

The Museum of Zhang Zhidong in Wuhan is located in Hanyang District, Wuhan city, with a building area of more than 7200 square meters, of which the exhibition area is about 6200 square meters. The main architectural structure was completed in 2014 and designed by renowned architect Daniel Liebeskind. In 2016, Vanke entrusted Diameter Narrative Design Studio with curation and exhibition design, which took nearly three years.

▼張之洞與武漢博物館建築外景,exterior view of the Museum of Zhang Zhidong in Wuhan ©直徑敘事工作室



There have been so many materials about Zhang Zhidong in several museums of Wuhan. It appears that another museum of Zhang Zhidong is cumbersome and redundant on this land. How to retell a historical issue that has been told by countless people? At the very least, one more “history lesson” on Zhang Zhidong’s merits is neither worthwhile nor necessary. By the design of the internal exhibition of the Museum of Zhang Zhidong in Wuhan, the Diameter Narrative Design Studio opens a new set of narrative perspectives.

▼入口處的張之洞銅像與生平年表,the bronze statue of Zhang Zhidong and his life chronology ©直徑敘事工作室



▼開闊的三層中庭空間,the open atrium on the third floor ©直徑敘事工作室


▼中庭空間局部,歷史學家看張之洞,partial view of the atrium, insights toward Zhang Zhidong from historians ©直徑敘事工作室


▼中庭空間局部,地圖:張之洞在武漢,partial view of the atrium, the map: Zhang Zhidong was in Wuhan ©直徑敘事工作室


▼中庭空間局部,張之洞的著作展示,partial view of the atrium with the exhibition of Zhang Zhidong’s work ©直徑敘事工作室


Looking back at history from the present standpoint, we can still see that Zhang Zhidong’s performance in Wuhan has been continued to this day. The process of urban modernization and transformation occurred to Wuhan in the period that Zhang lived there. Zhang Zhidong, who plays a key role in this magnificent history, was feeling alone as a social pioneer at the same time. The interlacement and fusion of Zhang’s personal experience and urban modern transformation brought up the present appearance of Wuhan.

▼張之洞圖書館,the library of Zhang Zhidong ©直徑敘事工作室



▼張之洞的智庫,the think tank of Zhang Zhidong ©直徑敘事工作室


▼通向四層的樓梯空間,採用三角形燈光設計,the staircase leading to 4F with the triangular lighting design ©直徑敘事工作室



▼張之洞對武漢的影響——從傳統城市格局到現代武漢三鎮的演變,Zhang Zhidong’s contribution to Wuhan – evolution of Wuhan: from antique urban pattern to modern city pattern ©直徑敘事工作室



▼張之洞對城市公共基礎設施的貢獻——武漢近代城市公共設施與公共管理的發端,Zhang Zhidong’s contribution to the establishment of urban public infrastructure – inception: municipal construction and public management in modern Wuhan ©直徑敘事工作室


▼張之洞對武漢的影響——全方位激活武漢近代工商業,Zhang Zhidong’s contribution to Wuhan – the comprehensive modern industry and commerce in Wuhan ©直徑敘事工作室



▼張之洞對武漢的影響——近代企業體制探索:漢冶萍公司及其他官辦企業的變遷,Zhang Zhidong’s contribution to Wuhan – searching for modern enterprise systems: Han-Ye-Pin Co. & Other government-run companies’ evolution ©直徑敘事工作室


▼張之洞對武漢的影響——因近代工業體系而生的新漢陽,Zhang Zhidong’s contribution to Wuhan – new Hanyang born of the modern industrial system ©直徑敘事工作室


▼張之洞對武漢的影響——興辦近代軍事工業與軍制革新,Zhang Zhidong’s contribution to Wuhan – developing the modern military industry and facilitating the reform of the military system ©直徑敘事工作室


▼近代武漢的獄政改革(觀看),參觀者化身獄卒觀看鐵欄之中的變遷,prison reform in modern Wuhan (watching mode), visitors act as jailers to watch the changes inside the bars ©直徑敘事工作室


▼近代武漢的獄政改革(內部),interior view of the renovating the prison system ©直徑敘事工作室


▼對張之洞的評價,the insights toward Zhang Zhidong ©直徑敘事工作室



Every visitor to the museum is dragged into the theater-like space. Audiences are invited into a complex narrative field, sometimes as city watchmen to survey the city, sometimes as jailers to watch the changes inside the bars. Sometimes they become the new era students thirst for knowledge, and sometimes they stand on the platform, becoming Zhang Zhidong himself to taste a reformist’s loneliness and helplessness. The overlapping experience and the changes of perspective outline the truth hidden behind the history gradually, which is not a designation or assertion from the historical authority or the design team, but a co-authoring authenticity that the audience constantly perceives by the identity switch.

▼張之洞對教育的影響——立體化的社會教育體系,Zhang Zhidong’s contribution to the education in Wuhan – building up the three-dimensional social education system ©直徑敘事工作室


▼張之洞對教育的影響——中西結合的近代學堂教育,Zhang Zhidong’s contribution to the education in Wuhan – modern education system combining Chinese and Western ©直徑敘事工作室



▼張之洞對文化的影響——近代武漢報刊業與城市公共文化,Zhang Zhidong’s contribution to the culture in Wuhan – the press and public culture in modern Wuhan ©直徑敘事工作室



When the audiences finish thinking and look up to the real and quiet Hanyang Iron Works outside the floor-to-ceiling window, they may suddenly realize that Wuhan is exactly the biggest exhibition project of the Museum of Zhang Zhidong in Wuhan. The key to understanding the traces of time of this city is hidden in the devices, perspectives and feelings just experienced. The audience turn out to be the very origin of cognition on the space-time axis, to watch the history of Wuhan and Zhang Zhidong, also the nowadays landscape related to themselves.

▼武漢現代交通、郵政與通訊體系的肇始,the beginning of modern transportation system, post system and communication system ©直徑敘事工作室


▼近代都市職業人群的產生,the emergence of modern urban professional crowd ©直徑敘事工作室



Today, museums are not just an “exhibition” place. Under the integration of this concept, even the spatial layout that is not conducive to the display (such as the corners of the building and oblique plane) has become the exquisite narrative language, shaping an extraordinary spatial narrative experience. Based on the history of Wuhan city, the Museum of Zhang Zhidong in Wuhan has become a unique game space and narrative context of thinking.

▼傾斜的坡面展示空間——一個改革者的孤獨(展示視角),the exhibition space on the oblique plane – a lonely reformer (display perspective) ©直徑敘事工作室


▼一個改革者的孤獨(體驗視角),a lonely reformer (experience perspective) ©直徑敘事工作室


