

後臺總有小夥伴留言諮詢有關獻血前後的注意事項There is always a message from the backstage partner about the blood donation process in detail and the points for attention.

今天,貼心的美小護專業上線Today,our Little Miss Caring is online for you.

為大家科普知識點For everyone.

滿滿的乾貨,小本本都準備好了嗎Full of knowledge, are you ready?

衝鴨!Let’s go!


怎麼樣,獻血前後的注意事項及獻血流程你們都瞭解了嗎?Do you know the detailed process and points for attention about blood donation?如果還沒了解,請反覆觀看!If you don't understand, please watch again and again!對啦,下一期美小護將為大家介紹一下緩解緊張情緒的獻血健康操Next time, Little Miss Caring will bring you an interesting body exercise which can give donors a better feeling around blood donation.請大家拭目以待!Let's wait and see!如果你還有想要了解的關於獻血的其他知識點,可以留言哦If you want to know more about blood donation, please leave a message.美小護下期再見啦,拜拜~Little Miss Caring will see you next time. Bye~


