

原創翻譯:龍騰網 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻譯:Rainslw 轉載請註明出處

How hard is life in Mongolia?




原創翻譯:龍騰網 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻譯:Rainslw 轉載請註明出處


Life is very hard for intellectual people in Mongolia

Life is very hard for honest people in Mongolia

Life is very easy for CORRUPT assholes in Mongolia

Life is easy for Wrestlers in Mongolia

In recent poll , 79% of Mongolians wants to go to foreign country






Anand Nyamdavaa

Imagine you are a herder who is living in Mongolia. you are one of the 100,000 families who still live the old way. this is your house. it’s called ger. It’s just one room. There is no separate kitchen, bedroom, living room, toilet. It’s just this. That's it.

想象你是一個住在蒙古的牧民。 你是10萬個仍然過著舊式生活家庭中的一個。 這是你的房子。 它叫蒙古包。 它只有一個房間,沒有單獨的廚房,臥室,客廳,衛生間,只有一個房間, 就這樣。


Your kids want to play with you. Your oldest son is undergraduate and studying in capital of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar. Remind me to sell some some livestock for his education in the fall. The younger two, daughter (12) and son (9) are back from school. They are here this summer, as it’s recess. These two kids live in a dormitory in the provincial capital. The youngest (4) one is home and stays with his mom. The summer is the best time, all livestock is fed, life is easy and no need to wear clothes for -40 Celsius . Truly enjoyable time. But autumn is coming, soon you need to start preparing. First, you need to go to city and buy all the provisions and tools you need for winter. Then come back and move everything for dozens of km away. the place is close to mountains and is surrounded by mountains. it’s a good place for livestock and close to water. but now I am sleepy, so I will sleep and count the sheep in my dreams….

你的孩子想和你一起玩。 你的大兒子是大學生,在蒙古首都烏蘭巴托學習。 提醒你秋天賣些牲畜給他上學。 小的兩個女兒(12歲)和兒子(9歲)放學回來了。她們今年夏天會待在這裡,因為現在是假期。 這兩個孩子住在省會的宿舍裡。 最小的一個在家和他媽媽住在一起。 夏天是最好的季節,所有的牲畜都吃飽了,生活很輕鬆,不需要穿零下40攝氏度的衣服。是真正愉快的時光。 但是秋天就要來了,很快你就需要開始準備了。首先,你需要去城市購買所有的食品和工具,你需要為冬天做準備。然後回來把所有東西搬到幾十公里外。 這個地方離山很近,四周也都是山。 這是畜牧的好地方,而且離水很近。但是現在我困了,所以我要睡覺,在我的夢中數羊。

Ulzii Nergqui

My father and my grandfather always tell me that Mongolians never complain. So even if it is hard, i have to enjoy living in Mongolia.

我的父親和祖父總是告訴我蒙古人從不抱怨。 所以即使很難,我也要享受在蒙古的生活。

I am currently living in a developed country. Having been living here in the developed, i realized that living in Mongolia is way better. My friend said that he paid $9000 for his mortgage as deposit and every month, he has to pay around $200 for 20 years. His apartment is located 2–3 km away from center of Ulaanbaatar. My another friend, who was really really poor guy, also got his apartment just next to the guy’s door. Because they are friends, living close to each other is better. The government offered him a deal, for which he does not need to pay any deposit. But he needs to pay for 25 years. Both of the apartments are about 45 meter square. For young couples, it is very nice. In the biggest city of the developed country, 40 meter square apartment is more than 1 million dollar so deposit would be like $300000. How much i could possibly earn is around $3000–$4000. So i need to save my money for 10 years without spending $1. Of course, price of apartment will be even more expensive after 10 years. But i will have better photos on my Instagram than my friends. Oh in Mongolia, every citizen can own land(0.7 ha) for free. For example, Let’s say your family has 6 people, so you guys merge it together and enjoy bigger land. But in the developed country, a smaller land 100 km away from the city center may cost $250000. Average salary is $400 in Mongolia.

我現在住在一個發達國家。 住在這裡的發達國家,我意識到生活在蒙古要好得多。 我的朋友說,他付了9000美元的按揭作為定金,每個月他必須支付200美元左右,一直交滿20年。 他的公寓離烏蘭巴托市中心2-3公里。 我的另一個朋友,他真的很窮, 他的公寓就在這傢伙的門旁邊。 因為他們是朋友,住在一起更好。政府給了他一筆交易,他不需要付任何押金, 但他還是得付25年的錢。 這兩套公寓都在45平方米左右。 對年輕夫婦來說,這是非常好的了。

在發達國家最大的城市,40平方米的公寓價值超過100萬美元,所以首付需要30萬美元。 我能掙多少錢?大約是3000-4000美元每個月。 所以我需要節省我十年賺的錢, 不花1美元。 當然,10年後公寓的價格可能會更貴。 但我的Instagram上會有比我朋友更好的照片。 哦,在蒙古,每個公民都可以免費擁有土地(0.7公頃)。 例如,假設你的家庭有6口人,那麼你們就可以合併在一起,享受更大的土地。 但在發達國家,距市中心100公里的一小塊土地可能要花費25萬美元。 蒙古的平均工資是400美元。


Freedom in Mongolia: When i was 4 years old, i started getting drunk. I like drinking Airag(fermented horse milk). The reason why i like it is because it does not contain any chemical like beer. In the developed country, you must show your ID to buy a beer as if you are going to another country. As for freedom of traveling, Mongolia is the best. I know that in the developed country, i can see beautiful beaches but i can not camp there. In Mongolia, you can build your tent wherever you want. You can even build it in front of the parliament house because you hate the government. Mongolians prefer life lasting friends rather than short term friend. I am 26 years old and some of my friends have been friend with me for 19 years. So that is why we do not have psychologist. In the developed country, i dare to say that there is no such thing as friends. The government will be your best friend. In Mongolia, you control your own brain. In the developed country, walls always have signs saying DON’T DO IT!!!, under surveillance!!! will fine you. When i get sad, i just close my eyes and imagine as if i am running through endless steppe. No one see me, no one bothers me. A mere 1.92 people occupy each square kilometer of this enormous landmass. It means there will be less law and rules in the country.

蒙古的自由:當我4歲的時候,我開始喝酒。 我喜歡喝發酵的馬奶酒。 我喜歡它的原因是,它不含任何像啤酒那樣的化學物質。 在發達國家,你必須出示身份證才能買啤酒,就像你要去另一個國家一樣。 至於旅行的自由,蒙古是最好的。 我知道在發達國家,我可以看到美麗的海灘,但我卻不能在那裡露營。 在蒙古,你可以隨心所欲地搭帳篷。 你甚至可以把它建在國會大廈前,因為你不喜歡政府。 蒙古族人更喜歡終生的朋友,而不是短期的朋友。 我今年26歲,我的一些朋友和我做了19年的朋友。 所以我們沒有心理學家。 在發達國家,我敢說沒有朋友這樣的東西,政府會是你最好的朋友。 在蒙古,你控制你自己的大腦。 在發達國家,牆壁上總有告示說,不要這樣做!你正處於監控之下!你將會被罰款! 當我難過的時候,我只是閉上眼睛,想象著好像我在無盡的草原上奔跑。 沒人看見我,沒人打擾我。 在這塊巨大的土地上,每平方公里只有1.92人居住。 這意味著這個國家的法律和規則將會減少。

Opportunity: for Mongolians, there are plenty of opportunities. The best example is 4th president of Mongolia. When he was child, his childhood was on horseback. Because Mongolia is developing country, there are many things that people can improve. Actually, majority of Mongolians coming from any developed country get some idea and make it possible in Mongolia. Because it is the most sparsely populated country, there is less competition compared to other east Asian countries. Because services sucks in Mongolia, people can do almost everything. One of my friend bought a very old Mercedes Benz and put Hyundai engine in it. So he saves money by using less petrol. Later on, he can be a car fixer. Instead of getting your stuffs fixed by someone, it is much better and fun to fix by myself. China is 450 times more populated than Mongolia, while Russia 45 time more populated. Mongolia is also ranked in 10th in terms of natural resource. I guess i can live in my friends home for 1 year without paying anything because it is Mongolian hospitality.

機會:對蒙古人來說,機會很多。 最好的例子是蒙古第四任總統。 當他還是個孩子的時候,他的童年是在馬背上度過的。 因為蒙古國是發展中國家,有很多東西是人們可以改進的。 事實上,大多數去過任何發達國家的蒙古族人都有一些想法,並使之在蒙古國成為可能。 由於它是人口最稀少的國家,與其他東亞國家相比,競爭較少。 因為蒙古的服務業很爛,人們幾乎什麼都能做。 我的一個朋友買了一輛很舊的奔馳,並在裡面裝了現代發動機。 所以他用更少的汽油來省錢。 後來,他可以當修車工,與其讓人修理你的東西,不如自己修理更好,更有趣。中國的人口是蒙古的450倍,而俄羅斯的人口是蒙古的45倍。蒙古的自然資源也排在第10位。我想我可以在朋友家住一年而不用付任何費用,因為這是蒙古人的招待方式。


This is end of my answer. It is true that Mongolia has many drawbacks but culturally, we are not allowed to complain. I will only think positive things about my country. Living in Mongolia is tough but tasty as sweet. If there is a god and give me a choice, live in the developed country for 10 years and die or live in Mongolia for 1 year and die. I will definitely choose Mongolia.

我的答案到此為止。 誠然,蒙古有許多缺點,但在文化上,我們不能抱怨。 我只會為我的國家想一些積極的事情。 生活在蒙古是艱難的,但卻也是甜蜜的。 如果有一個上帝,給我一個選擇,在發達國家生活10年,然後死掉,或者在蒙古生活1年,然後死掉。 我一定會選擇蒙古。

