04.13 英语口语晨读|HOUSE HUNTING 找房子

英语口语晨读|HOUSE HUNTING 找房子

英语口语晨读|HOUSE HUNTING 找房子

英语口语晨读|HOUSE HUNTING 找房子

--- lesson6 HOUSE HUNTING 找房子

--- Basic Patterns 基本句型

It will be easier to get a house after we are married.^我们结婚后会更容易弄到房子。

How much is this house worth?^这房子值多少钱?

This house just needs a few repairs.^这所房子只有几处需要维修。

I love the neighborhood around here.^我喜欢这儿的周围邻里。

We need a house with a two-car garage.^我们需要一套有两个车库的房子。

We should fix the front door before we sell the house.^我们应该在卖掉房子之前把前门修好。

I’ll call the real estate office right now.^我现在就给那家房地产公司打电话。

Should we rent or buy a house?^我们应该租房还是买房?

I like how that roof looks.^我喜欢那屋顶的样子。

Does this house have a basement?^这房子有地下室吗?

I found a couple of possibilities in the homes for sale category of the newspaper.^我在报纸的房屋出售栏中找到了几个可能的选择。

Our lease of our apartment is almost up.^我们房屋的租期就要到了。

I’m sure that we will find one before our lease ends.^我相信我们能在租期满之前找到房子的。

How much longer will it take to get through all the red tape?^还要多久才能办完这些繁琐手续?

The seller has already moved out so you can move in as soon as the paperwork is signed at the end of the week.^卖主已经搬出去,所以你只要在这个周末签完契约就可以搬进去了。

