
“That teacher gives too much homework!” “Why does my Mom make ME take out the trash all the time?” “Work, work, work, that’s all I ever do. I never get to play like the other kids.”


Maybe YOU have said things like this before. Those kinds of remarks are called complaining or grumbling. God’s Word in Philippians 2:14 calls it murmurings. Let’s read that verse together:Do all things without murmurings and disputings. Disputing means arguing. God says we are to do all that we do without complaining and arguing. Think back over your week. How many times have you complained, or argued?


Let’s think of two “C” words. COMPLAINING is just the opposite of being CONTENT. Contented means being satisfied and thankful with what you have. If you could choose between a contented person or a complaining person, which would you choose for a best friend?Of course! Because it’s fun to be with a happy contented person. But who wants to listen to complaining and arguing?



