03.07 人教版英語七下Unit9單詞、知識梳理、詞彙句式精講

Unit9 What does he look like?


Unit 9單詞 (音標)

curly ['kɜː(r)li] adj. 捲曲的

straight [streɪt] adj.直的

tall [tɔːl] adj. 高的

medium ['miːdɪəm] adj.中等的

height [haɪt] n.身高;高度

(be) of medium height中等身高

thin [θɪn] adj.瘦的

heavy ['hevi] adj. 重的

build [bɪld] v.身材

(be) of medium build 中等身材

tonight [tə'naɪt] adv.&n.(在)今晚;(在)今夜

little ['lɪtl] adj. 小的

a little一點兒,少量

cinema ['sɪnɪmə] n.電影院

glasses ['glɑ:sɪz](pl.)n. [輕] 眼鏡

later ['leɪtə(r)] adv.以後

handsome ['hænsəm] adj.英俊的

actor ['æktə(r)] n.演員

actress ['æktrəs] n. 女演員

person ['pɜː(r)sn] n. 人

nose [nəʊz] n. 鼻子

blonde [blɒnd] adj.(頭髮)金黃色的

mouth [maʊθ] n.嘴

round [raʊnd] adj. 圓形的

face [feɪs] n. 臉

eye [aɪ] n. 眼睛

singer ['sɪŋə(r)] n. 歌手

artist ['ɑː(r)tɪst] n. 藝術家

crime [kraɪm] n.犯罪活動

criminal ['krɪmɪnl] n. 罪犯

put [pʊt] v. 放

each [iːtʃ] adj. &pron. 每個;各自

way [weɪ] n.方式;路線

describe [dɪ'skraɪb] v.描述

differently ['dɪfərəntli] adv. 不同地

another [ə'nʌðə(r)] adj.&pron. 另一;又一

end [end] n. 結尾;盡頭

in the end最後

real [rɪəl] adj.真正的;真實的

jeans [dʒi:nz] n. 牛仔褲

Johnny ['dʒɒni]約翰尼(男名)

Dean [di:n]迪安(姓)

Tina ['ti:nə]蒂娜(女名)

Jackson ['dʒæksən] 傑克遜(姓)

Unit9 知識梳理


1. look like 看起來像

2. short/long/curly/straighthair


2. medium height 中等身高

3. medium build 中等身材

4. be a little late 有點兒晚

5. wear glasses 戴眼鏡

6. See you later then. 那麼回頭見。

7. a big nose 大鼻子

8. a small mouth 小嘴巴

9. big eyes 一雙大眼睛

10. blonde hair 金黃色頭髮

11. a long face 一個長臉

12. a round face 圓臉

13. have an interesting job 有一份有趣的工作

14. police artist 警局繪畫師

15. draw a picture of thecriminal 畫一個罪犯的像

16. in newspapers 在報紙上

17. on television=on TV 在電視上

18. each criminal 同一個罪犯

19. describe the same persondifferently 描述同樣的人不同

20. real criminal 真正的罪犯

21. in the end 最後

22. first of all 首先;第一

23. wear jeans 穿牛仔褲

24. wear sports shoes 穿運動鞋

25. have(has) straight brownhair 有一頭直棕色頭髮

26. be short /tall 矮/高的


1.I may be a little late. 我或許要晚一會兒。

2. He isn’t tall or short. 他個頭既不髙也不矮。

3.---What does he look like? 他長什麼樣?

---He's really tall.他長得確實高。

4. ---What does she look like? 她長什麼樣?

---She has long straight hair.她留著長直髮。

5. ---What do they look like? 他們長什麼樣?

---They’re of medium build.他們中等身材。

6. ---Do they have straight or curlyhair?


---They have curly hair.他們留有捲髮。

7. Is he tall or short? 他個頭高還是矮呢?

8. He isn’t tall or short He’s ofmedium height.


9. What does your favorite teacherlook like?


10. And he's really handsome.


11.She has blonde hair.


12.Many people don't always seethings the same way so they may describe the same people differently.






Ladies and Gentlemen,

we are looking for Peter. Peter, a four-year-old boy, was missing in the shop. He is of medium height, and he has short hair. His face is round, and his eyes are big. He wears a white T-shirt and white trousers, and a pair of black sports shoes. And he has a blue bag.

If someone finds him, please bring him into the Broadcasting Room. His mother is there.

Thank you.

Unit9 詞彙講解

1. build


a man of strong build 一個體格健壯的人

(2)build 作動詞意為“建造,建設,建立”。例如:

We are building a house.


2. a little bit , a bit&a little

作狀語表示“有點,一點”時,三者可以通用。但a little bit 的程度比後兩者稍弱一些。例如:

Today is a little bit/ a bit / a little hot. 今天有點熱。

a bit 加上of可以和a little 一樣修飾不可數名詞,例如:

He only has a little / a bit of money. 他只有一點錢。

3. short

short 作形容詞,意為“短的,矮的”。

(1)short 作“短的”講時,可以指距離、時間、物體的“短”,反義詞是long(長的)。例如:

This pencil is short, but that one is long. 這支鉛筆短,但是那支長。

(2)short 作“矮的”講時,可以指人的個子矮,反義詞是tall(高的)。例如:

He is a short man. 他是一個身材矮小的人。

4. straight

(1)straight 作形容詞,意為“直的”,可用來形容頭髮,也可用來形容其他事物,在句子中可以作定語也可以做表語。例如:

a straight line 一條直線

She has long straight hair. 她長著長長的直髮。

(2)straight 還可以作副詞,意為“直地,直接地”,常在動詞短語後修飾動詞。例如:

Let’s go straight home. 讓我們直接回家。

Sit up straight, please. 請坐直。

5. maybe&may be


Maybe they won’t come here tonight. 他們大概今晚不會來這兒。

Maybe she is happy. 也許她是幸福的。

(2)may be是“情態動詞may+動詞原形be”構成的,在句中做謂語,意為“可能是、大概是”。例如:

She may be at home. 她可能在家。(也可以說:Maybe she is at home.)

You may be right. 你可能是對的。(也可以說:Maybe you are right.)

6. glasses

(1)glasses 意為“眼鏡”,常用複數形式,表示“一副眼鏡”時用a pair of glasses。例如:

Her grandma always wears a pair of glasses.


(2)glass作“玻璃杯”講時,是可數名詞,其複數形式是glasses; 作“玻璃”講時,是不可數名詞。例如:

Be careful of the glass. 小心玻璃。

There are two glasses of water on the table. 桌子上有兩杯水。

7. each&every


Each child gets a present. 每一個孩子都得到一份禮物。

Every student has a pen. 每個學生都有一支鋼筆。

= All students have pens.


There are trees on each side of the road.


I go out for a walk every day.



Each of us has a ticket. 我們每人都有一張票。







8. person&people

person 可數名詞,有單、複數形式,著重指個人方面,可與不定冠詞a或數詞連用。例如:

He is a good person. 他是一個好人。

people 是一個集合名詞,著重指全體方面。只用來表示複數概念,不能與不定冠詞或數詞one連用。例如:

Some people are playing games. 一些人在做遊戲。

9. tall&high



a tall man 一個高個子男人

a tall building 一幢高樓

a tall tree 一棵高大的樹



a high mountain 一座高山

high prices 高價

10. heavy

heavy 既可修飾物體,表示“沉重的”,也可以修飾人,表示“體胖的、重的”。用fat表達人胖時不太禮貌,委婉的說法是heavy,反義詞為thin。例如:

The box is heavy. 這個箱子很重。

His sister is a little heavy. 他妹妹有一點胖。

拓展:heavy 還有“大(量)的,猛烈的”之意,用來表示雨或者雪很大,其副詞為heavily。例如:

It’s raining heavily. 現在雨下的很大。

There will be a heavy snow. 將有一場大雪。

11. enjoy


enjoy sth.(名詞或代詞)

enjoy oneself(反身代詞)=have a good time

enjoy doing sth.(只接v.-ing形式,不接 to do sth.)

例如:I enjoy the songs sung by Jay Chou. 我喜歡周杰倫的歌。

We enjoyed ourselves at the party. 


In my class, most of the students enjoy singing English songs.


12. turn

(1)turn 做動詞時,可以做行為動詞也可以做連繫動詞。做行為動詞時,意為“轉彎,轉身,翻轉,旋轉”;作連繫動詞時,意為“變得……”,主要強調變化或轉變成與以前不同的東西。例如:

Turn left at the end of the road. (行為動詞)


The leaves turn yellow. 葉子變黃了。(連繫動詞)

(2)turn 還可以作名詞,意為“輪流,順序”。例如:

It’s your turn to clean the room.



Ⅰ. 根據句意,用劃線單詞的反義詞或對應詞填空。

1. Jim lives in a small house but Tom lives in a _______ one.

2. Tom’s hair is curly, but his sister’s hair is ______.

3. There is a short boy under the ______ tree.

4. My hair is long, but her hair is ______.

5. Mr. Black is old, but his brother is ______.

Ⅱ. 根據句意、漢語意思或首字母提示補全單詞。

1. T______ right at the second crossing and you’ll find the cinema.

2. My sister has a m______ build, and she has long hair.

3. She wants to be a great a______ because she likes acting.

4. I have to go on a diet (節食) because I’m already a little h______.

5. Her eyesight (視力)isn’t good, so she wears g______.

6. Open your m______. Let me have a look.

7. I am a girl. I have a r______ face and a small n_____.

8. He is going to learn painting. To be an a______ is his dream.

9. Who is your favorite s______? Why do you like his or her song?

10. Let’s go to the cinema t_______. We’ll meet at the gate after school.

Ⅲ. 用括號中所給單詞的適當形式填空。

1. I _____________(real) like black.

2. She enjoys _______ (listen) to the music after class.

3. What does Tom______ (look) like?

4. He wants to be an ______ ( act).

5. We each ______ (have) a pen.

6. The man speaks English quite _______ (difference) from others.

7. The boy often goes _______ (swim) in that river in summer.

8. Nobody ______ (like) his new look.

9. There are three ______ (person) in my family.

10. What’s your ______ (high)?


1. Paul has _______ (little/few) friends here, so he often feels lonely.

2. There is only_______(a little/ a bit) water in the bottle.

3. The ______ (person / people) in a sweater is a worker.

4. The Chinese ______ (persons / people) are hard-working and friendly.

5. There are many trees and flowers on ______ (each/ every) side of the street.

6. In our school, the students _______ (every / each) has an ID card.

7. ______(Maybe/May be) he is a teacher.

8. He ______ (maybe/ may be) a teacher.

9. The mountain is very ______ (tall/high).

10. Most British high school children_______ (dress/ wear/ put on) uniforms(制服) at school.


Ⅰ. 根據句意,用劃線單詞的反義詞或對應詞填空。

1. big/large 2. straight 3. tall 4. short 5. young

Ⅱ. 根據句意和首字母提示補全單詞。

1. Turn 2. medium 3. actress 4. heavy 5. glasses

6. mouth 7. Round,nose 8. artist

9. singer 10. together/tonight

Ⅲ. 用括號中所給單詞的適當形式填空。

1. really 2. listening 3. look 4. actor

5. has 6. different 7. swimming

8. likes 9. persons 10. height


1. few 2. a little 3. person 4. people 5. each

6. each 7. Maybe 8. may be 9. high 10. wear

Unit9 重點句型解析

1. Then Joe draws a picture of the criminal, and the police put it in newspaper and on television to find him.


(1)put + 名詞/代詞+介詞短語 例如:

Please put the book on the desk. 請把書放在桌子上。

(2)put + 名詞/代詞+副詞(短語)例如:

Put the chair here, please. 請把那張椅子放在這裡。


put on 穿上(衣服)

put away 放好,把……收起來

put up 舉起,張貼,搭建

put down 放下,寫下

2. He is of medium height.

He is of medium height/build.= He has a medium height/build.兩句意思一樣,但側重點不同“be + of + 名詞”結構,表示人或事物的特點,性質,相當於“be + 表示人物或者事物的特點、性質的形容詞”。例如:

It is of great importance for us = It is important for us.


He has a medium build/height.


3. Are you going to the movie tonight?

這是個現在進行時表示將來意義的句子。現在進行時可以表示將要發生的,計劃或安排好的事情,這時使用的動詞常為趨向性動詞和表示位置轉移的動詞,如:come, go, arrive, leave, start, return等。另外,用現在進行時表示將來的句子裡常有一個表示將來時間的狀語,如:tonight, this afternoon, this evening, tomorrow等。例如:

The train is arriving soon. 火車就要到站了。

They’re leaving for Hong Kong this afternoon.


4. 詢問外貌和描述外貌的常用句型

(1)What+do/does+主語+look like?這個句型是用來詢問某人的外貌特徵,它的意思是“某人看上去怎麼樣?”,對這個句子的回答經常用“主語+be+形容詞”或者“主語+have/has+名詞”兩種方式來回答。例如:

-What does your father look like? 你的爸爸看上去怎麼樣?

-He is short and thin. 他又矮又瘦。

拓展:What’s sb. like? 用來詢問人的品質;What’s sth. like?用來詢問事物的性質,特別是用來談論天氣狀況。例如:

What’s Lily like? 莉莉是怎樣的一個人?

What’s the weather like today? 今天天氣怎麼樣?


1)主語+be+形容詞 例如:

She is tall. 她很高。

2)主語+have/has +形容詞+頭髮/五官 例如:

She has long hair. 她留著長髮。

3)主語+be of+形容詞+build/height 例如:

She is of medium build. 她中等身材。

5. See you later then.

(1)See you later. 是英文中常用的告別語,英文初中常見的表示“再見”的說法有:

goodbye 再見(正式)

bye-bye 再見(非正式)

see you 再見(口語)

see you later 回頭見(親切)

so long再見(口語)


Let’s stop now and finish it later. 現在停下來,以後再完成它。


I called again a week later/ after a week.


I’ll call her on March 8 and call again a week later.



Ⅰ. 仔細閱讀對話,選擇方框內的句子填空格,使對話意思連貫正確。

A: No, he isn’t.

B: What does he look like?

C: Yes, that’s him.

D: I think I know him.

E: Is he very tall?

F: You are right.

G: It’s very kind of you.

A: Do you know I have a pen pal in America?

B: 1

A: He has long hair and big eyes.

B: 2

A: 3 . He is of medium height.

B: 4 He always wears a pair of glasses on his nose.

A: 5 His name is Jack.

Ⅱ. 句型轉換,每空一詞。

1. He is not short or tall. (改為同義句)

He is _____ _____ _____.

2. Does your mother work in a bank? (用in a hospital 完成選擇疑問句)


3. My friend has long curly hair. (就劃線部分提問)

______ does your friend look ______?

4. Jenny is tall. She has long curly blond hair. (合併為一句)

Jenny is a _____ girl _____ long curly blond hair.

5. I think she is beautiful. (改為否定句)

I_____ _____ she ______ beautiful.

6. The twins are of medium height. (就劃線部分提問)

_____ _____ the twins look like?

7. The student has short hair. (改為否定句)

The student _____ _____ short hair.

8. Because she was ill, she didn’t go to school. (改為同義句)

She was ill, ______ she didn’t go to school.

9. She is not too heavy or too light. (改為同義句)

She is ______ ______ ______.

10. She wears a blue sweater today. (改為一般疑問句)

_____ she _____ a blue sweater today?

Ⅲ. 根據漢語意思,完成句子,每空一詞。

1. 湯姆正在穿衣服。

Tom is ____ ____ his clothes.

2. 我們明天就要到達北京了。

We ____ ____ ____ Beijing tomorrow.

3. 一週以後我又拜訪了她。

I visited her ____ ____ _____.

4. 他的個子不高,但是有點重。

He isn’t ____, but a ____ bit ____.

5. 請向我們描述一下那個人。

Please ____ the person ____us.

6. 我認為數學有點難。

I think maths is _____ ______ difficult.

7. 她留著美麗的黑色長髮。

She has ____ _____ _____ hair.

8. 首先,在電影院前面和他碰面。

First, ____him in front of the ____.

9. 我們今晚打算去看電影。

We are ____ ____ ____ _____ _____.

10. 那麼稍後見。

_____ ______ _____ _____.


Ⅰ. 補全對話,每空一詞。

1-5:B E A D C

Ⅱ. 句型轉換,每空一詞。

1. of medium height

2. Does your mother work in a bank or in a hospital?

3. What, like 4. tall, with

5. don’t think, is 6. What do

7. doesn’t have 8. so

9. of medium build 10. Does, wear

Ⅲ. 根據漢語意思,完成句子,每空一詞。

1. putting on 2. are arriving in

3. a week later/ after a week

4. tall, little, heavy 5. describe, to

6. a little / a bit 7. beautiful long black

8. meet, cinema 9. going to the movies tonight

10. See you later then

