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原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:UP机器人 转载请注明出处
Russian Bot.
Bloody hell one woman''s nagging is bad enough why the hell would multiply it?
Jim Ivey
For decades, Utah police and politicians have been protecting polygamy with “wink, wink, nod, nod”.
Svetka Aleshenka
Hardly surprising when 62% are Mormons with a growing Muslim population!
I don''t know of any sane man who would think multiple wives was a good idea.
Ane Dijitak
Most men do, actually, if they can afford them. It''s men''s dream.
No, it most certainly isn''t, that I can assure you.
Home Brew
Ane Dijitak I think you might be confusing males sexual fantasies with living full time with more than one wife �
我认为你可能把男性的sexual 幻想和全部时间与多个妻子生活混为一谈。

Ane Dijitak
If fantasy becomes reality when they can afford living full time with multiple wives, men will go for it.
Uncle Ouch
That''s wise. Instead of one woman hating you now you can have more.
Home Brew
Let them go for it �� one crazy wifey is enough


Jack the Gestapo
Effectively annihilating the poor population �
IgnoranceIsNot AVirtue
I''m not sure how you can criminalize it, you can''t stop people from living together however they wish, what part is actually criminal ? The state should only recognize marriage between one wife and one man, meaning things like visitation rights in hospitals belong to the wife the husband is legally married to, you shouldn''t be allowed to marry more then one person, but you can''t make it criminal if multiple women want to live with one man, or even vice versa
我不知道你怎么能定罪,你不能阻止人们按照自己的意愿生活在一起,哪一部分是真正的犯罪? 国家应该只承认一个妻子和一个男人之间的婚姻,这意味着诸如医院探视权属于丈夫合法结婚的妻子,不应该允许与多个人结婚看,但如果多个女人想和一个男人生活在一起,你就不能把它定为犯罪,反之亦然。
Dan Hollingsworth
James Boles
I’ve had 3 gf’s that r Mormon.... they really are thr tightest knit families and all around good people.
我有三个女朋友是摩门教徒。 他们真的是最亲密的家庭,周围都是好人。
Tania Perez
This is what happens when you remove god from our lives, and embrace diversity! America was a great place when we didn’t have so many people from other countries with different belief, cultures, that’s why we lost our own family values!
这就是当你把上帝从我们的生活中移除,拥抱多样性时发生的事情! 美国曾经是一个伟大的国家,当时我们没有那么多来自不同信仰、不同文化的人,这就是为什么我们失去了我们自己的家庭价值观!
Rob Grant
New York is voting on legalizing Prostitution So, Probably a Bit more Moral...

Free Thought
Well if SSM is legal, then it is no surprise that polygamy is decriminalized.
如果 SSM 是合法的,那么一夫多妻制合法化也就不足为奇了
Kelli Andrews
So Where''s the First woman to be married to 3 husbands???
那么第一个嫁给三个丈夫的女人在哪里? ? ?


David Curr
@P Ariza , Makes more sense now. I do believe the exact opposite of you however. Also not defending polygamy (or gay marriage etc) but what consenting adults do is there own business not for governments not judge.
现在有道理多了。 然而,我和你的想法完全相反。 也不是为一夫多妻制(或者同性婚姻等)辩护,但是成人自愿做的是他们自己的事情,不是由政府来判断。

P Ariza
@David Curr @ david Curr I agree. But allowing plural marriage brings a lot of issues that affect the society, not only the consenting adults. If people want to f*ck whomever they want to or have these plural relationships it''s their problem. But marriage is another story. It was banned for a reason and the reason still stands.
我同意。 但是允许一夫多妻制带来了很多问题,这些问题不仅影响到成人协议,也影响到社会。 如果人们想和任何人上床,或者拥有这种多元关系,那是他们自己的问题。 但婚姻是另一回事。 它被禁止是有原因的,而且这个原因依然存在。

