雅思口語P3: 接收到的短信(1-4月新題)


Describe an important a text message you received

雅思口語P3: 接收到的短信(1-4月新題)

1.Do you think traditional letters are a good way to send message?

原創答案:One of the primary advantages of e-mail is speed. While an electronic message can literally travel at the speed of light, a traditional post office letter may take days or even weeks to reach its destination. The instant nature of e-mail can be a key benefit for businesses, who can collaborate and share information rapidly. E-mail is an extremely inexpensive system compared to a normal post office. Once a computer has been connected to the Internet, there is virtually no cost needed to send electronic messages. The cost savings of e-mail are particularly valuable to businesses, who may send hundreds or even thousands of messages each day. If traditional letters is used instead, the cost of postage and supplies is significant(雅思口語P3情報站)

2.Why do people make phone calls instead of texting message when there is something important?

原創答案:Calling takes less time for you to explain something and because it takes less time to give someone an answer,and to get answers back. It's just a faster way to communicate, it is same to say that you did not waste others time, it is kind of respect and etiquette. Secondly. Chatting on the phone provides the bliss of unreviewable, unforwardable, unsearchable speech. If something comes out a little weird, there’s no record of it .Texting on the other hand ,could record details in written words which could be used as kind of proof or evidence against the other side, which is often advised to avoid especially in business field. So if you have something important and confidential for others ,it is better to make a phone call as much as possible to protect others privacy.(雅思口語P3情報站)

3.Is it more polite to make phones than sending messages?

原創答案:When someone calls you, it disrupts whatever you’re working on. Phone calls take control away from you and give it to the person calling. Most of time it is much longer that we expected ,it is kind of time wasting for others. Further Phone calls are distracting, If you take a call in the middle of a project, it takes another 20 minutes to regain focus after the call. Compare with phone call ,People would rather text or email because it can allow others to do it on their own time and removes stress from the communication process. So I would say texting or email actually are better and more polite way to communicate with others.(雅思口語P3情報站)


