
Today’s Painting



“Draw your pleasure, paint your pleasure, and express your pleasure strongly” said Pierre Bonnard, the author of today’s painting.

“描繪你的快樂,渲染你的快樂,並竭力表達你的快樂,”今天這幅畫的作者皮耶·勃納爾(Pierre Bonnard)如是說。

Bonnard’s model forNude in the Bathwas Marthe de Méligny, formerly Maria Boursin (1869–1942), who was the artist’s companion from 1893 until her death.

勃納爾(Bonnard)《浴中的裸體》中的模特便是馬爾特·德·梅利尼(Marthe de Méligny),她之前稱為瑪麗亞·布辛(Maria Boursin,1869–1942年),從1893年起一直是勃納爾的伴侶,直到她去世。

The couple married in 1925, the year from which this painting dates. Bonnard painted Marthe over 300 times during the course of his career, and many of these images show her preparing for, immersed in, or emerging from the bath.


The motif of the bathing woman can be understood not only in terms of the artist’s fascination with Marthe as a subject, but in the context of her health, as she took frequent baths as part of the treatment for a tubercular condition.


ThisNude in the Bathis the last of Bonnard's treatments of this subject; it is one of the great nudes of the twentieth century. The audacity of color that characterizes the artist's mature work is evident in this painting's dazzling mosaic of oranges, yellows, pinks, blues, violets, and greens.

這副《浴中的裸體》 是勃納爾最後一次描畫該主題;該畫作是20世紀最偉大的裸體人物之一。畫中大膽運用了橙色、黃色、粉色、藍色、紫色和綠色的組合,令人眼花繚亂目不暇接,從中可以看出畫家把握色彩的功力已經十分成熟。

The originality of Bonnard's chromatic daring is nearly equal in this painting by a pictorial construct in which perspective and volume are denied and forms are piled up to hover over the flat plane of the canvas. Bonnard transformed this domestic environment, with its comfortably curled-up family dachshund, into an exotic setting in which a young woman floats in a pearly tub, her flesh reflecting the opalescent colors that surround her. The result is a sensual, dreamlike, and private evocation.


