「龍騰網」 IMDB影評:《超體(Lucy)》(2014)

原創翻譯:龍騰網 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻譯:yzy86 轉載請註明出處

「龍騰網」 IMDB影評:《超體(Lucy)》(2014)


原創翻譯:龍騰網 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻譯:yzy86 轉載請註明出處
1、10/10 This is a complete myth! The fun part is: What if it was true?
10星 短評:這完全就是一個虛構的故事!而好玩的部分在於:萬一這是真的呢?
This film has greatly polarized critics for its use of controversial concepts. I am a scientist and of course this movie gives me mixed feelings about its science. But I''''m sure about one thing, that this is fiction. I am able to watch a fiction movie, am I not?
Some people review this film negatively for its scientific value, ignoring the fact that this isn''''t a documentary. What are these guys comparing this film against? There is no comparison against real-world science here. If somebody makes a film about black holes, I expect it to be faithful to the latest research about black holes. If somebody makes a film about the Sun, I expect it to be faithful to what we know about the Sun. In contrast, a film about aliens can stretch our suspension of disbelief a lot more, because we know no real aliens to compare it about. And my my, how wide a range of alien species has been spawned by the film industry in all its years! The main concept in this film is equally flexible because it has been proved a myth years ago. Everybody knows that, director/writer Besson knows that. These negative reviewers miss the entertainment value of this film because of something they were expecting (harmony to actual science) that was never there since the film''''s inception.

(譯註:“暫停懷疑”的概念(suspension of disbelief)是由英國詩人塞繆爾·泰勒·柯勒律治(1772-1834)創造的,描述的去欣賞具想象力的文學或戲劇作品所需的心態,後者是英國浪漫主義文學的奠基人之一)

「龍騰網」 IMDB影評:《超體(Lucy)》(2014)

Remember, critics and joes thought Boondock Saints, Donnie Darko, and Star Wars blew... yeah. Watch it for yourself. If you''''re a Luc Besson fan, you won''''t be disappointed.
Bad-*** car chase, science-fiction, sex appeal my goodness, Morgan "the man" Freeman, Chow Yun-Fat worthy shootout, visuals that will blow your-effing-mind, and it didn''''t even take 2 sequels and a prequel to do it.
What happened to people that used to enjoy movies?
3、8/10 Not a Documentary!!!!
8星 短評:這可不是紀錄片!!!!
Check the genre of this movie, it says SCI-FI, which stands for science FICTION!! If I watched every sci-fi movie expecting it to correlate with real life physics then there would be no point of the genre. All these bad reviewers seem to be on the more intelligent end of the pole but isn''''t cognitive enough to realize they''''re NOT watching a documentary!!!! This is a good sci-fi movie, which kind of lets you imagine what you could do if you knew everything and could do anything. Obviously It''''s not possible because you would have to break the laws of physics to even get near that point but it''''s still good to wonder. Worth a watch if you like the genre.

4、4/10 Starts well, finishes poorly
4星 短評:虎頭蛇尾
Disappointing movie towards the end. Starts off well, everything makes sense, everything is clever, logical and interesting. After a certain point in the movie everything becomes ridiculous, unrealistic and not enjoyable to watch. The idea behind the movie was good, execution was not. The characters were also a little bit boring in my opinion. The situation the main character found herself in had an array of extraordinary things to do and take advantage of but didn''''t. Not a lot out of the ordinary happened, main character worrying throughout and not taking advantage/playing around with the situation she was in. If you''''re a fan of logical "what ifs" like myself I would not recommend it.
5、Lucy took the drugs, Luc Besson got high...
未打星 短評:露西磕了藥,呂克貝松爽歪歪…
Obviously the main purpose of Luc Besson with this was initially to please the audience. The poor scared girl who takes revenge on the bad guys that hurt her. But with the ridiculous premise "what can we do if we acquire the 100% of functionality of our brain" the movie tries to be philosophical and ...fails miserably. What is the meaning of life? The purpose of humans?
The problem is that Luc Besson''''s brain isn''''t capable to provide such answers.

When Lucy''''s brain is at 20% she''''s starting to control ...tv signals! It''''s obvious that the writer will hit a wall by his own brain limitations. At 30-40% she has telepathic and telekinetic powers. Later she travels back in...time, and the way she controls it is with...swipe move as in a smartphone! What else is there? The writer couldn''''t think of anything else!
I am everywhere! It''''s now a cliché since Edgar in "electric dreams". Johnny Depp has done it too! Well good for you.
6、8/10 A mix of science and fiction?
8星 短評:科學和虛幻的混合?

「龍騰網」 IMDB影評:《超體(Lucy)》(2014)

God = a giant being who was, is, and ever shall be, trying to become conscious of Himself.
Humans = each tiny piece God broke off of Himself to create our individual selves.
Lucy = one piece of God (think = SOUL) that happened to have an opportunity to become conscious of itself.
露西=神的一小塊(思考即靈魂),碰巧得到了意識到自己存在的機會 。
The end is Lucy breaking apart into billions of pieces because the physical no longer mattered. It was her essence... which is why she was able to be everywhere, like God.
I can''''t believe no one gets this. Look into quantum physics, even just watch The Secret. All we are is energy. If we take this concept to the extreme and to fiction, Lucy is what we get!
I LOVE this movie. BTW.
Then again I think deeply and on a big picture basis, so hopefully all these negative reviewers read this and feel like morons... because they are.

It''''s not meant to "just" be a movie. You really think Morgan Freeman would''''ve signed up for this if it didn''''t have some deeper meaning? Look at his track record!!! Come on, people, use that gray mass between your ears!!!
Just saying. I love this movie. From a non-science, non-pop culture perspective. I love this movie from a transcendent perspective. The kind of POV that allows you to believe that nothing is a coincidence.
8、9/10 A magnificent take on the theory of everything
9星 短評:對萬物理論的壯美闡述
Lucy is an action thriller movie. Most of its screen time is taken by the fast moving action scenes and the display of super human abilities. However, despite its unscientific claim (10% of brain power) and somewhat shallow dialogue, there are moments in Lucy, where the scxt taps into really moving understanding of human condition. I guess these bits and pieces push the movie to a whole different level. If you leave the mindless shooting and "good guy & bad guy" stereotypes aside, Lucy is an impressive take on theory of everything. It really makes you think and more than that feel about the "oneness" of everything. That alone, is a really good reason to watch this movie. A real gem. Don''''t miss it.

