“立掃把挑戰”刷屏,NASA出來闢謠:It's just physics.(雙語)



“立掃把挑戰”刷屏,NASA出來闢謠:It's just physics.(雙語)



“立掃把挑戰”刷屏,NASA出來闢謠:It's just physics.(雙語)


  於是各路網友紛紛加入“立掃把”挑戰(broomstick challenge)……



“立掃把挑戰”刷屏,NASA出來闢謠:It's just physics.(雙語)

  The challenge originated from a viral tweet, which claimed that NASA said Monday was the only day a broomstick could stand on its own because of the earth's gravitational pull. The tweet was accompanied by a video of a woman propping a broom up. As the woman watches the broom stand up on its own, she yells, "No strings, nothing."




“立掃把挑戰”刷屏,NASA出來闢謠:It's just physics.(雙語)

  而這個“立掃把挑戰”也火速傳至國內,引發了開頭提到的掃把圖片刷屏大賽。 那麼究竟為什麼掃帚能立住呢?



  Yuan Lanfeng, an associate professor at the University of Science and Technology of China, said that the sun’s gravity acting on the broom is about one five billionth that of the Earth. Moreover, that gravity changes little with time as the Earth’s orbit around the sun is almost round.


  It is expecting too much to believe such a micro force will affect whether the broom stands upright. If you can make a broom stand up one day, you can do it on any other day — There is nothing special with the date.



  Zei Cha, a post-doctorate scholar in physics, explained that each object has a point called its center of gravity. As long as its shadow cast on the ground is within the range of support points, the object can stand. Thus the bigger the contact surface, the easier it is to stand. So it is not so hard to make a broom stand on its head.


“立掃把挑戰”刷屏,NASA出來闢謠:It's just physics.(雙語)

