

Starting a business or launching a new product is both exciting and daunting, and many entrepreneurs feel a lack of clarity as to how to first create a sales strategy to hit the ground running with sales.


After all, they never have opened it to a market before and seldom have all of the insights to know how it will perform.


The creation of a sales strategy is a critical beginning step before the product ever becomes available.


Sit down with your team months ahead of the launch date and work through the strategy.


Planning can take longer than expected, especially when outsourcing or hiring help in the form of salespeople or advertising firms.


Here are four tips to help you plan your new product’s initial sales plan of attack.


  1. Seek mentorship
  2. 1.尋求導師
  3. A good way to get started on brainstorming is to ask advice from others in your industry who have successfully launched a product or business.
  4. 開始集思廣益的一個好方法是向你所在行業中成功推出產品或業務的其他人尋求建議。
  5. This may seem like approaching the competition for counseling, but simply make sure their business isn’t in direct competition with yours.
  6. 這看起來像是接近諮詢的競爭,但只要確保他們的業務不會與你的直接競爭。
  7. Ask to take them to coffee, or simply ask at the end of the call how you can help them.
  8. 要求帶他們去喝咖啡,或者在電話結束時簡單地問一下你可以如何幫助他們。
  9. Worst-case scenario? You end up where you were before.
  10. 最壞的情況?你最終會回到你之前的位置。
  11. Best-case scenario: You get valuable advice and a lifelong business connection.
  12. 最好的情況:你得到了有價值的建議和終生的業務聯繫。
  13. Related: 7 Bulletproof Strategies to Increase Sales
  14. 相關:7種增加銷售的防彈策略
  15. Tim McHugh of Saddleback Educational shared with Under30CEO that there’s a long game to these initial asks for help, saying, “It allows me to involve these mentors in our future strategy and it can lead to potential partnerships. It’s always great to make a call with one goal in mind and then leave with a new business idea or strategic partner."
  16. Saddleback Education的蒂姆·麥克休(Tim McHugh)與Under30CEO分享了這些最初的尋求幫助的漫長過程,他說,“這讓我能夠讓這些導師參與我們未來的戰略,它可以導致潛在的合作伙伴關係。打一個電話,心中只有一個目標,然後帶著一個新的商業想法或戰略合作伙伴離開,這總是很棒的。
    1. Invest in a hire for ad copy and strong visuals
    2. 2.投資招聘廣告文案和強大的視覺效果
    3. In the book Rules of Net, authors Thomas Mandel and Gerard Van der Leun write, “Attention is the hard currency of cyberspace.” Fighting for potential customers’s attention in a goldfish-attention-span world is a feat, made all the more difficult in the absence of strong visuals and robust ad copy.
    4. 在“網絡規則”一書中,作者Thomas Mandel和Gerard Van der Leun寫道,“注意力是網絡空間的硬通貨。”在金魚注意力跨度的世界裡,爭取潛在客戶的注意力是一項壯舉,在沒有強大的視覺效果和強大的廣告文案的情況下,這一切都變得更加困難。
    5. Hire an experienced photographer or videographer to create product visuals that pop and reel in the viewer when they’re scrolling through their Facebook feeds.
    6. 聘請一位經驗豐富的攝影師或錄像師來創建產品視覺效果,當他們滾動Facebook提要時,這些產品視覺效果會在觀眾中彈出和卷軸。
    7. And invest in a copywriter who has a background in neurolinguistic programming so that from the very first line of the ad, customers are willing to read further.
    8. 投資於具有神經語言編程背景的文案,這樣從廣告的第一行開始,客戶就願意進一步閱讀。
      1. Create clear, consensus KPIs
      2. 3.創建清晰、一致的KPI
      3. It’s also vitally important to have a pulse on how you’re performing when you first go to market, which is highly subjective if KPIs aren't decided on beforehand.
      4. 當你第一次進入市場時,對你的表現有一個脈搏也是非常重要的,如果事先沒有決定KPI,這是非常主觀的。
      5. Hunter Ballew, founder of BOLDx, shares that he and his team set a range for ideal KPIs before their sales strategy launches.
      6. BOLDx的創始人Hunter Ballew分享說,他和他的團隊在他們的銷售戰略發佈之前為理想的KPI設定了一個範圍。
      7. “We set an ideal conversion rate and a 'break-even' conversion rate,'" he tells Entrepreneur. "The idea is that we’ll end up somewhere in the middle, and tracking these KPIs help us adjust our strategy moving forward.
      8. “我們設定了理想的轉化率和‘盈虧平衡’轉換率,”他告訴“企業家”。“我們的想法是最終會在中間的某個地方,跟蹤這些KPI幫助我們調整我們的戰略前進。”
      9. Related: 10 Pricing Strategies That Can Drastically Improve Strategies
      10. 相關:可以極大改善策略的10種定價策略
        1. Be ready to shift strategies
        2. 4.準備轉變戰略

