Hip Sway 臀部位移是如何改善你的擊球的?


If you want to hitmore greens, create better iron contact by understanding how your hips move in the golf swing.


Picture this: You just hit a perfect draw off the tee. The ball lands in the middle of the fairway, 150 yards from thegreen. The hole location is in thecenter of the green, so you have plenty of room for error with your approach.


That leaves a stock iron shot which should be textbook, right? You’ve hit this shot many times on the range.

Hip Sway 臀部位移是如何改善你的擊球的?


You, instead, have sweaty palms just thinking about failing to make solid contact, because history has proven the case more often than not.


So, upon a timid, unconfident attempt,

Hip Sway 臀部位移是如何改善你的擊球的?



your result is a chunked shot that leaves achallenging up-and-down to save par.

Hip Sway 臀部位移是如何改善你的擊球的?



Sorry if that hit too close to home, but unfortunately discomfort over “routine” iron shots is all too common for many golfers. That’s why we’re here with advice to make those wasted opportunities athing of the past!

1. 位移什麼?

What did you sway?


There areseveral contributing factors to poor contact with your irons. An important one we’re going to examine ishow the hips move throughout the swing.


Hip sway –the lateral movement of your hips – determines where the bottom of your swingarc, or “low point,” occurs. As welearned in our big-data study of the golfswing, hip sway is a major differentiator of skill level.

Hip Sway 臀部位移是如何改善你的擊球的?


Ultimately, hip sway influences contact. So, itrepresents the difference between solid, ball-first shots and fatted or thinnedshots.

那些經常被教“要把重心轉移到右腿” 的高差點球手,相比那些打得更好的人來說,臀部通常往遠離目標的方向位移,結果導致揮杆最低點老是不穩定。

High-handicapgolfers who have always been told to “shift their weight to the trail leg” tendto sway their hips farther away from the target than better golfers, which often results in low-point consistency issues.

2. 臀部位移往哪邊?

Hip sway this way


Our simple solution? Make an adjustment at addressand maintain that change throughout the swing.

1. 在做準備動作時,臀部朝目標方向調整,這樣你的皮帶扣就差不多在你杆頸的正上方。一旦開始揮杆,繞著你的皮帶扣轉動,同時記得保持臀部在同一個區域而不是朝著你右腿(右手使用者)移動。

When you set up to the ball, move your hips towards the target so that your belt buckleis vertically over your lead heel. Asyou begin to swing back, rotate around your belt buckle, while trying to keep your hips centered over the same area instead of swaying back toward the trail leg.

2. 想要做到這些,你的左膝蓋就要在右膝蓋蹬直時保持彎曲。

To accomplish this, your lead knee will flex while your trail knee straightens.

Hip Sway 臀部位移是如何改善你的擊球的?


As you get comfortable with instilling hip sway more toward the target by keeping your belt buckle location in mind, you will improve contact, increase spin and make those green-light approach shots much more fun to hit.

