Collection for AI|Hot Articles

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Collection for AI|Hot Articles

A great disruption?

For nearly 50 years, artificial intelligence was a broken promise. Over the past decade, the rapid development of new unsupervised machine learning technologies has radically changed the game, so that we now think of pushing all the boundaries, for the better - and for the worse.

Artificial intelligence thus appears as an absolute game changer, likely to disrupt industries as diverse as transportation, justice, art. Large areas of human activity, long protected from robotic automation, now face the competition of algorithms. The economic equilibrium of modern societies could be durably altered, and in turn, the political equilibrium that has allowed democracy to function sustainably in developed countries.

In short, the current changes are not just exciting. They are also frightening.

But let us be frank: even with an engineering background, most of us do not know much about the technologies underlying AI. It is all the more essential to get an idea of the differences between, on the one hand, the meteoric progress made in the different sub-domains (voice recognition, image processing, natural language learning, etc.) and their integration into machines capable of driving, translating, recognizing faces, and on the other hand the still distant dream of an artificial general intelligence machine.

“Don’t believe the hype,” as goes the Tech wisdom. The craze for artificial intelligence, as well as the fears it arouses, may not survive the decade. But AI will nonetheless continue to develop and nestle in a growing number of human activities, articulating itself with human labor, displacing it, sometimes replacing it. It has certainly begun to integrate deeply into most activities of the formal economy, from industry to services. It is already part of our lives.

Hence the need for a closer look, in order to unearth the scientific principles and understand the dynamics at stake.

AI is a subject that is constantly evolving. Rather than a lecture that would claim an integral presentation, we chose to approach it by successive articles, entrusting to academic researchers and professional experts with the objective to guide us through AI’s wonderful achievements and puzzling debates.

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Collection for AI|Hot Articles

AI Regulation: To Understand The Real Challenges

The past 2016 saw the happening of the most eye-catching technology breakthrough: The AI robot Alpha Go beat the world champion Lee SeDol with the score of 4:1. This remarkable victory was reckoned as another milestone event of the artificial intelligence industry along its over 60 years of history. Together with the passion also came doubts and concerns: will robots replace human being? Will artificial intelligence ultimately abort the human race?

Collection for AI|Hot Articles

What To Fear About Artificial Intelligence

Stephen Hawking, the famous British physicist, recently warned that the development of a full-fledge artificial intelligence could result in the end of the human race. Others, such as the engineer Raymond Kurzweil, offer a more optimistic outlook and believe that we will soon be able to download our consciousness onto machines. In his book titled “Le Mythe de la Singularité” (The Myth of Singularity, Seuil, 2017), researcher Jean-Gabriel Ganascia refutes the so-called “Technological Singularity,” a brutal rupture that will supposedly transform humanity. According to him, if there is cause for concern about artificial intelligence, it doesn’t stem from the dangers it allegedly poses to humanity but rather from its current applications in our societies.

Collection for AI|Hot Articles

Artificial Intelligence:The Fear Is From The Unknown

With Google, Baidu and other tech giants joining the ranks, the public has given different interpretations of AI from their own perspectives, with some of them being off track. Which stage has AI technology reached? Is the arrival of machine intelligence a blessing or a curse? Let’s hear what the experts have to say.

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