


一, 複習句型

二, 1,主+系+表

Li Lei is a Chinese boy. ( Li Lei 是名詞,作主語。)


He arrived. (arrive 就是不及物動詞。)


He enjoys music.(enjoy 是及物動詞,賓語為music)



三,名詞性從句的分類 主語從句

What you said sounds reasonable. 表語從句

This is what I was asked to do. 賓語從句

Nobody knows who broke the glass. 同位從句

The idea that we'll go out for a picnic is great.

四,that引導的名詞性從句 六、名詞性that-從句

1)由從屬連詞that引導的從句叫做名詞性that-從句。That只起連接主句和從句的作用,在從句中不擔任任何成分,本身也沒有詞義。名詞性that-從句在句中能充當主 語、賓語、表語、同位語和形容詞賓語。

主語:That she is still alive is her luck. 她還活著全靠運氣。

賓語:John said that he was leaving for London on Wednesday. 約翰說他星期三要到倫敦去。

表語:The fact is that he has not been seen recently. 事實是近來誰也沒有見過他。

同位語:The fact that he has not been seen recently disturbs everyone in his office. 近來誰也沒有見過他,這一事實令辦公室所有的人不安。

形容詞賓語:I am glad that you are satisfied with your job. 你對工作滿意我感到很高興。


It is quite clear that the whole project is doomed to failure. 很清楚,整個計劃註定要失敗。 It's a pity that you should have to leave. 你非走不可真是件憾事。

用it作形式主語的that-從句有以下四種不同的搭配關係: a

. It + be +形容詞+ that-從句

It is necessary that„ 有必要„„ It is important that„ 重要的是„„ It is obvious that„ 很明顯„„ b. It + be + -ed 分詞+ that-從句 It is believed that„ 人們相信„„ It is known to all that„ 眾所周知„„ It has been decided that„ 已決定„„ c. It + be +名詞+ that-從句

It is common knowledge that„ „„是常識It is a surprise that„ 令人驚奇的是„„ It is a fact that„ 事實是„„ d. It +不及物動詞+ that-從句 It appears that„ 似乎„„ It happens that„ 碰巧„

It occurred to me that„ 我突然想起„„



Wh-詞包括who, whom,. whose, whoever, what, whatever, which, whichever等連接代詞和

where, when, how, why等連接副詞。Wh-從句的語法功能除了和that-從句一樣外,還可充當介詞賓語、賓語補語和間接賓語等,例如:

主語: How the book will sell depends on its author. 書銷售如何取決於作者本人。

直接賓語:In one's own home one can do what one likes. 在自己家裡可以隨心所欲。

間接賓語:The club will give whoever wins a prize. 俱樂部將給得勝者設獎。

表語: My question is who will take over president of the Foundation. 我的問題是誰將接任該基金會主席職位。

賓語補足語:She will name him whatever she wants to. 她高興給他起什麼名字就取什麼名字。

同位語: I have no idea when he will return. 我不知道他什麼時候回來。

形容詞賓語:I'm not sure why she refused their invitation. 我尚不能肯定她為什麼拒絕他們的邀請。

介詞賓語: That depends on where we shall go. 那取決於我們去哪兒。


It is not yet decided who will do that job. 還沒決定誰做這項工作。

It remains unknown when they are going to get married. 他們何時結婚依然不明。

八if, whether引導的名詞從句 1)yes-no型疑問從句

從屬連詞if, whether引導的名詞從句是由一般疑問句或選擇疑問轉化而來的,因此也分別被稱為yes-no型疑問句從句和選擇型疑問從句,其功能和wh-從句的功能相同, 例如:

主語:Whether the plan is feasible remains to be proved. 這一計劃是否可行還有待證實。

賓語:Let us know whether / if you can finish the article before Friday. 請讓我們知道你是否能在星期五以前把文章寫完。

表語:The point is whether we should lend him the money. 問題在於我們是否應該借錢給他。

同位語:They are investigating the question whether the man is trustworthy. 他們調查他是否值得信賴。

形容詞賓語: She's doubtful whether we shall be able to come. 她懷疑我們是否能夠前來。

介詞賓語: I worry about whether he can pass through the crisis of his illness. 我擔心他是否能度過疾病的危險期。


選擇性疑問從句由關聯詞if/whether„or或whether„or not構成,例如:

Please tell me whether / if they are Swedish or Danish. 請告訴我他們是瑞典人還是丹麥人。

I don't care whether you like the plan or not.我不在乎你是否喜歡該計劃。

▲ if和whether的區別:1、 在動詞不定式之前只能用whether 。

I can’t decide whether to stay. 我不能決定是否留下。

2、 在whether „„ or not 的固定搭配中。

I want to know whether it’s good news or not . 我想知道是否是好消息。

3 、在介詞後,只能用whether。

His father is worried about whether he lose his work . 他的父親擔心是否會失去工作。

4、賓語從句放在句首表示強調時,只能用whether 。

Whether this is true or not, I really don’t know. 這是否真的,我真的不知道。

3、 (例11 Whether they can finish the work on time is still a problem . 他們是否能準時完成這項工作還是個問題。--此例為主語從句,有誤,感謝指出)


Could you tell me if you know the answer ? 這句話有兩種意思:“你能告訴我是否知道答案嗎?”或“如果你知道答案,請告訴我,好嗎?”。如用whether可避免歧義.

九, whoever 和 whatever 引導的名詞性從句

whoever引導主,賓從句=anyone who--- whatever引導主,賓從句=anything that---

Whatever is left over may be put into the refrigerator, where it will keep for two or three weeks.

=Anything that is left over may be put into the refrigerator, where it will keep for two or three weeks.

Whoever walks around in such a heavy rain will catch a cold.任何在這樣的大雨中行走得人都會患感冒。=Anyone who walks around in such a heavy rain will catch a cold..(主語從句)

I will give the ticket to whoever is interested in music.我將把票給對音樂感興趣的人。= I will give the ticket to anyone who is interested in music.(賓語從句) 注意區別:Who will go makes no difference.(主語從句) I don`t know who will do it.(賓語從句) 以上兩句中的who不能換成anyone who

whoever引導狀語從句時等於no matter who whatever引導狀語從句時等於no matter what

No matter what you may say, he won`t listen.=Whatever you say, he won`t listen.無論你說什麼他都不會聽。

He won`t listen to whatever you say.= He won`t listen to anything that you say.他不會聽你說的任何話。


1.Baroness Thatcher has been awarded a special ceremony for her funeral, with military honours --- the same as _____for Diana, Princess of Wales.

A. one B. it C. the one D. these

2.I didn’t really want a wallet, but the salesman persuaded me to buy______.

A. it B. one C. another D. the other

3.Recycling is one way to protect the environment; reusing is _____.

A. anotherB. the otherC. one anotherD. one

4.---What about the monthly test? Is it easy?

---Yes, but I don’t think________ pass it.

A. somebody B. anybody C. nobody D. everybody

6.—Did you call on any of your old friends when you returned to your hometown?

—_______ of them. They were all very busy.

A. Nobody B. None C. Both D. Neither

7.Some don’t agree to the plan, while I’m out of ____ opposed to it.

A. those who B. who C. those D. that

8. You may depend on ____ that they are of much value.

A. that B. it C. these D. them

9.Helen has been looking for a job over the whole year, feeling she can’t get _________ without work experience.

A. that B. it C. one D. this

10.Good health is __________ most people take for granted--- until they lose it .

A. anything B. everything C. nothing D. something

11.-Who is the lady standing over there?

-I am not sure, but it may be ___ from the provincial government.

A. everybodyB. nobodyC. somebodyD. anybody

12.We have been looking at houses, but haven’t found _____ we like yet.

A. oneB. onesC. themD. it

13.For years, it was viewed as a serious problem, ________ that has never been really solved.

A. one B. where C. it D. which

There are many sales of mobile phones on www.taobao.com, and you can choose _____ based on your own interests.

A. that B. each C. it D. one

15.I know you want to borrow money but I have _____at hand myself.

A. noneB. no one C. few D. nothing

16.All we have is 24 precious hours a day and therefore we shall waste ______

A. nothingB. noneC. neitherD. no one

17.—Did you find your pen this afternoon?

—No, I didn’t find _________, but I’ve bought _________.

A. it; it B. it; one C. one; one D. one; it:

18.We feel our duty to make City of Wenzhou a better place.

A. it B. thisC. thatD. one

19.The Internet and the effect ________ brought about did a lot of good to our daily life and work. That is to say, the Internet has made a great difference in many aspects.

A. that B. whatC. whichD. it

20.---Which book do you think is the most useful to my studies?

---________, as long as you read it. In fact, they are out of date.

A. None B. Neither C. Any D. Either




試題分析:考查代詞:句意:撒切爾女男爵被授予一個有著軍事榮譽的特殊的葬禮儀式—和威爾士王妃戴安娜一樣的葬禮。根據句意:指代的詞是特指“戴安娜的葬禮”,特指可數名詞的單數用the one,one是泛指可數名詞的單數,it是特指同類同物,these是“這些”,所以選C。




試題分析:考查代詞:句意:我真的不想要一個錢包但是推銷員說服我買了一個。這裡用one指代a wallet,one可以泛指可數名詞的單數,it是特指可數名詞的單數或不可數名詞,another是泛指“另一個”,the other是特指“另一個”,所以選B。



試題分析:句意為:回收再利用是保護環境的一種方式,重複使用是另一種方式。the other是特指兩者中的另外一種,構成結構one----the other----,一種(個)---另一種(個)---;one another 意為:彼此,相互;one泛指任何一個。而another為另外一個,由題意可知保護環境的方式不止這兩種,應為多種方式中的另外一個,故應為another.




試題分析:考查部分否定。句意:——月考考得怎麼樣?容易嗎?——容易,但並非每一個人都能通過。Not和不定代詞both, all, every, each, everyone, everything, everybody連用,構成部分否定。含義是“不都是,並不全是”,故選D




試題分析:考查連詞和代詞:句意:如果沒有一個政策變化,那些東西沒有一樣會變化。few修飾的是可數名詞,如果few of...做句子主語,則其謂語動詞不可能用形式,由此可以排除AB unless = if...not...,意思是“如果不/除非”,引導條件狀語從句。








試題分析:考查代詞有人支持,而我就是持反對意見人中的一個。Those那些人,其後跟who 引導的定語從句




試題分析:考查it 作為形式賓語翻譯為你可以相信它們都很有價值

考點:考查it 作為形式賓語



試題分析:考查代詞:句意:海倫整個一年都在找工作,感覺沒有工作很難找到一個工作。這裡用one指代a job,因為one是泛指可數名詞單數,that是特指可數名詞單數或不可數名詞,而且有後置定語,it是特指可數名詞單數或不可數名詞,this是“這個”,所以選C。




試題分析:考查不定代詞的用法。A 任何事物(常用於否定句和疑問句);B每件事,一切,所有事物;C沒有什麼;D事物,某物(常用於肯定句)。句意:健康是大多數人們不予重視的東西,直到他們失去它。根據句意D選項正確。




試題分析:句意:---站在那裡的小姐是誰?---我不能確定,可能是從省政府來的某人。somebody 某人;everybody 每個人;nobody 沒人;anybody 任何人。所以選C。








試題分析:句意:a serious problem 的同位語,代指前面出現的單數名詞。Where在哪裡,先行詞應為地點名詞;it代指具體唯一的事物;因此排除B C兩項。which引導定語從句,與that重複,故排除。因此選A。



試題分析:it 是人稱代詞 代替物,動物,門外的人,也可作形式主語和賓語等;one泛指任何一個同名,不同物的人或者物。既可代替事物, 也可代替人;that是指示代詞 指遠處的事物,電話中的對方,為避免重複代替前面的可數名詞單數和不可數名詞。E




試題分析: 考查不定代詞的用法。A 一點也沒有(物),沒有一個(人);B 沒有人;C 很少,幾個;D什麼也沒有。句意:我知道你想要借錢,可是我自己手頭也沒有錢。錢是不可數名詞,而few修飾或代替複數名詞,排除C選項;no one 指代人,所以B選項排除;none 是指沒有前面提到過的具體的人或物,而nothing是泛指的什麼也沒有,所以正確選項為A。




試題分析:句意為:我們所擁有的一天只有寶貴的24小時,因此我們一個小時也不能浪費。nothing 沒有什麼東西; none 一個也沒有;neither 對兩都的否定;no one 只能用於人,不能指物。考點:考查代詞的用法。






試題分析:考查it做形式賓語的用法。句中真正的賓語是不定式“to make City of Wenzhou a better place”因為賓語太長,所以用形式賓語it 代替。其他三個選項都不可以做形式賓語。句型結構是 :動詞+ it + 名詞/ 形容詞+ to do .句意:我們都認為使溫州成為一個更加美好的地方是我們的責任。所以A 選項正確。




試題分析:句意:網絡及其帶來的影響對我們的日常工作和生活很有益。也就是說,網絡在許多方面產生了很大的影響。這是定語從句修飾先行詞effect, effect在從句中做brought about的賓語,即:the effect that/which the Internet brought about. it指代前面提到的the Internet,此處省略了關係詞that/which(做賓語可省略).故D正確。




試題分析:考查不定代詞詞義辨析。A(三者)都不;B(兩者)都不;C(三者中)任何一個;D(兩者中)一個。根據語境“the most” 可知是三者(以上),再根據答語“In fact, they are out of date.”可知“都不喜歡”,“三者都不”要用none, 故選A。句意:——你覺得哪本書對我的研究最有用?——只要你讀一讀,這些書都沒有用。事實上他們都過時了。



