02.27 2020中考英語複習必背重點短語



How can we become good learners?


1. good learners 優秀的學習者

2. work with friends 和朋友一起學習

3. study for a test 備考

4.have conversations with 與……交談

5.speaking skills 口語技巧

6.a little 有點兒

7.at first 起初 起先

8.the secret to... .......的秘訣

9.because of 因為

10.as well 也

11.look up 查閱;抬頭看

12.so that 以便,為了

13.the meaning of ……的意思

14.make mistakes 犯錯誤

15.talk to 交談

16.depend on 依靠 依賴

17.in common 共有的

18.pay attention to 注意 關注

19. connect …with …把……聯繫

20.for example 例如

21.think about 考慮

22.even if 即使 儘管 縱容

23.look for 尋找

24.worry about 擔心 擔憂

25.make word cards 製作單詞卡片

26.ask the teacher for help 向老師求助

27.read aloud 大聲讀

28.spoken English 英語口語

29.give a report 作報告

30.word by word 一字一字地

31. so……that 如此……以至於

32.fall in love with 愛上

33.something interesting 有趣的事情

34.take notes 記筆記

35.how often 多久一次

36.a lot of 許多

37.the ability to do sth. 做某事的能力

38.learning habits 學習習慣

39.be interested in 對……感興趣

40.get bored 感到無聊



①What/ how about +doing sth.? 做…怎麼樣?

如:What/ How about going shopping?

②Why don't you + do sth.? 你為什麼不做…?

如:Why don't you go shopping?

③Why not + do sth. ? 為什麼不做…?

如:Why not go shopping?

④Let's + do sth. 讓我們做…吧。

如:Let's go shopping

⑤Shall we/ I + do sth.? 我們/我…好嗎?

如:Shall we/ I go shopping?

2. too…to...... 太…而不能

如:I'm too tired to say anything.


3. be / get excited about sth. 對…感興奮

4. end up doing sth : 以......結束

如:The party ended up singing.


5. end up with sth. 以…結束

如:The party ended up with her singing.



1. by + doing 通過……方式(by是介詞,後面要跟動名詞,也就是動詞的ing形式)

2. talk about 談論,議論,討論

The students often talk about movie after class. 學生們常常在課後討論電影。

talk to sb= talk with sb 與某人說話

3. 提建議的句子:

①What/ how about +doing sth.? 做…怎麼樣?(about後面要用動詞的ing形式,這一點考試考的比較多)

如:What/ How about going shopping?

②Why don't you + do sth.? 你為什麼不做…?

如:Why don't you go shopping?

③Why not + do sth. ? 為什麼不做…?

如:Why not go shopping?

④Let's + do sth. 讓我們做…...吧。

如:Let's go shopping

⑤Shall we/I + do sth.? 我們/我...…好嗎?

如:Shall we/I go shopping?

4. a lot 許多,常用於句末。

如:I eat a lot. 我吃了許多。

5. too…to... 太…...而不能

常用的句型:too+形容詞/副詞+ to do sth.

如:I'm too tired to say anything. 我太累了,什麼都不想說。

6. aloud, loud與loudly的用法,三個詞都與“大聲”或“響亮”有關。


②loud可作形容詞或副詞。用作副詞時,常與speak, talk, laugh等動詞連用,多用於比較級,須放在動詞之後。

如:She told us to speak a little louder. 她讓我們說大聲一點。


如:He does not talk loudly or laugh loudly in public. 他不當眾大聲談笑。

7. not…at all 一點也不,根本不

如:I like milk very much, but I don't like coffee at all. 我非常喜歡牛奶,但是我一點也不喜歡咖啡。

not經常可以和助動詞結合在一起,at all 則放在句尾。

8. be/get excited about sth. 對…...感到興奮

9. ① end up doing sth 終止做某事,結束做某事

如:The party ended up singing. 晚會以唱歌而結束。

② end up with sth. 以…結束(注意介詞with)

如:The party ended up with her singing. 晚會以她的歌唱而告終。

10. first of all 首先(這個短語可用在作文中,使得文章有層次)

11. also 也、而且(用於肯定句)常在句子的中間

either 也(用於否定句)常在句末

too 也 (用於肯定句)常在句末 (它們三個的區分要清楚,尤其要知道用在什麼句子中以及各自的位置)

12. make mistakes 犯錯

如:I often make mistakes. 我經常犯錯。

make a mistake 犯一個錯誤

如:I have made a mistake. 我已經犯了一個錯誤。

13. laugh at sb. 笑話;取笑(某人)(常見短語)

如:Don't laugh at me! 不要取笑我!

14. take notes 做筆記,做記錄

15. enjoy doing sth . 喜歡做…,樂意做…(這是一個非常重要的考點)

如:She enjoys playing football. 她喜歡踢足球。

enjoy oneself 過得愉快

如:He enjoyed himself. 他過得愉快。

16. native speaker 說本族語的人

17. make up 組成、構成

18. one of +(the+ 形容詞最高級)+名詞複數形式 : …其中之一(這一題主要考兩點,一是最高級,一是名詞複數,大家做題的時候要小心)

如:She is one of the most popular teachers. 她是最受歡迎的教師之一。

19. It's +形容詞+(for sb. ) to do sth (對於某人來說)做某事…

如:It's difficult (for me ) to study English. 對於我來說學習英語太難了。

句中的it 是形式主語,真正的主語是to study English。

20. practice doing 練習做某事 (practice後面接動名詞,這一點有可能考到)

如:She often practice speaking English. 她經常練習說英語。

21. decide to do sth. 決定做某事(重要考點,大家需要記住decide後面跟的是不定式,也就是to do)

如:LiLei has decided to go to BeiJing . 李雷已經決定去北京。

22. unless 如果不,除非,引導條件狀語從句

如:You will fail unless you work hard. 假如你不努力你就會失敗。

23. deal with 處理 如:I dealt with a lot of problem.

24. worry about sb./ sth. 擔心某人/某事

如:Mother worried about his son just now. 媽媽剛才擔心他的兒子。

25. be angry with sb. 對某人生氣

26. perhaps = maybe 也許

27. go by (時間) 過去 . 如:Two years went by. 兩年過去了。

28. see sb / sth doing 看見某人正在做某事(如果是看到正在做什麼,要用動詞ing形式,考的較多的也是動詞ing形式)

如:She saw him drawing a picture in the classroom. 她看見他正在教室裡畫畫。

29. each other 彼此

30. regard… as … ;把…...看作為...…

如:The boys regarded Anna as a fool. 這些男孩把安娜看成傻瓜。

31. too many 許多,修飾可數名詞 如:too many girls

too much 許多,修飾不可數名詞 如:too much milk(要區分too many 和 too much只要記住它們修飾什麼詞就可以了)

much too 太,修飾形容詞 如:much too beautiful(too much和much too意思不同,大家不要混淆它們的意思,這種單詞容易出解析題)

32.change…into… 將…變為…

33. with the help of sb. = with one's help 在某人的幫助下(注意介詞of和with,容易出題)

如:with the help of LiLei = with LiLei's help 在李雷的幫助下

34. compare…to… 把…比作...(另外,大家要注意另一個短語,compare...with...,這也是一個重要的短語,意思是:拿…和…比較)

35. instead 代替 用在句末,副詞

instead of sth/doing sth 代替,而不是 (這個地方考的較多的就是instead of doing sth,也是就說如果of後面跟動詞,要用動名詞形式,也就是動詞的ing形式)

如:I will go instead of you. 我將代替你去。


I think that moon cakes are delicious!


1.put on 增加(體重);發胖

2.care about 關心; 在乎

3.end up 最終成為, 最後處於

4.not only ……but also……不但……而且……

5.shoot down 射下

6.used to do 過去常常做……

7.remind sb. of 使某人想起

8.give out 分發 發放

9.the water festival 潑水節

10.the Chinese spring festival 中國春節

11.next year 明年

12.sound like 聽起來像

13.each other 互相 彼此

14.in the shape of 以……的形狀

15.on mid-autumn night 在中秋之夜

16.fly up to 飛向

17.lay out 擺開 佈置

18.come back 回來

19.as a result 結果 因此

20.Mother’s day 母親節

21.more and more popular 越來越受歡迎

22.think of 想起 ;認為 ;思考

23.dress up 裝扮 穿上盛裝

24.the importance of ……的重要性

25.make money 掙錢

26.in need 需要幫助 處於困境中

27.between …and…在……和……之間

28.the dragon boat festival 龍舟節

29.the lantern festival 元宵節

30.like best 最喜歡

31.go to …for a vacation 去……度假

32.be similar to 與……相似

33.wash away 沖走 洗掉

34.Mid-autumn festival 中秋節

35.shoot down 射下

36.call out 大聲呼喊

37.the tradition of ……的傳統

38.at night 在夜裡; 在晚上

39.one…,the other…一個……,另一個…...

40.Father’s day 父親節


1. I think that they’ re fun to watch.


2. What do you like about… ?
What do you like best about the Dragon Boat Festival?

3. What a great day!

4 .1 wonder if…

I wonder if it’s similar to the Water Festival of the Dai people in Yunnan Province.

5. How+adj. /adv. + 主 + 謂!

How fantastic the dragon boat teams were!


6.What + 名詞+主語+謂語!

What an interesting book it is!



一. 賓語從句


1. 常由下面的一些詞引導:

①由that 引導,表示陳述意義,that可省略

He says (that) he is at home. 他說他在家裡。

②由if , whether引導,表示一般疑問意義(帶有是否、已否、對否等)

I don’t know if / whether Wei Hua likes fish. 我不知道韋華是否喜歡魚。

③由連接代詞、連接副詞(疑問詞) 引導,表示特殊疑問意義

Do you know what he wants to buy? 你知道他想要買什麼嗎?

2. 從句時態要與主句一致



He said (that) he was at home. 他說他在家裡。

I didn’t know that she was singing now. 我不知道她正在唱歌。

She wanted to know if I had finished m homework. 她想要知道我是否已經完成了我的作業。

Did you know when he would be back? 你知道他將會什麼時候回來?

二. 感嘆句


感嘆句通常由 what 或 how 引導。現分述如下:

1. 由 what 引導的感嘆句,其句子結構可分為以下三種:

①可用句型:“ What + a/an +形容詞+可數名詞單數+主語+謂語+ 其他!”。如:

What a nice present it is! 它是一件多麼好的禮物啊!  

②可用句型:“ What +形容詞+可數名詞複數+主語+謂語+ 其他!”。如:

What beautiful flowers they are! 多麼漂亮的花啊!

③可用句型:“ What +形容詞+不可數名詞+主語+謂語+ 其他!”。如:

What fine weather it is today! 今天天氣多好啊!

2. 由 how 引導的感嘆句,其句子結構也分為三種:

①可用句型:“ How +形容詞 / 副詞+主語+謂語+ 其他!”。如:

How careful she is! 她多麼細心啊!

How fast he runs! 他跑得多快啊!

②可用句型:“ How +形容詞+ a/an +可數名詞單數+主語+謂語!”。如:

How beautiful a girl she is! 她是個多麼漂亮的姑娘啊!

③可用句型:“ How+主語+謂語!”。如:

How time flies! 光陰似箭!

3. 由 what 引導的感嘆句與由 how 引導的感嘆句有時可以轉換,但句中部分單詞的順序要有所變化。如:

How beautiful a girl she is! = What a beautiful girl she is!

What delicious cakes these are! = How delicious these cakes are!


Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?


1.a pair of 一對,一雙,一副

2.between A and B 在a和b之間

3.on one’s / the way to 在去……的路上

4.pardon me 什麼,請再說一遍

5.pass by 路過 經過

6.look forward to 盼望 期待

7.excuse me 打擾了 請原諒

8.get some information about 獲取有關……的一些信息

9.turn left\\right 向左\\向右 轉

10.go past 經過 路過

11.a little earlier 早一點兒

12.a good place to eat 一個吃飯的好地方

13.in different situation 在不同的情況下

14.on time 準時 按時

15.get to 到達

16.have dinner 吃晚餐

17.on one’s / \\the right在右邊

18.come on 快點 請過來

19.the shopping center 購物中心

20.the corner of....... 的角落/拐角處

21.lead into 導入,引入



①Do you know where is … ?

②Can you tell me how can I get to …?
③Could you tell me how to get to …?

④Could/Will/Would you please tell me sth. 表示十分客氣地詢問事情
Could you tell me how to get to the park?

2. decide to do 決定做…...

She decided to go to have lunch. 她決定去吃午餐。
3. Is that a good place to hang out?

4. kind of +adj/adv. “有點、一點”

She is kind of shy. 她有點害羞。

5. prefer 動詞,更喜歡、寧願。常用的結構有:
①prefer sth. 更喜歡某事

I prefer English. 我更喜歡英語。
②prefer doing/ to do 寧願做某事

I prefer sitting/ to sit.我寧願坐著。
③prefer sth to sth. 同…相比更喜歡…...

I prefer dogs to cats. 與貓相比我更喜歡狗。
④prefer doing to doing 寧願做某事而不願做某事

I prefer walking to sitting. 我寧願走路也不願坐著
⑤prefer to do rather than do 寧願做某事而不願做某事

I prefer to work rather than be free. 我寧願工作而不願閒著。
6. I'm sorry to do sth. 對做某事我覺得很抱歉、傷心。


1. ①問路常用的句子:

Do you know where is … ?

Can you tell me how can I get to …?

Could you tell me how to get to …?

②Can/Could/Will/Would you please tell me sth. 表示十分客氣地詢問事情

③Could you tell me how to get to the park? 請你告訴我怎麼才能去郵局好嗎?

上面句子中的how to get to the park是疑問詞與動詞不定式連用,用作賓語,但不是賓語從句(這一點要搞清楚,它不是賓語從句),相當於how I can get to the park(賓語從句)

I don't know how to solve the problem=I don't know how I can solve the problem. 我不知道如何解決這個問題

Can you tell me when to leave? =Can you tell me when I will leave? 你能告訴我什麼時候離開?

2. 日常交際用語:

take the elevator / escalator to the … floor 乘電梯/自動扶梯到…樓

turn left / right == take a left / right 向左/ 右轉

go straight 向前直走(straight這個詞經常考)

3. next to 旁邊、緊接著(常見短語)

Lily is next to Ann. 莉莉就在安的旁邊。

4. between…and… 在…和…之間

Lily is between Ann and Tom. 莉莉就在安和湯姆的之間。

5. Is that a good place to hang out? 那是不是一個閒蕩的好地方?

上面句子中的to hang out修飾前面的名詞place,是不定式作定語。

6. expensive 貴的 反義詞:inexpensive 不貴的

7. crowded 擁擠的 反義詞:uncrowded 不擁擠的

8. take a vacation == go on a vacation 去度假

9. dress up 打扮 dress up as 打扮成

He wanted to dress up as Father Christmas. 他想要打扮成聖誕老人。

10. on the beach 在海灘上,介詞用 on

11. depend on 根據、依靠、依賴、取決於

Living things depend on the sunlight. 生物對陽光有依賴性。

That depends on how you did it. 那取決於你怎樣做這件事。

12. prefer 動詞,更喜歡、寧願,常用的結構有:

prefer sth. 更喜歡某事

I prefer English. 我更喜歡英語。

prefer doing/to do 寧願做某事

I prefer sitting/ to sit.我寧願坐著。

prefer sth to sth. 同…相比更喜歡…

I prefer dogs to cats. 與貓相比我更喜歡狗。

prefer doing sth to doing sth 寧願做某事而不願做某事

I prefer walking to sitting. 我寧願走路也不願坐著。

prefer to do sth rather than do sth 寧願做某事而不願做某事

I prefer to work rather than be free. 我寧願工作而不願閒著。


13. on the other hand 另一方面(一方面:on one hand. 對於這樣的短語大家完全可以放在作文中,這樣可以使文章增色不少)

14. 把…借給某人:lend sb. sth. = lend sth to sb.(反義詞:borrow..from..)

Lily lent me her book = Lily lent her book to me . 莉莉把她的書借給了我。

15. I'm sorry to do sth. 對做某事我覺得很抱歉、傷心。

16. in a way 在某種程度說

17. in order to do srh 為了…, 表目的。

He got up early in order to catch the first bus. 他起早床,是為了趕上頭班公共汽車。

18. 同級比較:as…as...

as + 形容詞/副詞原級 + as , 表示“和…一樣的…”

He works as hard as we. 他工作和我們同樣努力。




I used to be afraid of the dark.


1.used to do 過去常常做

2.deal with 對付 應付

3.be proud of 為……驕傲 ,感到自豪

4.take pride in 為……感到自豪

5.from time to time 時常,有時

6.in public 公開地

7.in person 親身,親自

8.take up sth 開始做,接受,佔用

9.not……anymore 不再

10.worry about 為……擔憂

11.hang out 閒逛

12.think about 考慮

13.be alone 獨處

14.on the soccer team 在足球隊

15.no longer 不再

16.make a decision 做決 定

17.to one’s surprise 令某人吃驚的是

18.even though 儘管

19.pay attention to 對……注意,留心

20.in the last few years 在過去的幾年裡

21.be afraid of 害怕

22.turn red 變紅

23.tons of attention 很多關注

24.be careful 當心

25.give up 放棄

26.a very small number of …極少數的……

27.give a speech 作演講

28.all the time 一直 總是

29.be interested in 對……感興趣

30.change one’s life 改變某人的生活

31.take care of 照顧

32.one of…, ……之一


1. I used to be afraid of the dark.


2.I go to sleep with my bedroom light on.

3. I used to spend a lot of time playing games with my friends.

4. I hardly ever have time for concerts.

5. My life has changed a lot in the last few years.


6. It will make you stressed out.

7. It seems that Yu Mei has changed a lot.



1. used to do sth. 過去常常做某事 (這個知識點考的很多,大家要注意這個短語的意思,還要記著used後面用的是不定式to do)

如:He used to play football after school.


2. play the piano 彈鋼琴(play後面如果跟西洋樂器,大家記住,中間要加the,如果是中國樂器,不加the,如:play erhu)

3. ①be interested in sth. 對…感興趣

②be interested in doing sth. 對做…感興趣(對於這兩個用法大家一定要掌握,切記切記)

如:He is interested in math, but he isn't interested in speaking English. 他對數學感興趣,但是他對說英語不感興趣。

4. interested adj. 感興趣的,指人對某事物感興趣,往往主語是人

interesting adj.有趣的,指某事物/某人具有趣味,主語往往是物(對於interested和interesting要區分清楚,一個主語往往是人,一個主語往往是物)

5. be terrified of sth. 害怕…… 如:I am terrified of the dog.

be terrified of doing sth. 害怕做…… 如:I am terrified of speaking.

6. spend 動詞,表示“花費金錢、時間”(spend和pay for它們的主語都是人,這一點大家要清楚)

①spend…on sth. 在某事上花費(金錢、時間)(重要考點)

②spend…(in)doing sth. 花費(金錢、時間)去做某事 (重要考點,尤其要注意動名詞,也就是動詞的ing形式)

如:He spends too much time on clothes. 他花費太多的時間在衣著上。

He spend 3 months (in) building the bridge. 他花費了三個月去建這座橋。

7. take : 動詞 ,有“花費時間”的意思,常用的結構有:

It takes sb to do sth. 做某事花費某人多長時間(在這個用法中,主語經常是it,這一點要清楚,大家仔細看一下下面的例子)。

如:It takes me a day to read the book.

8. chat with sb. 與某人閒聊

如:I like to chat with him. 我喜歡和他聊天。

9. worry about sb./sth. 擔心某人/某事 , worry 是動詞

be worried about sb./sth. 擔心某人/某事 , worried 是形容詞

如:Don't worry about him. 不用擔心他。

Mother is worried about her son. 媽媽擔心他的兒子。

10. all the time 一直,始終

11. take sb. to + 地方 送/帶某人去某個地方

如:A person took him to the hospital. 一個人把他送到了醫院。

12. hardly adv. 幾乎不、沒有。hardly 修飾動詞時,通常放在助動詞、情態動詞之後,實義動詞之前,

如:I can hardly understand them. 我幾乎不能夠明白他們。

I hardly have time to do it. 我幾乎沒有時間去做了。

13. in the last few years. 在過去的幾年內,常與完成時連用 如:

I have lived in China in the last few years. 在過去的幾年內我在中國住。

14. be different from 與...…不同(常見考點,考的最多的是它的意思,大家只需要記住它的意思,做題的時候具體問題再具體分析即可)

15. 不定式與疑問詞連用:動詞不定式可以和what, which, how, where, when 等引導的疑問句連用,構成不定式短語。

如:The question is when to start. 問題是什麼時候開始。

I don't know where to go. 我不知道去哪。

16. make sb./sth. + 形容詞 make you happy

make sb./sth. + 動詞原形 make him laugh

17. move to +地方 搬到某地 如:I moved to Beijing last year.

18. it seems that +從句 看起來好像…… (重要考點)

如:It seems that he has changed a lot. 看起來他好像變了許多。

19. help sb. with sth. 在某方面幫助某人(注意介詞with,在某方面幫助要用這個介詞)

help sb(to)do sth. 幫某人做某事(to經常省略)

She helped me with English. 她幫助我學英語。

She helped me(to)study English. 她幫助我學習英語。

20. fifteen-year-old 作形容詞 ,15歲的(有一點要提醒大家,中間的year用的是單數)如:a fifteen-year-old boy 一個15歲的男孩

fifteen years old 指年齡,15歲。

21. can't afford to do sth. 支付不起……

can't afford sth. 支付不起…

如:I can't afford to buy the car.=I can't afford the car. 我買不起這個輛小車。

22. as + 形容詞/副詞+ as sb+could/can 盡某人所能

如:Zhou run as fast as her could/can. 她盡她最快的能力去跑。

23. get into trouble with 遇到麻煩

24. in the end 最後

25. make a decision :下決定,下決心

26. to one's surprise :令某人驚訝(往往出現在完型中,讓我們填surprise)

如:to their surprise 令他們驚訝

to LiLei's surprise 令李雷驚訝

27. take pride in sth. 以…而自豪

如:His father always take pride in him. 他的爸爸總是以他而自豪

28. pay attention to sth. 對…注意,留心

如:You must pay attention to your friend. 你應該多注意你的朋友。

29. be able to do sth. 能夠,有能力做某事

如:She is able to do it. 她能夠做到。

30. give up doing sth. 放棄做某事(注意up後面用的是動詞的ing形式)

如:My father has given up smoking. 我爸爸已經放棄吸菸了。

31. 不再 ①no more =no longer

如:I play tennis no more.我不再打網球。

②not …any more = not …any longer 如:

I don't play tennis any longer. 我不再打網球。



1. 肯定陳述句+否定提問 如:Lily is a student, isn't she?

2. 否定陳述句+肯定提問 如:She doesn't come from China, does she?

3. 提問部分用代詞而不用名詞 如:Lily is a student, isn't she?

4. 陳述句中含有否定意義的詞 如:little, few, never, nothing, hardly等,其反意疑問句用肯定式(對於第四點大家不要忽視,尤其是列舉的這幾個詞,出題的時候經常遇到,對於下面的兩個例子大家要仔細看一下,要把這個知識點徹底搞懂)。

如:He knows little English, does he? 他一點也不懂英語,不是嗎?

They hardly understood it, did they? 他們幾乎不明白,不是嗎?

5. 反意疑問句的陳述部分含有由un-, im-, in-, dis-, 等否定意義的前綴構成的詞語時,陳述部分要視為肯定含義,問句部分用否定形式。如:Your father is unhappy, isn't he?

The man is dishonest, isn't he?

It is impossible to learn English without remembering more words, isn't it?


What are the shirts made of?


1.be made of 由...製成的(表示製成成品後,仍可看出原材料是什麼)

2.be made from 由...製成的(在成品中已無法辨認原材料)

3.be known for 以......聞名

4.be used for 被用於......

5.no matter 不論;無論

6.be covered with 用...覆蓋

7.as far as I know 據我所知

8.by hand 用手

9.be good for 對……有益

10.on the last friday of each month最後一個星期五

11.be good at 擅長

12.make high-technology products 製造高科技產品

13.the earth’s surface 地球表面

14.many different kinds of 許多不同種類的

15.fly a kite 放風箏

16.such as 例如

17.according to 根據 按照

18.ask for help 請求幫助

19.a symbol of ……的象徵

20.put…on… 把……放在……上

21.be used for 被用於做……

22.good luck 好運

23.at a very high heat 在高溫下

24.be made in 在……製造的

25.be famous for 以……著名

26.on the sides of mountains 在山腰上

27.traffic accident 交通事故

28.a kite festival 風箏節

29.be from 來自

30.turn ……into ……把……變成……


1. What are the shirts made of?


2. It was made in Thailand.

3. No matter what you made buy,you might think those products were made in those countries.

4. The international kite festival is held in April every year.


5. Laura didn’t know that kite flying could be so exciting.



1. made of 由……制(構)成,後接構成某物質的原料。

例:This skirt is made of silk.這件裙子是用絲綢製成的。

be made of/from/up of的區別

(1)be made of 表示製成成品後,仍可看出原材料是什麼,保留原材料的質和形狀,製作過程僅發生物理變化。

例:The kite is made of paper.風箏是用紙做的。

(2)be made from 表示製成的東西完全失去了原材料的外形或特徵,或原材料在製作過程中發生化學變化,在成品中已無法辨認。

例:The paper is made from wood.紙是木頭做的。

Butter is made from milk. 黃油是從牛奶中提煉出來的。

(3)be made up of 用……構成或組成的,指人、物皆可,指結構成分。

例:Our class is made up of six groups. 我們班是由六個小組組成的。

2. It seems that many people all over the world drink Chinese tea.


句型“It seems that…”意為“看起來好像/似乎……”,其中seem是連繫動詞,意為“似乎;好像”,句型中的it是形式主語,不能用其他代詞來替代。

例:It seems that he was late for the train. 看來他沒趕上火車。


(1)seem to do sth此句型可與“It seems that…”轉換。

例:They seem to find the way to the cinema. =It seems that they find the way to the cinema.



例:My temperature seems (to be) all right. 我的體溫看上去正常了。


例:That seems not a bad idea. 看上去主意不錯。

3. When the leaves are ready, they are picked by hand and then are sent for processing in factory.


此句是由when 引導的時間狀語從句,are picked, are sent都是一般現在時的被動結構。

例:When the fruit are ready, they are picked and are sent to the market for sale.


4. No matter what you may buy, you might think those products were made in those countries.


此句為由"no matter +特殊疑問詞"引導讓步狀語從句。意為“無論….”,相當於whatever。

例:No matter what I said to her, she still didn’t believe me.


5. find out, 查出,找到。

例:The police are trying to find out where the boy got off the train.


find,find out和look for都含有“尋找、找到”的意思,但其含義和用法卻不同。

① find意為“找到、發現”,通常指找到或發現具體的東西,強調的是找的結果。

Will you find mea pen? 你替我找支鋼筆好嗎?

② look for意為“尋找”,是有目的地找,強調“尋找”這一動作。

例:I’m looking for my pen everywhere. 我正到處找我的鋼筆。

He is looking for his shoes. 他在找他的鞋子。

③ find out意為“找出、發現、查明”,多指通過調查、尋問、打聽、研究之後“搞清楚、弄明白”,通常含有“經過困難曲折”的含義,指找出較難找到的、無形的、抽象的東西。

例:Please find out when the train leaves. 請查一下火車什麼時候離站。

Read this passage,and find out the answer to this question.



一. 概念理解

1. 時態:在英語語言中,時態主要討論行為動詞發生的時間。

如:He often helps me with my English. 他經常幫助我學英語。(help這個動作經常發生often;故用一般現在時)

2. 語態:在英語語言中,語態主要討論句子主語與行為動詞的關係。語態有兩種:主動語態和被動語態。

① 主語是動作的發出者(執行者)為主動語態。

如:The tall boy often hits his classmates (主語boy是謂語動詞hit的發出者)。

② 主語是動作的接受者(承受者)為被動語態。漢語中常用“被”、“給”、“由”、“受”等詞用來表示被動,而英語用:助動詞be + 及物動詞的過去分詞構成

如:Chinese is spoken by the most people in the world(主語Chinese是謂語動詞speak的承受者)。

3. 語態與時態的關係:在任何一個英語句子中都同時存在語態和時態,他們是分析一個英語句子的兩個主要元素。

如:① He is looking after his sister at home. (此句為現在進行時的主動語態結構)

② He is being looked after well by his parents. (此句為現在進行時的被動語態結構)

二. 被動語態最基本的句型結構:be +及物動詞過去分詞

說明:① be 有時態,人稱和數的變化。

② 被動語態中的謂語動詞必須是及物動詞;因為被動句中的主語是動作的承受者,某些短語動詞如look after, think of, take care of, work out, laugh at等,也可用於被動語態。

三. 被動語態的使用

1. 當不知道或沒有必要指出動作的執行者時,常用被動語態,這時往往不用by 短語。

Mr. White, the cup with mixture was broken after class. (只是告訴老師杯子壞了,不知是誰弄壞的,或不想說出誰弄壞的)。

2. 突出或強調動作的承受者,如果需要說出動作的執行者,用by 短語。

如:The cup was broken by Paul.

四. 主動語態變被動語態的變法:主動語態與被動語態之間如何轉換

1. 把主動語態的賓語變成被動語態的主語。

2. 把主動語態的謂語變成被動語態的be + 過去分詞,時態要與原句保持一致。

3. 把主動語態的主語變為介詞by的賓語,放在被動語態裡謂語動詞之後,by 短語可以省略。如果原句主語是地點名詞,在被動語態中用in + 地點名詞作狀語。

五. 一般現在時的被動語態:am /is/ are +done

如:Tea is grown in Hangzhou. 杭州種植茶葉。


When was it invented?


1.It's my pleasure.= My pleasure. 我的榮幸

2.seem+to+動詞原形 好像做某事

3.such a great invention 如此偉大的一項發明

4.think of = think about 想到,考慮

5.in our daily lives 在我們的日常生活中

6.in my daily life在我的日常生活中

7.have a point 有道理

8.by accident 偶然地,意外地

9.over an open fire 在篝火上

10.It is said that 據說

11.It is believed that人們相信

12.fall into(過去式fell into)=drop into掉進…

13.in the 19th century 在19世紀

14.spread to other countries 傳播到其他國家

15.at a low price 以很低的價格

16.bring(brought) sth. to sp.把某物帶到某處

17.all of a sudden 突然地

18.less than少於,不到

more than = over 超過

19.without doubt 毫無疑問

20.at that time 在那時

21.advise sb (not) to do sth建議某人(不要)做某事

22.start doing sth 開始做某事

23.work on sth 致力於某事

24.(be) similar to 與……相似

25.the Olympics 奧運會

26.by mistake 錯誤地,無意地

27.make a mistake 犯錯

28.divide ...into…把…分成…

29.in the end = at last = finally 最後

30.at the same time 同時


1.give sth. to sb.

I gave a pen to him. 我給他一支筆。

2.give sb. sth.

I gave him a pen. 我給他一支筆。

3. make sb./sth+形容詞:使…怎麼樣

It made me happy. 它使我高興

4.make sb./sth+名詞:讓…...做…...

It made me laugh. 它讓我發笑。

5. not…until… 直到…才…

I didn't go to bed until I finished my work.



1. invent v. 發明

inventor n. 發明家

invention n. 發明

2. be used for doing 用來做…(是被動語態)(這個短語的考點有兩點,一是used for的意思,二是for後面用動名詞)

Pens are used for writing. 筆是用來寫的。

3. 給某人某樣東西 give sth. to sb.

I gave a pen to him. 我給他一支筆。

give sb. sth.

I gave him a pen. 我給他一支筆。

4. all day 整天

5. salty adj. 鹹的 salt n. 鹽

6. by mistake 錯誤地(犯錯:make mistake,這些常見的短語大家務必要掌握)

I took the umbrella by mistake. 我不小心拿錯了雨傘。

8. by accident 意外,偶然(常見短語,考的最多的是它的意思)

I met her by accident at bus stop. 我在公共汽車站意外地見到了她。

9. not…until… 直到…才…(重中之重,這個用法非常重要!)

I didn't go to bed until I finished my work. 我直到完成我的工作才去睡覺。

10. according to +名詞,根據…

according to this article 根據這篇文章

11. over an open fire 野飲

12. leaf n. 葉子 複數形式 leaves

13. nearby adj. 附近的

14. fall into 落入,掉進

The leaf fell into the river. 葉子落入了河裡。

fall down 摔倒

She fell down from her bike. 她從她自行車摔倒了。

15. quite 非常 adv. 與冠詞a連用時,冠詞a必須放在它的後面

quite a beautiful girl 一個漂亮的女孩

17. pleased adj. 表示外部因素引起人發自內心的欣慰和愉快

pleasant adj. 愉快,高興。指天氣、時間、旅行令人高興愉快

please v. 使高興

18. battery-operated adj. 電池控制的,是名詞+動詞的運動分詞構成的合成形容詞

19. in the sixth century 在第6世紀

20. travel around 周遊

21. more than == over 超過(相比較,more than更重要)

more than 300 == over 300 超過300

22. including 包括,可以與名詞和動名詞連用

Six people, including a baby, were hurt. 6個人包括一個小孩受傷了。

23. have been played 被上演 ,是現在完成時的被動語態,現在完成時的被動語態的結構:have/has been +過去分詞。

4. be born 出生 (常見短語)

He was born in Canada. 他在加拿大出生。

25. safety n. 安全 safe adj. 安全的

26. knock into 撞上(某人)

27. divide sth. into…,將…劃分成...,通常指將一個整體分成幾個對應相對的部分

Let's divide ourselves into 4 groups. 讓我們把我們自己劃成4組。

28. since then 從那以後,常與完成時態連用



1. 被動語態表示句子的主語是謂語動詞所表示的動作承受者。

2. 被動語態基本結構:be+及物動詞的過去分詞

被動語態中的be 是助動詞,有人稱、數和時態的變化。


一般過去時的被動語態為:was/were+ 過去分詞

A lot of trees were planted here last year.

與情態動詞連用的被動語態:情態動詞+ be + 過去分詞(關於被動語態,大家一定要熟悉,這個在中考的時候屬於是必考內容,而且是重點內容)



Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.


1. be allowed to do sth. 被允許做某事

allow sb. to do sth. 允許某人做某事

allow doing sth. 允許做某事

2. sixteen-year-olds = sixteen-year-old boys and girls 16歲的孩子

3. part-time jobs 兼職工作

4. a driver’s license 駕照

5. on weekends 在週末

6. at that age 在那個年齡段

7. on school nights 在上學期間的晚上

8. stay up 熬夜

9. clean up 清掃

10. fail(in)a test 考試不及格

11. take the test 參加考試

12. the other day 前幾天

13. all my classmates 我所有的同學

14. concentrate on 全神貫注於

15. be good for 對…...有益

16. in groups 成群的,按組

17. get noisy 變得吵鬧(系表結構)

18. learn from 向......學習

19. at present 目前,現在

20. have an opportunity to do sth. 有做……的機會


1. I don’t think twelve-year-olds should be allowed to get their ears pierced. 我認為不應該允許12歲的孩子穿耳孔。

2. They talk instead of doing homework. 他們聊天而不是做作業。

3. He is allowed to stay up until 11:00 pm. 允許他們熬到晚上11點。

4. We should be allowed to take time to do things like that more often. 我們應該被允許更加經常的花些時間多做這類事情。

5. What school rules do you think should be changed? 你認為學校的哪些制度應該改一改了?

6. The two pairs of jeans both look good on me. 這兩條牛仔褲穿在我身上都適合。

7. The classroom is a real mess. 教室太髒了。

8. Should I be allowed to make my own decisions? 我應該被允許自己做決定嗎?

9. Only then will I have a chance of achieving my dream. 只有這樣我才能實現我的夢想。

10. They should be allowed to practice their hobbies as much a s they want. 應該允許他們對業餘愛好想練多長時間就練多長時間。

11. We have nothing against running. 我們沒有理由反對他跑步。


1. enough adv. 足夠地 adj. 足夠的

形容詞+enough 如:beautiful enough 足夠漂亮

enough+名詞 如:enough food 足夠食物

2. stop doing sth. 停止正在做的事

Please stop speaking. 請停止說話。

stop to do sth. 停止一件事去做另一件事

Please stop to speak. 請停下來說話。

3. it seems + that從句 看起來好像……

It seems that he feels very sad. 他看起來好像很傷心。

4. yet 仍然,還 (常用在否定句或疑問句當中)

5. stay up 熬夜

如:I often stay up until 12:00pm. 我經常熬夜到12點。

6. 程度副詞:always總是 usually經常 sometimes有時 never 從不

7. go shopping(去購物), go fishing(去釣魚), go swimming(去游泳), go boating(去划船), go hiking(去遠足)

8. be strict with sb. 對某人嚴厲

如:Mother is strict with her son. 媽媽對她的兒子很嚴厲。

9. the other day 前幾天

10. agree 同意 反義詞:disagree不同意 動詞

agreement 同意 反義詞:disagreement 不同意 名詞

11. keep sb/ sth+ 形容詞 使某人/某物保持……

如:We should keep our city clean. 我們應該保持我們的城市乾淨。

12. both…and… + 動詞複數形式(both and本身也是一個非常重要的考點)

如:Both Jim and Li Ming play bastketball.

13. learn(sth.)from sb 向誰學習(什麼)

如:Jim learnt English from his English teacher. 吉姆向他的英語老師學習英語。

14. at least 最少 at most 最多

15. 花費:take ,cost, spend , pay

sth. take(sb.) time to do sth. 如:It took (me) 10 days to read the book.

sth. cost(sb.)… 如:The book cost(me)100 yuan.

sb. spend … on sth. 如:She spent 10 days on this book.

sb. spend …(in)doing sth. 如:She spent 10 days(in)reading this book.

sb. pay … for sth. 如:She paid 10 yuan for this book.


16. have + 時間段+off 放假,休息 如:have 2 days off

17. get in the way of 礙事,妨礙

18. think about與think of的區別

① 當兩者譯為:認為、想起、記著時,兩者可互用

I often think about/of that day. 我經常想起那天。

② think about 還有“考慮”之意,think of做為想到、想出時兩者不能互用

At last, he thought of a good idea. 最後他想出了一個好主意。

We are thinking about going Qinzhou. 我們正在考慮去欽州。

19. care about sb. 關心某人

如:Mother often care about her son.

20. also:也,用於句中 I am also a student. 我也是一個學生

either:也,用於否定句且用於句末 I am not a student, either. 我也不是一個學生。

too:也,用於肯定句且用於句末 I am a student, too. 我也是一個學生。




1. 兩種語態:主動語態和被動語態


Cats eat fish.(主動語態)貓吃魚。

Fish is eaten by cats.(被動語態)魚被貓吃。

2. 被動語態的構成

由“助動詞be +及物動詞的過去分詞”構成

助動詞be 有人稱、數和時態的變化。



She is a student. So am I. 她是一個學生,我也是。

She will go to school. So will he. 她將去學校,他也是。


It must belong to Carla.


1. be long to 屬於

2. listen to classical music 聽古典音樂

3. at school 上學;求學

4. go to the concert 去聽音樂會

5. have any/some idea 知道

6. a math test on algebra 有關代數的數學考試

7. the final exam 期末考試

8. because of 因為

9. a present for his mother 送給她媽媽的禮物

10. run for exercise 跑步鍛鍊


1. If you have any idea where might be please call me. 如果你知道它可能在哪,請打電話給我。

2. It’s crucial that I study for it because it counts 30% to the final exam. 關鍵是我必須學,因為它佔期末考試的30%。

3. What do you think “anxious“ means? 你認為“anxious”是什麼意思?

4. He could be running for exercise. 他可能是正在跑步鍛鍊身體。

5. He might be running to catch a bus. 他可能是正在跑著趕公共汽車。

6. Why do you think the man is running? 你覺得那個男的為什麼跑?


1. 情態動詞must, may , might, could, may , can't表示推測含義,後面都接動詞原形,都可以表示對現在情況的揣測和推斷,但他們含義有所不同。

must 一定,肯定 (100%的可能性)

may, might, could 有可能,也許 (20%-80%的可能性)

can't 不可能,不會 (可能性幾乎為零)

2. whose:誰的,是個疑問詞,作定語,後面接名詞

如:---Whose book is this? ---This is Lily's.

4. 當play 指彈奏西洋樂器時,常在樂器前用定冠詞the

play the guitar;play the piano;play the violin

當play 指進行球類運動時,則不用定冠詞

play football;play basketball;play baseball

5. if引導的條件狀語從句,主句用一般將來時,從句用一般現在時代替將來時。

If you don't hurry up, you'll be late. 如果你不快點,你將會遲到。

6. if you have any idea= if you know 如果你知道

7. on 關於(學術,科目)

9. because of:由於


because of + 名詞/代詞/名詞性短語(這是一個重要的短語)

because + 從句

I do it because I like it. 我做這件事是因為我喜歡。

I had to move because of my job. 因為工作的原因我得搬家。

10. own v. - owner n.

listen v. - listener n.

learn v. - learner n.

11. catch a bus 趕公車

12. neighbor 鄰居,指人

neighborhood 鄰居,指地區也可指附近地區的人

13. local 當地的 如:local teacher 當地的教師

16. anything strange 一些奇怪的東西

當形容詞修飾something, anything, nothing, everything等不定代詞時,放在這些詞的後面(重要,切記)

17. there be sb./sth. doing 有…...正在......

There is a cat eating fish.

18. escape from… 從哪裡逃跑出來(常考短語)

He escaped from the burning building. 他從燃燒的建築中逃出來。

19. an ocean of + 名詞 極多的,用不盡的 如:an ocean of energy.

20. unhappy 不高興的 反義詞:happy 高興的

22. dishonest 不誠實的 反義詞:honest 誠實的

23. get on 上車 get off 下車(掌握住這兩個短語的意思)

24. use up 用光,用完

They have used up all the money. 他們已經用完了所有的錢。

25. attempt to do 試圖做某事(重要考點,大家記著attempt後面用的是不定式to do)

The boys attempted to leave for Beijing. 男孩子們試圖想去北京。

26. wake 是個動詞,意思是喚醒,常用的詞組:wake up 意為醒來

Please wake me up at 8 o'clock. 請在8點鐘叫醒我。

27. look for 尋找,強調找的動作(重要)

find 找到,強調找的結果

I am looking for a pen. 我正在找一支筆。(指找的動作)

I found my pen just now. 我剛剛找到了我的筆。(指找的結果)

28. hear 聽,強調聽的結果

listen 聽,強調聽的動作

Did you hear? 你聽到了嗎?(指聽的結果)

I often listen to the music. 我經常聽音樂。(指聽的動作)

29. try one's best to do sth. 盡某人的最大努力去做某事(注意best後面跟的不定式to do是考試的重點)

He tried his best to run. 他盡他的最大努力去跑。


I like music that I can dance to.


1. expect to do sth. 期望做某事

expect sb. to do sth 期望某人做某事

2. catch up with 追上,趕上

3. different kinds of music 各種不同的音樂

4. quiet and gentle songs 輕柔的歌曲

5. take…to… 帶……到……

6. remind…of… 使某人想起或意識到……

7. her own songs 她自己的歌曲

8. be important to 對……重要

9. Yellow River 黃河

10. Hong Tao’s latest movie 洪濤最近的電影

11. over the years 多年來

12. be sure to do sth. 務必/一定做某事

13. one of the best known Chinese photographers 世界上最有名的中國攝影家之一

14. on display 展覽,展出

15. come and go 來來往往

16. can’t stand 不能忍受


1. I love singers who write their own music. 我喜歡自己創作曲子的歌手。

2. We prefer music that has great lyrics. 我們更喜歡歌詞很棒的音樂。

3. What do you dislike about this CD. 你不喜歡這張CD的什麼?

4. What does it remind you of?它使你想起了什麼?

5. The music reminds me of Brazilian dance music. 這首曲子使我想起了巴西舞曲。

6. It does have a few good features, though. 然而,它的確也有一些好的方面。

7. She really has something for everyone. 每個人的確都能從她的作品中領悟到一些東西。

8. Whatever you do, don’t miss this exhibition. 無論怎樣,你都不能錯過這個展覽會。

9. As the name suggests, the band has a lot of energy. 正如樂隊名字所暗示的那樣, 這支樂隊很有活力。

10. Some people say they are boring, but others say they are great. 有些人說他們很無聊,但也有人說,他們是偉大的。

11. I f I were you, I’d eat nuts instead. 如果我是你,我會改吃堅果。


1. prefer v. 更喜歡,寧願

prefer sth. 更喜歡某事 I prefer English. 我更喜歡英語。

prefer to do. 寧願做某事 I prefer to sit. 我寧願坐著。

prefer sth to sth. 同…...相比更喜歡…... I prefer dogs to cats. 與貓相比我更喜歡狗。

prefer doing to doing. 寧願做某事而不願做某事 I prefer walking to sitting. 我寧願走路也不願坐著。

2. along with 伴隨… , 同… 一道

I will go along with you. 我同你一道去。

3. dance to sth. 隨著…...跳舞(用的介詞是to,這一點要注意)

She likes dancing to the music. 她喜歡隨著音樂而跳舞。

4. music n. 音樂

musician n. 音樂家

5. unfortunately adv.不幸運地

fortunately adv.幸運地(如果你把這個詞記住了,那考試的時候你就是幸運的~)

6. fun n. 有趣 funny adj. 有趣的,滑稽的

7. be sure to do 一定做某事,肯定做某事

It is sure to snow. 肯定要下雪

8. known adj. 有名的,著名的(記住意思)

9. on display 展覽(常見短語)

10. energy n.活力 energetic adj.有活力的

11. most of… ……的大多數

12. keep healthy 保持健康

13. get together 聚在一起

14. discuss v.討論 discussion n.討論

15. be bad for sth. 對…有壞處

16. take care of = look after 照顧

She often takes care of/looks after her son.

17. stay away from 遠離……

Stay away from me. I have a cold. 請遠離我,我得了感冒

18. to be honest 老實說

To be honest I really like flowers. 老實說我真的很喜歡花。

19. dislike 不喜歡 反義詞:like 喜歡

20. fisherman 漁夫 它的複數形式是fishermen

21. photography n. 攝影;photograph n. 照片 相片;photographer n. 攝影師

22. be in agreement 意見一致,常與介詞on/about連

They are in agreement on that question. 他們對那個問題意見一致。

23. even if 甚至

24. mainly adv. 主要地 首要地


You're supposed to shake hands.


1. be supposed to do 被期望/應該做......

2. shake hands 握手

3. for the first time 第一次

4. table manners 餐桌禮儀

5. drop by 偶然拜訪,順便拜訪

6. after all 畢竟,終究

7. be on time 準時

8.(in) the wrong way 以錯誤的方式

9. be relaxed about 對……比較隨意/放鬆

10. a bit 一點


1. He should have told me about it. 他本應該把這件事告訴我。

2. Where I’m from, we’re pretty relaxed about time. 我所在的地方,對時間是相當寬鬆的。

3. We often just drop by our friends’homes. 我們時常去朋友家拜訪。

4. Often we just walk around the town center, seeing as many of our friends as we can. 我們經常走遍市中心,看盡可能多的朋友。

5. We usually make plans to see friends. 通常我們都是做好去看朋友的計劃。

6. We’re the land of watches, after all. 畢竟,我們是表之鄉。

7. It’s even better than I thought it would be. 事情比我想象的要好得多。

8. They go out of their way to make me feel at home. 他們花盡心血讓我感覺不到拘束。

9. Although I still make lots of mistakes, it doesn’t bother me like it used to. 儘管我經常出一些錯,但它不像過去那樣打擾我。

10. I thought that was pretty strange at first, but now I’m used to it. 開始,我想那是太奇怪了,但是現在我已經習慣了。

11. I have to say I find it difficult to remember everything, but I’m gradually getting used to things, and don’t find them so strange any more. 不得不承認,我發現記住一切東西是很困難的,但我漸漸習慣了,並且發現他們也不再那麼奇怪了。


1. be supposed to do 應該(注意它的翻譯,另外supposed後面用的是不定式to do)

We are supposed to stop smoking. 我們應該停止吸菸。

3. You should have asked what you were supposed to wear. 你本應該問清楚怎麼樣穿才得體。

上句中的“should have asked”是“情態動詞+現在完成時”表示過去本應該做某事,事實上沒有做(這點要清楚)

She should have gone to Beijing. 她本應該去了北京。(沒有去)

4. be relaxed about sth. 對某事隨意、不嚴格

They are relaxed about the time. 他們對時間很隨意。

5. pretty adv. 相當,很 adj. 美麗的

She is pretty friendly. 她相當友好。

She is a pretty girl. 她是一個美麗的女孩。

6. plan to do. 打算做某事(常見用法)

She has planed to go to Beijing.

7. drop by 訪問,看望,拜訪,串門

We just dropped by our friends' homes.我們剛剛去朋友家串門。

8. on time 按時(in time的意思是及時,這兩個短語經常出現在辨析題中)

9. after all 畢竟 終究(五星級重點詞彙,記住它的意思)

You see I was right after all. 你看,畢竟還是我對了。

10. invite sb. to do sth. 邀請某人做某事(重要內容,注意後面用的是不定式to do)

Lily invited me to have dinner. 莉莉請我吃晚飯。

11. without 沒有(這個詞經常考,題目會單純考它的意思,所以大家應該記住它的意思)

12. around the world = all over the world 全世界

13. pick up 撿起,挑選(撿起的意思考的較多)

He picked up his hat. 他撿起他的帽子。

14. start doing = start to do 開始做某事(start的用法屬於常考內容,記住它的這兩個用法)

He started reading= He started to read. 他開始閱讀。

15. point at 指向(指近處的事物)

point to 指向(指遠處的事物)

16. stick v. 剌,截 n. 棒,棍

17. go out of one's way to do 特意/專門做某事

He went out of his way to make me happy. 他特意使我高興。

18. make mistakes 犯錯誤(複數)

make a mistake 犯錯誤(一個)

19. be different from 與……不同

Chinese food is different from theirs. 中國菜與他們的不同。

20. get/be used to sth. 習慣於……(這些用法大家務必記住,雖然這些用法很多,而且比較容易搞混淆,但是它們確實經常考,大家可以結合例子記憶)

get/be used to doing 習慣於……

be used to do 被用來做……

be used for doing 被用來做...…

used to do 過去常常做…...

I wash clothes everyday. I'm used to it. 我每天都洗衣服。我習慣了。

I am used to washing clothes. 我習慣於洗衣服了。

The knives are used to cut things. 小刀被用來切東西。

The knives are used for cutting things. 小刀被用來切東西。

She used to watch TV after school. 她過去放學後常常看電視。

21. I find it difficult to remember everything. 我發現要記住每一樣事是困難的。

find/think + it +形容詞 + to do sth.

22. cut up 切開,切碎

Let's cut up the watermelon. 讓我們切開這個西瓜吧。

23. make a toast 敬酒

24. crowd v.擠滿 其形容詞和過去式及過去分詞都是:crowded(crowded考的相對多些)

25. set n. 一套 v. 設置

26. can't stop doing 忍不住做某 I can't stop laughing. 我忍不住笑

27. make faces 做鬼臉

28. face to face 面對面地

29. learn…by oneself 自學......(重要用法)

I learn English by my self. 我自學英語。


Sad movies make me cry.


1. make me sleepy 使我睏倦

2. drive sb. crazy 使……發瘋
3. the more…, the more 越……越……
4. yes and no 好壞參半
5. be friends with sb. 是某人的朋友
6. feel left out 感覺被忽視
7. sleep badly 睡眠很差
8. don’t feel like eating 不想吃東西
9. for no reason 毫無理由
10. neither…nor… 既不……也不……
11. let …down 使…...失望
12. take one’s position 替代我的職位
13. to start with 起初
14. get the exam result back 取考試成績單
15. find out 發現
16. remain unhappy forever 仍舊永遠不幸福
17. a shirt of a happy person 一件快樂人的襯衫


1. —I’d rather go to Blue Ocean because I like to listen to quiet music while I’m eating.

—But that music make me sleepy.


2. Waiting for Amy drove Tina crazy.


3. The movie was so sad that it made Tina and Amy cry.

4. Sad movies don’t make John cry. They just make him want to leave quickly.

5. Loud music makes me nervous.

6. Soft and quiet music makes me relax.

7. Money and fame don’t always make people happy.

8. She said that the sad movie made her cry.

9. Loud music makes me nervous.



the more… the more… 越……越……

leave out 不包括;不提及;忽略

friendship n.友誼;友情

king n.君主;國王

prime adj.首要的;基本的

minister n.大臣;部長

prime minister 首相;大臣

fame n.名聲;聲譽

pale adj.蒼白的;灰白的

queen n.王后;女王

examine v.(仔細地)檢查;檢驗

nor conj.&adv.也不

neither...nor... 既不⋯⋯也不

palace n.王宮;宮殿

power n.權利;力量

wealth n.財富;富裕

grey a.陰沉的;昏暗的;灰色的

lemon n.檸檬

cancel v.取消;終止

weight n.重量;分量

shoulder n.肩;肩膀

goal n.球門;射門;目標

coach n.教練;私人教師

kick v. 踢;踹

teammate n.同隊隊員;隊友

courage n.勇敢;勇氣

rather adv.寧願;相當

rather than 而不是

pull v.拉;拖

pull together 齊心協力;通力合作

relief n.輕鬆;解脫

nod v.點頭

agreement n.一致;同意

fault n.過失;缺點

disappoint v.使失望


Life is full of the unexpected.


1. take a shower洗 浴
2. leave my backpack at home 把揹包忘在家裡
3. get back to school 返回學校
4. start teaching 開始教學
5. go off 響鈴6. rush out the door 衝出房門7. give sb a lift 捎某人一程

8. miss both events 錯過兩個事件
9. full of unexpected 充滿著不可預知性

10. be about to do sth 正要做某事
11. stare in disbelief at 難以置信地盯著。
12. raise above the burning building 從正在燃燒的樓上升起

13. jump out of bed 跳下床
14. collect the math homework 收數學作業
15. complete the work for my boss 完成老闆的工作

16. make the apple pie 製作蘋果餡餅
17. show up 趕到,出現
18. add the green beans 加綠豆莢


1. By the time I got up, my brother had already gotten in the shower.

2. By the time I got outside, the bus had already gone.


3. When I got to school, I realized I had left my backpack at home.
4. By the time I walked into class, the teacher had started teaching already.


5. By the time I arrived at the party, everyone else had already showed up.
當我到達晚會時, 其他的每個人都已經到了。
6. When he put the noodles into the bowl, he realized he had forgotten to add the green beans.

7. Before she got a chance to say goodbye, he had gone into the building.



backpack n.揹包;旅行包

oversleep v.(overslept , overslept)睡過頭

give...a lift 捎(某人)一程

miss v.錯過;未得到

unexpected a.出乎意料的;始料不及的

block n.街區

worker n.工作者;工人

stare v.盯著看;凝視

disbelief n.不信;懷疑

above adv.在上面;向上面 prep.在上面

burn v. (burnt, burned /burnt, burned) 著火;燃燒

alive adj.活著;有生氣的

take off (飛機等)起飛;匆忙離開

till conj.&prep.到;直到

west adv.向西;朝西 adj. 向西的;西部的 n. 西;西方

cream n.奶油;乳脂

boss n.老闆;領導

pie n.果餡餅;果餡派

course n.課程

bean n.豆;豆莢

market n.市場;集市

costume n.服裝;裝束

embarrassed adj.窘迫的;害羞的

announce v.宣佈;宣告

hoax n.騙局;惡作劇

discovery n.發現;發覺

lady n.女士;女子

officer n.軍官;官員

believable adj.可相信的;可信任的

embarrassing a.使人害羞的


We're trying to save the earth!


1. at the bottom of the river 在河床底部

2. be full of the rubbish 充滿了垃圾
3. throw litter into the river 把垃圾扔入河中

4. play a part in cleaning it up 盡一份力把它清理乾淨
5. land pollution 土地汙染
6. fill the air with black smoke 使空氣中充滿了黑煙
7. cut down air pollution 減少空氣汙染
8. make a difference 產生影響
17. take action 採取行動
18. turn off 關掉
19. pay for 付費






