09.16 (中英文对照)quora:答非洲人怎么看待中国人

Lisa Tukani, Car Sales Manager

Lisa Tukani,汽车销售经理

I will tell you what we do not think. The following does not apply here:

· The Chinese are our saviour

· The Chinese are our neo-colonial masters

· The Chinese are the silver bullet solution to all of Africas problems

· The Chinese are a fair and equitable partner

· The Chinese care about our wellbeing beyond healthy commercial dynamics that favour them


· 中国人是我们的救星

· 中国人是我们的新殖民主义主人

· ·中国人是解决所有非洲问题的灵丹妙药

· 中国是公平合理的合作伙伴

· ·中国人关心我们的福祉,而不仅仅是有利于他们的健康商业动态

What we believe and know about Chinese is:

· They are a willing partner in commerce. Where deals can be struck without being lectured to as to what to do with our countries in return.

· They do what they say they're going to do. No room for double speech.

· They deliver on time and on budget

· They are efficient and relentless

· They love stability in foreign relations rather than instability.

· They are pragmatic and believe in real politik

· They dont hide their true intentions and the fact that they are motivated by self interest. A desireable quality, as you always know where you stand with them.

This is what we think of the Chinese in general.


· 他们愿意成为商业伙伴。在这种情况下,我们可以达成协议,而无需就如何处理我们的国家进行说教。

· 他们说到做到。没有双人演讲的空间。

· 他们按时按量交货

· 他们高效而无情

· 他们喜欢外交关系的稳定而不是不稳定。

· 他们务实,相信真正的政治

· 他们不会隐瞒自己的真实意图,也不会隐瞒自己的动机是出于自身利益。一种令人向往的品质,因为你总是知道你和他们站在一起的位置。


In South Africa they think nothing of living amongst blacks and pursuing commercial and retail enterprises. They are exceptionally industrious and single minded. They also gamble alot which is quite odd considering how hard they work to earn their money in the first place.



Abderrahmane Brahimi, studied at University of Science and Technology, Houari Boumediene

Abderrahmane Brahimi,就读于Houari Boumediene科技大学

I'm Algerian so I think I'm qualified to answer this. Short answer: I love them and many other Algerians do too.


What I like the most about Chinese people is the way they do business with us. They come, they build whatever they were told to build ,and when they finish, they leave. You might be wondering what's so special about that? Well, this is not what we are used to. France has been our biggest "partner" for a long period and it has been tough for us. Let me explain - when France decides to do business with us we always lose.


France: Oh you want to produce cars - Renault can help you .

Algeria: Oh cool.



France: Oh - by the way, no other car manufacturer is allowed to produce cars in Algeria for 3 years.

Algeria: Ok cool.



France: …and while we are at, if we don't sell all our bullshit cars, that no other country accepts, the Algerian government should buy them.

Algeria: Sure mom - it's people's money anyway.



France: by the way I don't like how religious your country is. Change that - now.

Algeria: Sure mom - anything else?



France: I heard you are expanding your train network. Here's a bankrupted train company that can sell you train wagons three or four times their actual price.


I know I shouldn't be blaming France for everything since France is just exploiting our corrupt government. But France helped them become our leaders and France is always trying to tell us what to and what not to do.


Sorry for the long answer.


Thomas Neymar, Digital Media Specialist


To start with, China has been a traditional friend and supporter for many African liberation movements, providing military training and weapons etc. This partnership has continued in the post independence era, with China being the major development partner in civil engineering, industrial and building infrastructure.


The Chinese have successfully penetrated the African market because of their low cost products which are quite affordable to most people in Africa. Also, their unconditional support and non-interference in political matters has endeared them to most African governments, unlike the USA which prescribes gay rights, freedom of speech and democracy as conditions for partnership and aid. But Americans are hypocrites and selective because they apply double standards depending on who you are - for example, they don't have conditions for Arab countries such as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates etc because they are benefiting from oil. And these are countries with some of the worst human rights violations. Due to these double standards, it's difficult to trust the USA, they don't have permanent friends, but only permanent interests. Once they are done with you, they will bring out a whole lot of issues as in the case of Saddam Hussein.


In Africa, most young people grew up watching Chinese Kung Fu movies. Martial Arts stars such as Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, Jet Li and movies such as Fist of Fury, Shaolin Temple, Drunken Master etc were very common back in the days.


In this era, most people have a chance to interact with the Chinese face to face, thanks to Chinese malls which are found in most African countries such as Namibia, Botswana, South Africa, Tanzania etc.


Generally, the Chinese are friendly and reliable business partners. They are humble, creative and willing to negotiate deals. The Indians have been operating in Africa for a much longer time than the Chinese, but they have been outnumbered by a large margin. Chinese shops are everywhere, their products are affordable and the customer service is excellent.





