
Today’s Painting



In a Roman Osteria is an intensified version of a painting by one of Bloch’s major predecessors, Wilhelm Marstrand (1810-1873); specifically his charming Italian Osteria Scene from 1848 (Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek).


It is one of Bloch’s most popular genrepictures and is typical of his seductiveability to depict objects, details, and clothes with striking realism.


As is often the case in Bloch’s work, knives and forks are brandished rather freely. Note in particular how the phallicdecanterto the left may be close to an inviting mouth with slightly parted lips, but is equally – and unpleasantly – close to a knife and a fork with only two large prongsconsiderably more pointy than those of the young man’s fork.



Artist Introduction


He was born in Copenhagen, Denmark and studied there at the Royal Danish Academy of Art (Det Kongelige Danske Kunstakademi) under Wilhelm Marstrand . Bloch's parents wanted their son to enter a respectable profession - an officer in the Navy. This, however, was not what Carl wanted. His only interest was drawing and painting, and he was consumed by the idea of becoming an artist.

布洛赫出生于丹麥的哥本哈根,在威廉·馬斯特蘭德(Wilhelm Marstrand)的指導下於丹麥皇家藝術學院學習。布洛赫的父母希望兒子從事受人尊敬的職業,如海軍軍官。但是,這不是布洛赫想要的。他唯一的興趣是繪畫,滿心只想成為一位畫家。

He went to Italy to study art, passing through the Netherlands, where he became acquainted with the work of Rembrandt, which became a major influence on him. Carl Bloch met his wife, Alma Trepka, in Rome, where he married her on 31 May 1868. They were happily married until her early death in 1886.


His early work featured rural scenes from everyday life. From 1859 to 1866, Bloch lived in Italy, and this period was important for the development of his historical style.


His first great success was the exhibition of his "Prometheus Unbound" in Copenhagen in 1865. After the death of Marstrand, he finished the decoration of the ceremonial hall at the University of Copenhagen. The sorrow over losing his wife weighed heavily on Bloch, and being left alone with their eight children after her death was very difficult for him.


In a New Year's letter from 1866 to Bloch, H. C. Andersen wrote the following: "What God has arched on solid rock will not be swept away!" Another letter from Andersen declared "Through your art you add a new step to your Jacob-ladder into immortality."


In a final ode, from a famous author to a famous artist, H.C. Andersen said "Write on the canvas; write your seal on immortality. Then you will become noble here on earth."



Jacob's ladder——雅各的天梯:




