雙語:Chaotic Happiness(家裡混亂也是一種幸福)

雙語:Chaotic Happiness(家裡混亂也是一種幸福)

A friend and I were standing in line at the grocery store the other day, and I was telling her how lazy my children were. I had come in from work that morning, and like most times, my house was wrecked.


"Do you know how blessed you are?" A woman behind us asked."I would love to go home and find my house a mess. I wouldn't mind my carpet being ruined or the dishes left everywhere. I wouldn't mind the dirty clothes being piled highly or the many socks to match. I wouldn't even mind anyone talking about my dirty home. As a matter of fact, I would love it. I would dearly love to kick my way through the house just to get to my kids and be able to hug them, kiss them and tell them how much I love them. You see, my two children were killed in an auto accident and now it's just my husband and me. My house stays clean, my clothes stay put up, and the dishes are done.

雙語:Chaotic Happiness(家裡混亂也是一種幸福)

"你知道自己多幸福嗎?"我們身後的一個女人說道,"我非常希望回到家後,能看到房子裡混亂不堪.地毯弄髒了,或者到處是盤子、成堆的髒衣服、混雜的襪子,我都不介意,甚至別人說我的房子有多髒,我也不在乎.事實上,我就喜歡那樣.只要能再和我的孩子們在一起,能擁抱、親吻並告訴他們,我是多麼愛他們,我就非常願意踢開腳邊的雜物,在混亂的房子裡穿行.你知道嗎?在一次車禍中,我的兩個孩子都遇難了,現在只剩下我和丈夫.我的房子總是很乾淨,衣服堆放整潔,盤子也擺放妥當. "

There are no fingerprints on my walls, no mysterious spots on my carpets. There are no sounds of arguing, no slamming doors, no laughter, no I love you Mom. So you see, you are very blessed. What I would like to be going through is just what you are right now. How I would love to be able to hold my kids, wipe away their tears, and share their dreams. Just to watch them play. If I had my children, I wouldn't care how my house looked. I would be happy just to have them."


雙語:Chaotic Happiness(家裡混亂也是一種幸福)

Now if you come into my house and see a big mess, you can think bad thoughts if you want, but I feel greatly blessed.


雙語:Chaotic Happiness(家裡混亂也是一種幸福)

