02.28 不能不去的广州网红咖啡店NAP CAFE

业主,90后,对生活充满热爱与追求,此案楼上部份是业主经营的民宿,当然上面民宿也是我们的作品,承蒙业主厚爱, 民宿各具风格特色!当民宿达到一定的量以后,就会越来越往酒店的方向靠拢,也许我们可以定义它为极具特色的体验型酒店,而咖啡店的初衷就是配套我们酒店的!

Owners, 90, full of love and pursuit of life, the upstairs part of the case is owner-operated b&b, of course, above b&b is our work, thanks to the owner’s love, b&b with style characteristics! When the homestay reaches a certain amount, it will draw closer and closer to the direction of the hotel. Maybe we can define it as a very distinctive experience hotel, and the original intention of the coffee shop is to support our hotel!

不能不去的广州网红咖啡店NAP CAFE

前厅 Anteroom


An old house with 40 years of building age, its history, vicissitudes of life, beautiful, it retains the unique architectural charm given by the time, not only this house has history, this house is still located in the guangzhou Beijing road with a history of a thousand years!


Natural, comfortable, Nap is the main emphasis of our design!

不能不去的广州网红咖啡店NAP CAFE

不能不去的广州网红咖啡店NAP CAFE


The front hall of the coffee shop is specially left blank to make room for guests to have a better experience. For the convenience of use, we added an elevator in this old house. The core tube of the elevator formed a stronger sense of building volume in this old house, so we used wood veneer to make this individual block more prominent!


Slide has always been people’s yearning for innocence, and coffee is a form of enjoying the moment, so why can’t we have a device that can let people find the original.Four meters high stainless steel discs, can be swayed by the guests, this is a good way to interact with the guests, a hundred people playing with him will produce more than a hundred results.

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不能不去的广州网红咖啡店NAP CAFE

不能不去的广州网红咖啡店NAP CAFE


The overall dining space has done a lot of white space, with a lot of wood veneer and furniture to reflect the natural, comfortable; On the second floor, we also found a small experience space. At the beginning of the slide, we used the architectural method to make the space at the beginning of the slide form a quadratic space, an interactive space with a large dining area, to make the space more interesting as far as possible.

不能不去的广州网红咖啡店NAP CAFE

不能不去的广州网红咖啡店NAP CAFE

不能不去的广州网红咖啡店NAP CAFE


In this space, we pay more attention to how long guests can stay in this space, so as to judge whether we can achieve our Nap effect. Of course, the answer is yes!

不能不去的广州网红咖啡店NAP CAFE

不能不去的广州网红咖啡店NAP CAFE

不能不去的广州网红咖啡店NAP CAFE

不能不去的广州网红咖啡店NAP CAFE

不能不去的广州网红咖啡店NAP CAFE

不能不去的广州网红咖啡店NAP CAFE

不能不去的广州网红咖啡店NAP CAFE

不能不去的广州网红咖啡店NAP CAFE

不能不去的广州网红咖啡店NAP CAFE

不能不去的广州网红咖啡店NAP CAFE

不能不去的广州网红咖啡店NAP CAFE

不能不去的广州网红咖啡店NAP CAFE

不能不去的广州网红咖啡店NAP CAFE

不能不去的广州网红咖啡店NAP CAFE

∇ 平面布置图 layout plan

不能不去的广州网红咖啡店NAP CAFE


项目名称:Nap cafe设计公司:广州寒山室内设计顾问有限公司公司网站:www.hanshangz.com联系邮箱:[email protected]项目设计 & 完成年份:2019主创及设计团队:周翔、王柳军、杨海杰、张舒晴、梅映雪、叶丽敏、范英俊项目地址:广东广州建筑面积:117㎡合作方:灯光设计顾问:广州光语环境科技有限公司客户:马先生

公司介绍:广州寒山室内设计顾问有限公司,是一家艺术与设计结合的创意机构,我们致力通过现代表现手法与东方哲学体系精髓结合的方式呈现空间完美的体验和本应的形态,在空间设计上“舍去”与“拥有” 是我们探索与研究永恒不变的课题,我们专业于餐饮设计及其它商业空间室内设计。

地址:广州海珠区聚德路299号龙腾18电子商务产业园2号楼144Tel: 020-29840515E-mail:[email protected]商务联系:周生:15902019936

