03.31 中国菜好吃是因为太自信?英媒最新爆料,剑桥精英也爱中餐外卖!




A few weeks ago I was given the task of reviewing 'The Worst Chinese Takeaway in Cambridge.' And much to my surprise it wasn't absolutely terrible despite what the Tripadvisor reviews said. So naturally this made me want to investigate other places customers had panned. Which is what brought me to China Chef in Newmarket Road.


investigate】v. 调查、研究。



The takeaway has just two 'stars' on Tripadvisor and is ranked as number 502 out of 543 restaurants in Cambridge. It wasn't the BEST chow mein I've ever eaten but it certainly wasn't the worst.



The chap behind the counter was very lovely and wished me a good evening. So I have no complaints about the service, in fact I would rate it a solid 8/10. Overall I thought it was overly greasy and the meat was quite tough. Often the dishes were bland or overpowered by artificial flavours. That said, I really enjoyed the Szechuan fresh mixed vegetables and the salt and pepper chicken wasn't bad either.


complaints】n. 投诉、埋怨、抱怨。

greasy】adj. 油腻的、含脂肪多的、谄媚的。




看过《生活大爆炸》的人都知道,中国美食可是经常出现在美剧中。聪明的谢耳朵就曾多次提到,在中餐馆第一要点的就是蒸饺,第二就是左宗棠鸡。说到美国最出名的中餐馆,就肯定不能忘了Panda Express【熊猫快餐】。这家中餐厅里的陈皮鸡更是风靡了整个美国,在全球拥有2000多家的连锁店。谢耳朵也曾说过学中文的第一个理由就是:我喜欢吃陈皮鸡丁!!

Chinese restaurants in the United States began during the California gold rush, which brought twenty to thirty thousand immigrants across from the Canton (Guangdong) region of China. By 1850, there were five restaurants in San Francisco. Soon after, significant amounts of food were being imported from China to America's west coast. The trend spread eastward with the growth of the American railways, particularly to New York City. The Chinese Exclusion Act allowed merchants to enter the country, and in 1915 restaurant owners became eligible for merchant visas. This fueled the opening of Chinese restaurants as an immigration vehicle. As of 2015, the United States had 46,700 Chinese restaurants.


immigrants】n. 移民。



前面说了英国人尝试到味道一般的中餐馆,相信大家都会好奇英国有没有好吃的中餐馆呢?肯定有!!!英国的美味中餐馆也是深受英国人的喜爱,不论是从环境,还是菜式的口感都得到了英国人的大力赞扬。据说要去吃这家中餐馆,还得提前很多去排位才能吃得上!!英国最闻名的中餐馆之一,就是唐人馆。这也是一家名人中餐厅,创建人是邓永锵爵士(Sir David Tang)。这家餐厅最让人印象深刻的是它的装饰,餐厅故意营造出三十年代的浪漫气息,而餐厅的菜肴不添加任何味精,做到原汁原味。

Food, is international as well as very cultural, it reaches our hearts through the stomachs and get our attentions by its tastes, quality and presentations. Overseas Chinese always carry their "Chinese stomachs" wherever they go, and bring Chinese food to every corner of the world. Ming-Ai (London) Institute started this new project in March 2011 with the support of Heritage Lottery Fund. The heritage focus for this project is to track the changes of Chinese food in the UK, from how the original recipes were adapted by environment changes and use of different ingredients, to how it got back to original ingredients and recipes with the import of more oriental foods.


adapted】adj. v. 适合的、使适应、改编。




Thanks to its proximity to China, Japan’s style of Chinese food is more developed and distinctive than most. Think of it like TexMex: everyone knows that’s not really Texan or really Mexican, but something different, something in-between, that’s its own thing. Some Japanese-style Chinese dishes, like gyoza, are so established in Japanese cooking that Westerners tend to assume they’re Japanese. Others like mapo tofu (spicy meat with tofu) and ebichili (chili prawns) share a name with dishes served in Chinese restaurants outside Japan, but taste nothing like the Chinese version. And even something as quintessentially Japanese as ramen has Chinese roots.


assume】vi. vt. 假定、设想、承担、采取、夺取。

quintessentially】adv. 典型地、标准地。







