小学英语(新起点)重难点解析:二年级下Unit 2

Unit 2 单词

rainy 下雨的

cloudy 多云的

snowy 下雪的

windy 刮风的

sunny 晴朗的

umbrella 雨伞

weather 天气

wow 哇

let's 让我们……

What's the weather like ?

It's cloudy and rainy.

I don't like rain.

I love rain.

Look,now it's sunny!

Let's go to the park.

Oh,no!now it's sunny.

But it's windy,we can fly a kite.

Do you want to go to the park?

Yes!let's go.

I can fly a kite now.this is fun.

Oh ,no ,my cap.

Unit 2重点内容

1、----what's the weather like today,dad?

----It's sunny.

cloudy 多云的

rainy 下雨的

sunny 晴朗的

snowy 下雪的

windy 刮风的

2、---wow,let's go and play football.

it is windy ,let's fly a kite.

it is snowy,let's make a snowman.

it is rainy ,let's take an umbrella.

it is cloudy,let's play at home.

3、what's the weather like in shanghai?

例句:what's the weather like in Tokyo?

what's the weather like in new York?

Unit 2 练习题


( )1、A. umbrella B. garden C. raincoat D. hat

( )2、A .hot B. cold C. cool D. coat

( )3、A. there B. these C. those D. this

( )4、A. windy B. window C. cloudy D. sunny

( )5、A .she B. shirt C. socks D. shoes


( )1、It’s ________. Put on your raincoat!

A. windy B. sunny C. rainy D. snowy

( )2、Can I play football now, mom?

________ It’s going to rain.

A. yes, you can. B. No, you can’t. C. no, you can’t. D. Yes, you can.

( )3、Sarah wants a pair of _________.

A. shoe B. sock C. shoes D. pant

( )4、Is it _____ ?Yes, it’s ______ .

A. rainy cool B. cloudy hot C. windy hot D. windy warm

( )5、This is the ________ report. It’s cold in Beijing.

A.P.E. B. weather C. music D. English


1. It’s rainy, you must task your u________.

2. What’s the w________ like today?

3. It’s s________. Let’s play football.

4. It’s c________, there are a lot of clouds on the sky.




三、1. umbrella 2. weather 3. sunny 4. cloudy

小学英语(新起点)重难点解析:二年级下Unit 2

