


本次解答英語專業課程《英語閱讀(一)0595》第14單元(UNIT 14)第27課後閱讀題《Biography of Arthur Miller》(《阿瑟·米勒傳記》)。

(1)答案是[ I ]。

文章後面的第 I 項是: [ I ] but it was with All My Sons two years later that Miller emerged as an important playwright.

文中括號空白: Miller's first public success was Focus(1945), a novel about anti-Semitism(反猶太主義), (1)( ). All My Sons is drama about a manufacturer of faulty war materials that strongly shows the influence of Henrik Ibsen.

分析: 文中括號之後的句子提到了阿瑟·米勒寫的小說的名稱 All My Sons ,而文章後的第 I 項的句子中也提到了All My Sons ,這恰好符合英語的行文習慣,前句提示,後句托出。

(2)答案是[ G ] 。

[ G ] : that Miller secured his reputation as one of the nation's

foremost playwrights.

文中括號空白: It was with Death of a Salesman in 1949 (2)( ).

分析: 由上面(1)中的第[ I ] 項句子意思得知,阿瑟·米勒通過 All My Sons 這部小說成為了一名非常重要的劇作家(important playwright),而在本題 [G]句中提到阿瑟·米勒通過小說《銷售員之死》成為了美國最著名的劇作家之一,前後恰好形成了語義的遞進關係。

(3)答案是[ F ] 。

[ F ] : that includes fluid leaps in time as the protagonist ,Willy Loman, drifts into memories of his sons as teenagers.

文中括號空白: Death of a Salesman mixes the tradition of social realism that informs most of Miller's work with a more experimental structure (3)( ).

分析: 文中提到了experimental structure,這說明所要填空的句子帶有實驗性結構的特點,而[ F ]句中 fluid leaps in time(時間的跳躍流動)恰有這層意思。

(4)答案是[ D ] 。

[ D ] :that have included such diverse actors as Dustin Holfman, George C. Scott and, most recently as Willy Loman.

文中括號空白: The play has been frequently revived in film , television and stage versions (4)( ).

分析: 文中提到這部劇已經頻繁被搬上銀幕、電視劇、舞臺劇...... ,所以後面緊跟的應該是一些與銀幕、電視劇、舞臺劇相關的事物,而[ D ]項句子中恰好是扮演小說主人公威利·洛曼的不同類型的演員的名字。

(5)答案是[ B ] 。

[ B ] : a tale of the Salem witch trials that contains obvious analogies to the McCathy anti-Communist hearings of Miller's contemporary society.

文中括號空白: Miller followed Death of a Salesman with his most politically significant work, The Crucible (1953) , (5)( ).

分析: 文中句子提到了his most politically significant work(他最具政治意義的作品),說明空白處的句子意思應與政治相關,而[ B ]句中that contains obvious analogies to the McCathy anti-Communist hearings of Miller's contemporary society(這與針對米勒有關當代社會的言論而進行的麥卡錫反對共產主義聽證會有明顯的相似之處)顯然與政治相關。

(6)答案是[ E ] 。

[ E ] : a thinly veiled account of his marriage to Monroe .

文中括號空白: Three years later, in 1956, Miller found himself part of these hearings when he was called to testify before the House Un-American Activities Committee. Miller refused to name people he allegedly saw at a Communist writers' meeting a decade before and was convicted of contempt. However, he appealed this verdict and later won. That same year Miller married actress Marilyn Monroe. The two divorced in 1961, the year of her death. That year Monroe appeared in her last film, The Misfits, which is based on an original screenplay by Miller. ...... His other works include After the Fall(1964), (6)( ) , as well as The Price(1967), The Archbishop's Ceiling(1977) and The American Clock(1980).

分析: 文中提到了in 1956, Miller found himself part of these hearings when he was called to testify before the House Un-American Activities Committee. Miller refused to name people he allegedly saw at a Communist writers' meeting a decade before and was convicted of contempt. However, he appealed this verdict and later won. That same year Miller married actress Marilyn Monroe. The two divorced in 1961, the year of her death. That year Monroe appeared in her last film, The Misfits, which is based on an original screenplay by Miller(米勒和夢露1956年結婚,1961年離婚。同年夢露去世,且夢露出演的最後一部電影《不合時宜的人》上映,本片取材於米勒的電視劇作品。)。這點出了米勒和夢露婚姻的不幸。而[ E ]項句提到 a thinly veiled account of his marriage to Monroe(關於關於他和夢露婚姻的模糊的敘述),且該作品After the Fall(墮落之後)問世的事件是1964年,恰好是在夢露1961年去世之後的兩三年,符合題意。

自考英語《英語閱讀(一)》第14單元(UNIT 14)第27課後閱讀題《Biography of Arthur Miller》(《阿瑟·米勒傳記》)的答案是:

(1)[ I ] (2)[ G ] (3)[ F ] (4)[ D ] (5)[ B ] (6)[ E ]

