中国名菜 Famous Dishes in China

白切肉 boiled pork sliced

白扣羊肉 boiled mutton

爆牛肚 fried trips

扁豆肉丝 shredded pork and french beans

冰糖肘子 pork jiont stewed with rock sugar

菠萝香酥肉 sweet-and-sour pork with pineapple

叉烧肉 bbq pork(cantonese tyle)/grilled pork

炒腊肉 stir-fried smoked pork

山西过油肉 Shanxi-flavored fried boiled pork

炒木须肉 fried shreds of pork,fungus and eggs ,meat with omelet and fungus

炒里脊丝 saute pork fillet shreds

炒肉片 fried pork sliced

炒肉丁 fried meat cubes

炒肉丝 fried shredded pork

炒猪肝 fried pork liver

炒肚尖 fried tip of pig’s tripes

炒羊肚 fried lamb tripes

豉汁牛肉 fried beef with soy bean sauce

葱爆肉丁 sliced pork with scallion

葱爆肉粉丝 pork slices with vermicelli

葱爆羊肉 fried mutton slice with green scallion

葱头牛肉丝 shredded beef with onion

脆皮三丝卷 crisp rolls of pork,sea-cucumber and bamboo shoots

冬笋炒肉丝 asute shredded pork with bamboo shoots

冬菇猪蹄 pig’s trotters with mushrooms

冬菜扣肉 steamed spicy cabbage abd pork

豆瓣牛肉 beef in chilli bean sauce

炖猪蹄 stewed pig’s trotters

粉蒸排骨 steamed spareribs with rice flower

咖哩牛肉 fried curry beef

干煸牛肉丝 sauteed beef shreds with chilli

宫爆腰花 stir-fried kidney with chilli and peanuts

古老肉 sweet-and-sour pork

蚝油牛肉 oyster sauce beef

红烧肉 stewed pork with brown sauce

红烧狮子头 stewed meatballs with brown sauce

红烧排骨 spareribs with brown sauce

红烧肘子 pork leg braised in brown sauce

红烧蹄筋 braised tendon with brown sauce

红烧牛肉 beef with brown sauce

红烧羊肉 mutton braised in brown sauce

红油肚丝 shredded tripe with chilli sauce

滑肉片 sliced prok with cream sauce

滑溜里脊 saute fillet with thick gravy

花椒牛肉 cayenne beef

黄瓜肉丁 diced pork with cucumber

回锅肉 stir-fried boiled pork slices in hot sauce .twice-cooked pork slices

回锅辣白肉 white meat in hot sauce

家乡熏蹄 home-made pig’s trotters

酱肉 braised pork weasoned with soy sauce

酱牛肉 spiced beef

酱爆肉 fried sliced pork with soy sauce

酱爆肉丁 fried diced pork in soy sauce

酱爆肉丝 shredded pork with soy sauce

酱猪肘 spiced pig’s leg

酱猪肚 spiced pig’s tripe

椒酱肉 mixed meat with chilli

韭黄肉丝 shredded pork with chives

烤乳猪 roasted sucking pig

烤猪肉 roast pork

烤牛肉 roast beef

扣肉 braised meat

辣子肉丁 diced prok with green pepper

栗子红烧肉 braised pork with chestnuts

蚂蚁上树 vermicelli with spicy minced pork

梅干菜扣肉 steamed pork with preserved vegetables

焖牛肉 pot roast beef

米粉蒸肉 steamed pork with fice flower

蜜汁火腿 steamed ham with honey sauce

扒白条 braised pork slices

排肉片 tewed pork strip

肉片 meat slice

肉丝 shredded meat

肉末 minced meat

肉丁 diced meat

肉馅 meat filling

清炸猪里脊 dry-fried pork fillet

青椒肉丝 shredded pork with green pepper

青椒牛肉 fried beef with green pepper

清蒸猪脑 white steamed pig’s brain

清蒸羊肉 steamed mutton

清炖牛尾 steamed oxtail in clear soup

软炸里脊 soft-fried fillet

砂锅狮子头 meatballs in earthen-pot

砂锅丸子 meat balls en casserole

生氽牛肉片 poached beef fillet

时蔬炒牛肉 sauteed sliced beef with seasonal greens

涮羊肉 instant-boiled mutton Mongolian hot pot

手抓羊肉 boiled mutton

双冬牛肉 beef with mushroom and bambo shoots

水晶蹄膀 shredded pork knuckle in jelly

蒜泥白肉 shredded pork with garlic sauce

蒜蓉牛柳条 fillet of beef with garlic sauce

坛子肉 diced pork in pot

糖醋里脊 pork fried with sugar and vinegar dressing , pork fillet with sweet and sour sauce

糖醋排骨 sweet-and-sour spareribs

豌豆肉丁 diced pork with green pies

雪菜肉丝 shredded pork with salted potherb mustard

盐煎肉 fried pork with salted pepper

盐水羊肉 salted mutton

羊肉串 lamb shashlik

腰果肉丁 diced pork with cashew nuts

银芽炒牛肉 sauteed beef and sprouts in satay sauce

鱼香肉丝 shredded pork with garlic sauce

炸丸子 deep-fried meatballs

炸肉茄夹 fried eggplant with meat stuffing

糟白肉 cold pork slices marianted in wine essence

芝麻羊肉 fried mutton with sesame seeds

走油肉 fried boiled pork

蘑菇鸡片: mogu gaipan

左公鸡: general Tso‘s chicken

捞面、炒面: lou mein,

杂碎: chop sue

签语饼:fortune 小甜饼

鸡鸭类 chicken and duck

白斩鸡 boiled chicken

棒棒鸡 chicken cutlets in chilli sauce

荸荠鸡片 saute chicken slices with water chestnuts

北京烤鸭 roast beijing duck

拆骨鸡 boneless chicken

炒鸡片 stir-fried chicken slices

陈皮鸡 chicken with orange flavor

葱油白鸡 boiled chicken with scallion

脆皮鸡 deep fried chicken with crisp skin

冬笋鸡片 saute sliced chicken with bamboo shoots

富贵鸡 steamed chicken with stuffing

芙蓉鸡片 chicken slices with eggwhite puffs

宫保鸡丁 sauted chicken cubes with chilli and peanuts

贵妃鸡 chicken wings and legs with brown sauce

蚝油扒鸭 grilled duck in oyster

红扒鸡 braised chicken in brown sauce

红糟鸭片 duck slices in wine sauce

葫芦八宝鸡 gourd-shaped chicken in stuffing

烩鸭掌 braised duck webs

酱鸡 chicken simmered in brown sauce

酱爆鸡丁 quick-fried diced chicken in bean sauce

椒盐鸡 chicken with spicy salt

叫化鸡 beggar’s chicken(baked chicken)

口蘑鸡块 chicken stew with mushrooms

辣椒炒鸡块 stir-fried diced chicken with green pepper

栗子鸡 stewed chicken with chestnuts

明炉烧鸭 barbecued duck with sweet paste

南京板鸭 steamed nanjing duck

汽锅鸡 yunnan-style steamed chicken

清蒸全鸡 steamed whole chicken in clear soup

砂锅鸡 chicken en casserole

烧鸡 grilled chicken

糖醋鸡条 sweet and sour chicken cutlets

油淋鸡 boiling oil scalded chicken

五香鸡 spiced chicken

香酥鸡 savoury and crisp chicken

熏鸡 smoked chicken

醉鸡 wined chicken

炸鸡卷 fried chicken rolls

樟茶鸭 smoked duck

纸包鸡 chicken wrapped in cellophane

云腿鸡片 stir-fried chicken and ham

莲藕排骨汤:lotus root and rip soup

鱼头泡饼: bread soaked in fish head soup

炸藕夹: deep-fried lotus root sandwich

腌笃鲜:bamboo shoot soup with fresh and pickled streaky pork

烤松茸:roasted matsutake

油焖春笋:braised bamboo shoot

酸菜鱼:boiled fish with pickled cabbage and chili

香煎马鲛鱼:decocted mackerel

酸辣藕丁:hot and sour lotus root

葱油椒盐花卷:steamed twisted rolls with scallion and spicy salt

馒头:steamed bread

干炒牛河:stir-fried rice noodles with beef

腊汁肉夹馍:Chinese hamburger

羊肉泡馍:pita bread soaked in lamb soup

兰州拉面:Lanzhou hand-pulled noodles

岐山臊子面:Qishan minced noodles


青菜炒年糕:rice cake stir-fried with vegetables

毛蟹炒年糕:rice cake stir-fried with crabs

扁豆焖面:braised noodles with lentil

山西焖面:Shanxi braised noodles

清明团子:sweet green rice ball

鲜虾云吞面:won ton noodle with shrimps

大煮干丝:raised shredded chicken with ham and dried tofu

豆腐脑:tofu curd

香炸奶豆腐:fried dried milk cake

蒙古奶茶:Mongolia milky tea

炸乳扇:fried dairy fan

烤羊排:baked lamp chop

红烧毛豆腐:stinky tofu braised in soy sauce

绍兴醉鸡:Shaoxing chicken in wine

酸菜白肉:pickled Chinese cabbage with plain boiled pork

酸菜饺子:dumpling of pickled Chinese cabbage

中国名菜   Famous Dishes in China
中国名菜   Famous Dishes in China
中国名菜   Famous Dishes in China
中国名菜   Famous Dishes in China
中国名菜   Famous Dishes in China
中国名菜   Famous Dishes in China
中国名菜   Famous Dishes in China
中国名菜   Famous Dishes in China
中国名菜   Famous Dishes in China

