
  • Let's go to the sauna. 我们去蒸桑拿吧。

Sauna 桑拿


  • Clean up first and then go into the sauna.

...first and then... 首先...然后...

  • Go with dad since you are a big boy.

Go with... 和...一起



  • Want to go in there?
  • I can not breath, I will go outside for a little.

go outside for a little 出去透透气

  • You are sweating a lot. 你除了好多汗。
  • Make sure to drink plenty of water. 多喝点水。



  • Can you buy a bottle of water for me to drink? 能给我买杯水喝吗?
  • I am going to lie down here.

lie down 躺下

  • How long will we stay? 我们还要在这儿呆多久?
  • When do we go home? 我们什么时候回家?

这两句日常生活中也经常用到, 比如说出去逛商场的时候,小孩经常问How long will we stay? I want to go home to eat something. When do we go home?

  • Let's clean up and go home. 洗一下回家吧

