops and tutorials. With its high quality and low cost, it provides an exceptional value for students, academics and industry researchers.

URL: http://iccv2019.thecvf.com/

3.3 IEEE T-PAMI(IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence)

C/J: Journal

Desc: The IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI) is published monthly. Its editorial board strives to present most important research results in areas within TPAMI's scope.

URL: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/RecentIssue.jsp?punumber=34

3.4 ECCV(European Conference on Computer Vision)

C/J: Conference

Desc: European Conference on Computer Vision.

URL: https://eccv2018.org/

3.5 IJCV(International Journal of Computer Vision)

C/J: Journal

Desc: International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV) details the science and engineering of this rapidly growing field. Regular articles present major technical advances of broad general interest. Survey articles offer critical reviews of the state of the art and/or tutorial presentations of pertinent topics.

URL: https://link.springer.com/journal/11263

3.6 IEEE T-IP(IEEE Transactions on Image Processing)

C/J: Journal

Desc: Focuses on signal-processing aspects of image processing, imaging systems, and image scanning, display, and printing

URL: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/RecentIssue.jsp?punumber=83

3.7 ICPR(International Conference on Pattern Recognition)

C/J: Conference

Desc: ICPR will be an international forum for discussions on recent advances in the fields of Pattern Recognition, Machine Learning and Computer Vision, and on applications of these technologies in various fields.

URL: www.icpr2018.org/

4 Computational Linguistics

4.1 ACL(Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics)

C/J: Conference

Desc: Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics.

URL: https://acl2018.org/

4.2 EMNLP(Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing)

C/J: Conference

Desc: Special Interest Group on Linguistic Data & Corpus-based Approaches to Natural Language Processing.

URL: http://www.sigdat.org/

4.3 NAACL(The Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics)

C/J: Conference

Desc: The North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics.

URL: http://naacl.org/

4.4 SemEval(International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation)

C/J: Conference

Desc: SemEval has evolved from the SensEval word sense disambiguation evaluation series.

URL: http://alt.qcri.org/semeval2018/index.php?id=tasks


