08.15 英语每日背10句:It's up to you

英语每日背10句:It's up to you

1、 Do you know where I’ve put my glasses? (你知道我眼镜放在哪儿吗?)

2、It's up to you. (听你的。)

3、I have to make up my mind to lose weight.(我下定决心减肥。)

4、What do you like to eat? I'm cooking today.(你喜欢吃什么菜?今天我下厨。)

5、Would you mind making less noise. (小点声。)

6、I'm here too. I didn't see you.(我也在这,没看见你啊!)

7、Sorry to have kept you waiting.(抱歉,久等了)

8、 You can't learn English by fishing for three days and net for two days.(学习英语不能三天打鱼两天晒网。)

9、What do you do at work? (你上班都忙些啥?)

10、No way.(没门)

