
Tom Hanks says he and Rita Wilson

are taking it “one day at a time” during their hospital quarantine(隔离) with the coronavirus.


玛格丽塔·易卜拉欣莫夫(Margarita Ibrahimoff),职业上称为丽塔·威尔逊(Rita Wilson),是美国女演员,歌手,作曲家和制片人。她的电影出现在《志愿兵》,《西雅图夜未眠》,《时不我待》,《一路响叮当》,《我们的故事》,《落跑新娘》和《爱很复杂》中,并出现在电视连续剧《傲骨贤妻与女孩》中


The Oscar winner, 63, shared an update and new photo amid concern about their health after the couple announced Wednesday that they tested positive amid the coronavirus pandemic(流行病). They have been in “hospital isolation(隔离)” at the Gold Coast University Hospital in Queensland, Australia, where he had been filming an Elvis Presley biopic(传记电影).




“Hanx” wrote that he and Wilson “want to thank everyone here Down Under who are taking such good care of us. We have COVID-19 and are in isolation so we do not spread it to anyone else. There are those for whom it could lead to a very serious illness.”

As for them, they are, “taking it one day at a time.”

He went on to say, “there are things we can all do to get through,” citing “following the advice of experts” and “taking care of ourselves and each other.”

He ended the post with a line borrowed from his film A League of Their Own, writing, “Remember, despite all the current events, there is no crying in baseball.


“棒球中没有哭泣”是棒球电影《粉红联盟自己的联赛》中的经典台词,奥斯卡奖最佳男主角汤姆·汉克斯饰演女子棒球队教练,在场边训斥麾下球员的台词,已经成为了棒球 电影的经典对白。

