
上學時,我們中的一部分人經常參加一些程序設計競賽,例如:Astar, Topcoder, Google Code Jam, ACM/ICPC等,在這些競賽中,號稱中國大學生編程第一人的姚班樓教主脫穎而出。本文整理了一些AI相關的挑戰賽(有些雖已停辦,但具有參考價值),希望你成為下一個AI教主。

1 Computer Vision Challenge

1.1 Pascal VOC(Visual Object Classes)

Desc: Supervised-learning tasks, such as image classification.Performance on VOC has been saturation. Replaced by ImageNet. From 2005-2012, now finished.

URL: http://host.robots.ox.ac.uk/pascal/VOC/

1.2 CVPR ImageNet ILSVRC(Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge)

Desc: Supervised-learning tasks, such as image classification. Performance on ImageNet has been saturation(2.2%). Replaced by WebVision. From 2010-2017, now finished.

URL: http://www.image-net.org/challenges/LSVRC/

1.3 CVPR WebVision

Desc: Weakly-supervised learning tasks. Web images from real-world scenarios. From 2017-now.

URL: http://www.vision.ee.ethz.ch/webvision/

1.4 ICCV MS COCO(Common Objects in Context)

Desc: Supervised-learning tasks, such as detection, instances segmentation, keypoint, stuff segmentation. From 2015-now.

URL: http://cocodataset.org/

1.5 ICCV MIT Places

Desc: Scene-centric supervised-learning tasks, such as scene parsing, instance segmentation, semantic boundary detection. From 2017-now.

URL: http://places.csail.mit.edu/

1.6 ACM Multimedia LSVC(Large-Scale Video Classification)

Desc: video classification.

URL: http://www.acmmm.org/2017/

1.7 CVPR LSUN(Large-scale Scene Understanding)

Desc: Scene-centric tasks, such as scene understanding, including scene object retrieval, outdoor scene segmentation, RGB-D 3D object detection and saliency prediction. From 2015-now.

URL: http://lsun.cs.princeton.edu/2017/

2 Speech Challenge

2.1 Blizzard Challenge

Desc: The basic challenge is to take the released speech database, build a synthetic voice from the data and synthesize a prescribed set of test sentences. From 2005-now.

URL: http://www.festvox.org/blizzard/

2.2 CHiME Challenge

Desc: The new challenge will consider the problem of distant microphone conversational speech recognition in everyday home environments. The challenge will target multi-microphone solutions with separate tracks for fixed microphone arrays and head-mounted microphones. From 2014-now.

URL: http://spandh.dcs.shef.ac.uk/chime_workshop/

2.3 NIST TAC KBP(Text Analysis Conference Knowledge Base Population)

Desc: The goal of TAC Knowledge Base Population (KBP) is to develop and evaluate technologies for populating knowledge bases (KBs) from unstructured text. From 2009-now.

URL: https://tac.nist.gov/2017/KBP/

2.4 Winograd Schema Challenge

Desc: An alternative to the Turing Test developed by Hector Levesque. From 2016-now.

URL: http://commonsensereasoning.org/winograd.html

2.5 NIST SRE(Speaker Recognition Evaluation)

Desc: The goal of the NIST SRE series is to contribute to the direction of research efforts and the calibration of technical capabilities of text independent speaker recognition. From 1996-now.

URL: https://www.nist.gov/itl/iad/mig/speaker-recognition

2.6 ACM Multimedia AVEC(Audio/Visual Emotion Challenge)

Desc: Audio/Visual Emotion Challenge. From 2011-now.

URL: https://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/conf/mm/mm2017.html


2.7 ACM ICMI EmotiW

Desc: Consists of three sub-challenges: Engagement in the Wild, Group-based Emotion Recognition, Audio-video Emotion Recognition. From 2013-now.




2.8 MEC(Multimodal Emotion Recognition Challenge)

Desc: The goal of the Challenge is to provide a common benchmark data set and to bring together the audio and video emotion recognition communities, and to promote the research in multimodal emotion recognition. From 2016-now.

URL: http://www.chineseldc.org/htdocsen/emotion.html

3 Computational Linguistics Challenge

3.1 WMT(Machine Translation)

Desc: Statistical Machine Translation. From 2005-now.




3.2 VCC(Voice Conversion Challenge)

Desc: The objective is speaker conversion, which is a well-known basic problem in voice conversion. Hub task and spoke task. From 2016-now.

URL: http://www.vc-challenge.org/

3.3 CGED(Chinese Grammatical Error Diagnosis)

Desc: The goal of CGED shared task is to develop NLP techniques to automatically diagnose grammatical errors in Chinese sentences written by L2 learners. From 2014-now.

URL: http://cged.biz/

3.4 IWSLT(International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation)

Desc: A yearly scientific workshop, associated with an open evaluation campaign on spoken language translation, where both scientific papers and system descriptions are presented. From 2004-now.




3.5 AI Challenger

Desc: 國內幾家公司主辦的,任務有:觀點型問題閱讀理解,細粒度用戶評論情感分析,英中文本機器翻譯,短視頻實時分類,無人駕駛視覺感知。From 2017-now.

URL: https://challenger.ai/


